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5861. 21 Jan 2010 18:09


well, this may have shown up in this thread before- though im not sure, so if it has i apologize, - note- it's a bit more ' mature' in nature- so keep that in mind before you go to show little ones- nothing graphic or anything, but still...
Baldur's tea and traveling got me thinking of multi-tasking-

5862. 21 Jan 2010 18:23


now that was funny

5863. 21 Jan 2010 18:28


Amen--that was very funny! Hope you're feeling better, Baldur.

5864. 21 Jan 2010 18:52


Baldur hope you feel better soon!!

5865. 21 Jan 2010 18:56


Loved the videos!

5866. 21 Jan 2010 20:08


heh heh... I did get a kick out of the multitasking males (and sent it on), but those Triplettes bits... wow! those are a WONDERFUL find... and yes the cameos added a lot, if you happen to know who they are.

One thing that startles me, in a totally good way, is that the first Triplettes link has as its own top featured link within youtube an oddly handled (and addictively rhythmic) guitar piece that just happens to be one of my all-time favorites ever-- strange luck! a stretch, but perhaps it sprang from the Django Reinhardt toes-playing..?

5867. 22 Jan 2010 06:47


Catching up:

Arw65, you go through TEN avacados a week? Do you eat them in salads or how. Have never heard of eating so many and they ARE yum, so please do tell. Also, LOL at your video! What language is that? Anyone know?

Baldur, tee hee, was thinking of what kind of picnic you'd have and couldn't decide on foods, but the carpet seemed Baldur-esque and who knew ... it IS! Let me know when you're having your next picnic! I want to sit on a lush Persian carpet in the out of doors!

Qsilv, LOVE that guitar piece!!! I could do yoga to it. Is the whole CD/Album that nice?

5868. 22 Jan 2010 07:43


marius, the Men Multitasking was in french. Strangely I've seen it before but it was just as funny the second time.

Avacados in salads are wonderful, I've been know to make a very good guacamole as well. It's soooo easy, you just take your ripe avacado amsh it up, add salsa (as much as you like) and mix it together and throw a little lemon juice in to keep everything from turning brown. Eaten with Hint of Lime corn chips it's wonderful!

5869. 22 Jan 2010 08:15


guitars -

-- well, it depends on what grabs you about guitar work. I love most stuff that Andy McKee does, and much of the old Leo Kottke. But "Drifting" is truly a unique piece... I admit to sometimes just setting it on Replay for, like, forever.... ;D

avocados -

-- when I was a kid we had an avocado tree and so did 3 different neighbors. They all bore at different times of the year. We were never out of 'em, and it was a terrible shock when I grew up, moved out, and discovered what they cost in stores most times of the year! My mom used to slice one in half, leaving the pit in place to retard oxidation, wrap it in a bit of saranwrap, and stuff it into my lunchsack. Frankly, I still often just open one, salt it, and eat it with a spoon.... mmmm... smooooth....

5870. 22 Jan 2010 08:29


Ohhh - I could do a whole hour of yoga to just that one song! Hadn't thought of that! Thanks Qsilv!

I eat avacados like you said, but like lemon or lime juice on it too.

5871. 22 Jan 2010 08:53


we eat avocados in salads, on sandwiches- grilled turkey and muenster with avocado- yum, i often just slice it and eat with a spoon- it's also wonderful in an omelet with bacon and cheddar and cream cheese.- i have on rare occasion attempted to make guacamole but usually end up ruining it.i also have 2 little girls who love to eat avocados- living in the southwest means that i can get them fairly inexpensively year round- usually about 50 cents each. sorry about the video- i guess i clicked on the wrong one... the original is in English- they seem to be British if their accents are anything to go by. i

5872. 22 Jan 2010 11:58


Well marius entertains us with her Missouri Moments so I thought I'd throw in a bit of Red Deer Ramblings (marius helped me with that name btw) I hope Alberta is as entertaining as Missouri!

Today is a very blah day here, we had fog all yesterday and today it's more fog and a little freezing drizzle for good measure. Everything is coated in a thin layer of pebbly ice rather like a curling rink. However, on a pleasant note the insurance company approved the repairs on my car and as soon as the motor gets here from the states the work can commence. The insurance inspector tried to tell the mechanic that they should try a rebuilt motor but the mechanic said 'no way, the car is barely a year old it needs new'. It's good to have a mechanic for a boyfriend and even better to have him working where the work is getting done! So I finally got into a rental car this afternoon and I can give my sweetie his car back (thank goodness he has a truck too or he'd have been taxi-ing me around for the whole week!)

5873. 22 Jan 2010 13:27


yay for dragon, so glad to hear that you got approved for the repairs- it's miserable not having a working vehicle- However in the current weather conditions i might as well not have a vehicle at all- since it's buried in 4 feet of snow, and the majority of the roads are closed.- on an entirely different matter- food-

I love to experiment in the kitchen, and after making a chicken-cheddar quesadilla for my husband i thought i'd try something a bit different. after looking into the fridge-which since being snowed in for 3 days is a bit emptier than usual... any ways this is what i ended up with and it was quite tasty.
2 tortillas, a handful of mozzarella, chicken strips grilled and seasoned with fajita seasoning, 1/2 avocado, a small dollop of ricotta(thinly spread on one of the tortillas, a dash of mrs dash and some pepper.- the whole thing grilled so that the cheese is melted and the tortilla is golden brown.... and paired with a pomegranate- blueberry lemonade- wonderful-

5874. 22 Jan 2010 13:37


That sounds devine Arw, I wouldn't have thought of adding avacado but what a nice addition it must make. Hmm, I have to hit the grocery store on the way home, perhaps my list should include avacados, and tortillas (we have everything else)

5875. 22 Jan 2010 13:39


i do think a bit of green chili or even a ripe tomato could have improved it, but as the say hindsight is 20/20

5876. 22 Jan 2010 16:22


Love Red Deer Ramblings! So happy you've got the rental car and will get a new engine. Yeah for Dragon! Btw, why is a curling rink covered with pebbly ice? That is news to this one.

Thanks Arw65 and all for more avacado and food stories. Yum.

Here is a darling tear-jerker of a story a friend just sent. It's part of the Bonnie Hunt show where she tells about a five year old who takes over when Dad calls 911 and he suddenly can't talk. The kid is amazing. The Dad is saved.

5877. 23 Jan 2010 06:42


Baldur thinks it is fairly certain now that both he and Auntie B have the flu.
It's less about congestion now and more about sleepiness, body aches and chills.
Today I am somewhat more awake but my eyes don't seem to care to focus correctly.
Auntie B tends to go into seclusion when ill. I phoned her and was reassured that she has everything she requires.
My neighbor the widow also seems to have the same ailment, Robert has gone out to get her some Gatorade. She had called this morning and asked if either of us were headed to market today.
Her symptoms seem the same as mine and her main concern is that she is not drinking enough.
Auntie B's suggestion that she take more gin apparently did not sink in.

5878. 23 Jan 2010 06:47


Here is a version of one of our favoritest children's books at Chez Baldur.
Edward Gorey is indeed among the finest deceased authors.
I was astounded to find someone had animated the story

The Gashlycrumb Tinies

5879. 23 Jan 2010 06:53


Baldur, gorey, and funny. My son has this book from elementary school, and have to say love the film much better!! A good laugh this a.m.!!

5880. 23 Jan 2010 07:05


Why don't we turn this into the next Radio Baldur Contest-a-thon.
Do a morbid drawing in the style of the 'Gashlycrumb Tinies'.
(If you are unable to access YouTube and are unfamiliar with the book go to Google and check it out)