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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

5841. 20 Jan 2010 17:37


them - m + n = then

5842. 20 Jan 2010 18:02


-e +a = than

(quietly leaving a handful of clementines and a few black chocolates perfused with mint in a cut-glass bowl)

5843. 20 Jan 2010 18:07


obviously I'm not well.

The chocolates and clementines are most appreciated.

5844. 20 Jan 2010 18:25


Surely Auntie B will make you a nice bowl of soup, Baldur. Hope you feel better soon. Sheftali got an H1N1 flu shot today, and has a sore arm at this point.

5845. 21 Jan 2010 11:43


Wow, it's sure quiet here today. Here's a joke to liven things up.

One day after an exhausting double shift at the hospital a nurse went to the bank when she got off work. When she went got up to the teller and went to fill out her deposit slip she pulled a rectal thermometer out of her pocket where she usually kept her pen. She immediatly started swearing a blue streak and the teller asked her what was wrong. She threw down the thermometer and said "This means some a$$hole has my pen!"

5846. 21 Jan 2010 11:47


It was a quiet day here at Chez Baldur while my recuperation continues.
My sinusii are still dripping and my throat is not appreciating it at all.
Baldur spent some time learning how to use the remote control/ DVD player. Eventually successful I watched the first disk of season 1 of 'the Addams Family'.
It was quite delightful, though afterwards my sole inclination was to nap.

5847. 21 Jan 2010 11:48


LOL heavens.

5848. 21 Jan 2010 11:55


LOL, Dragon! Makes me think of an even more sick-humor kind of nurse joke. What's the difference between an oral and a rectal thermometer??

(OK, forgive me for this)

The taste!

5849. 21 Jan 2010 13:50


What's the difference between God and a doctor?


God doesn't think he's a doctor!

5850. 21 Jan 2010 16:14


True story. Knew a retired nurse who said her husband, the doctor, never got over the changes that had happened in the medical profession. When asked what changes, the woman said, "Oh you know. When Bill first became a doctor, the nurses had to stand up whenever a doctor entered the room. Bill LOVED that."

Bill would probably be close to 100 now, but that's the only time I've heard that nurses had to stand when a doctor came in the room. Robin? What do you know about this?

5851. 21 Jan 2010 16:16


Baldur, hope you're healing. Has your amaryllis bloomed? Mine did about a week ago. It makes me feel better to just look at them and I'm not sick. : )
Get well soon. We miss you!

5852. 21 Jan 2010 16:33


I only have 2 plants that might possibly bloom. One is an african violet which I've had for nearly a year and has never bloomed since losing the first batch it had when I bought it. The other is a christmas cactus which I'v had for years, it used to be a fantastic bloomer putting out blossoms throughout the year, it never seemed to care that it wasn't christmas time. It absolutly loved the kitchen window in the first place I lived in Red Deer. Then I moved into the hole, a basement suite with no good windows, very little natural light and, I'm quite sure, a mold problem (never saw mold but I was constantly sick when I lived there). It has not blossomed since then even now that I live in a place with lots of light and no mold. My fella's mom had one that she wanted to bloom so she gave it a little tea, she said hers blossomed immediatly and with vigor. I tried this, I barely nursed it back to life, I really thought it was the end of that poor christmas cactus. It seems fairly healthy again so I'm hoping someday it will decide to bloom for me again (jeez that sounds like a cheap romance novel doesn't it). The funny thing is I grew it from a cutting off the plant at work which is huge and blooms regularly. The one at work puts out pink flowers and the cutting I took puts out red flowers. I never thought such a thing could happen but they are very different. I've always wondered if it had to do with the soil or something.

5853. 21 Jan 2010 16:35


Of the ten amaryllis that are in the living room 8 are in some stage of growth, 3 are showing flower buds.
It will be a couple more weeks before the first one blooms.

5854. 21 Jan 2010 16:54


This is a great evening for an odd music moment.
Here is M singing the theme from 'the Triplets of Belleville.

5855. 21 Jan 2010 16:56


That was such a wonderfully strange movie, and entirely in French which Baldur does not understand a word of.
Nonetheless it was fascinating and easy to follow

Here is 'Belleville Rendezvous' from the same film

5856. 21 Jan 2010 17:01


It was marvelous that they included cameos of Django Reinhardt, Josephine Baker and Fred Astaire

5857. 21 Jan 2010 17:15


Wow! Where do you get this stuff? Cracked me up ... even the man who got caught in the um, er ... you know.

Thanks for the laugh before dream-land. marius had a long day and it's time for Zzz's. Goodnight all!

5858. 21 Jan 2010 17:18


Has Baldur visited post #26 in current ThinkWrite? He may, (or perhaps may not) wish to do so. ; )

... hey I take my story ideas where I can get them. Just know a Baldur picnic would be all that and more!

5859. 21 Jan 2010 17:22


Everyone should really watch the movie 'the Triplets of Belleville'.
What was especially enjoyably for Baldur was the scene that supposedly takes place in the 20's was done in 20's style animation. When we meet the characters again years later the style of animation is current.

5860. 21 Jan 2010 17:34


marius it's funny that you would include the bit about Persian carpets being spread on the ground for the picnic; I would really do that.

When I go to a hotel overnight some of my Spode and Sterling comes along. Enough that myself and a couple guests can have tea in the afternoon. (Baldur also packs a small electric kettle).
Baking while traveling is usually out of the question so I search out local pastries instead. In New Brunswick or Toronto it would be sugar tarts.