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5821. 19 Jan 2010 18:54


marius also thinks Qsilv's dressing is the oddest she's ever heard. Will certainly try it as all those ingredients are yummy.

5822. 19 Jan 2010 19:43


what Qsilv wants to try is adding Diego to her I mean, mm, Diego's marinated coconut shrimp.

5823. 19 Jan 2010 19:49


one of my favorite salads has got a bit of a Mexican twist to it, Basic lettuce, tomato, cucumber, add avocados, grilled onions and green chili strips- seeded- just 'cuz I'm a wuss when it comes to spicy stuff, some nicely marinated and grilled chicken and a few carrots for some crunch, squeeze a lemon on it for dressing and sometimes a bit of honey to satisfy the sweet-tooth. - it's divine.

5824. 19 Jan 2010 20:01


All this talk about salads and dressings is making Sheftali drool a bit. One of my favorite salads is composed of mixed greens, red onion, cauliflower, artichoke hearts, a little diced meat, with a balsamic vinaigrette. Yesterday, I ate this particular salad with some smoked salmon in it.

5825. 20 Jan 2010 08:44


Here's a dressing I've never made myself but have had it a couple of times at my fella's sister's place. As the name suggests it's best with a spinach and strawberry salad.

Spinach and Strawberry Salad Dressing (Vinegrette)

1/3 cup white sugar
½ cup oil (canola or veg)
¼ cup white vinegar
2 Tbsp sesame seeds
2 Tbsp poppy seeds
¼ tsp paprika
½ tsp Worchestershire sauce
1 ½ tsp minced dry onions

Mix all ingredients and serve over salad

5826. 20 Jan 2010 08:48


A quick update on the status of Dragons car. I did indeed manage to destroy the engine, it needs replacing. My insurance adjuster or inspector or whatever has to go confirm the dealerships diagnosis and estimate then work can commence. I'm still waiting to hear back from the claims guy so I can get a rental car, in the meantime I've been using my boyfriends car and have very carefully been taking a different route in and out of our alley in an effort to avoid the ice block that broke my car in the first place.

5827. 20 Jan 2010 09:55


Oh Dragon. Sorry about your car. At least you have insurance!

5828. 20 Jan 2010 09:59


And one more:

Honey-lime Dressing.
1/4 c. lemon juice
3 TBSP lime juice
1/4 c. honey
1/4 c. oil
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. dry mustard

Goes great on spinach salad w/ avacado, strawberries, toasted almonds, small can of Mandarin oranges. Put dressing on at last minute.

5829. 20 Jan 2010 10:00


Am loving all the salad stuff! Thanks for bringing it up, Baldur.

5830. 20 Jan 2010 10:04


I love avacado in salads. Actually, it's really nice in sandwiches too. My mom has a kitchen tool designed specifically for slicing ripe avacado. You just cut the avacado in half and remove the pit then use this tool. Here's a link to see what they look like 'cause it's too hard to explain.

5831. 20 Jan 2010 10:10


we probably go through 10 avacados a week... i simply use a spoon to slice and scoop- it works quite well.

5832. 20 Jan 2010 10:11


Dragon, boo-hoo on your car. I thought for sure you'd find out that it was no big deal. Too bad you can't blame the city for not cleaning up the ice or something. Or Mother Nature for leaving it in your way. That sucks!

I am enjoying the resurgance of the cooking portion of the show here on Channel Baldur! All these recipes! I'd love to know if anyone has a delicious recipe for a creamy (emphasis on the creamy) chicken tortilla soup? Oddly, the hospital I work at makes a delicious version. Maybe it's canned for all I know, but it's really good. The recipes I have usually have a clear chicken broth, not a creamy one.

Robin is googling how to get ordained to perform wedding ceremonies! My friend just got engaged and wants me to perform the ceremony. I am amazed that all it takes is a check. I have checked several sites and they vary in price, but they all say the same courses, no training, just send the money and we'll mail your certificate of ordination. I think that's kind of demeaning to people who study for years to become legitimate pastors and ministers. I guess I thought I'd have to at least take some sort of course or something. In any case, no matter how unfair it is to the legitimate clergy, I am going to do this for my friend.

Next month I am starting my cake decorating class. So I told my friend I could not only perform her ceremony, but I could bake her cake. Now all I need is a sound system and I could be her DJ, too! LOL I'm thinking of starting a one-man travelling wedding show as my new career! I can be Pastor Robin during the ceremony, Chef Robin during the cake-cutting, and Robin DeeJay during the reception!

5833. 20 Jan 2010 13:55


Robin, I googled cream chicken tortilla soup and here's what came up. Is it what you were wanting?

How fun Robin gets to perform a wedding ceremony! I've known quite a few folks who did that. They all loved it. As for Chef Robin and DeeJay Robin, well, why not! Let us know about the cake decorating class.

And, some might say, "been there, done that" but marius is dreaming of another Robin-hosted limerick session on Channel Baldur. That was such a fun segment and so many folks joined in!

5834. 20 Jan 2010 14:25


Perhaps when Pastor Robin isn't performing weddings she can start up one of those travelling carnival type religions with the big tent. You could bring the Religion of the Almighty ThinkDraw to the unwashed masses!

5835. 20 Jan 2010 14:38


LOL, Dragon. When I was in nursing school a hundred years ago, there was a girl in my class who would pipe up with a story about people from her church who suffered every new ailment we studied. We other students cringed when she would raise her hand to comment, knowing full well our time would be wasted yet again when all we wanted to do was get through the material. We dubbed her place of worship, "The Church of the Super Sick." It always cracked me up and has stuck with me all these years. So now I will be the new minister of the Religion of the Almighty ThinkDraw! LMAO!

5836. 20 Jan 2010 14:43


For Marius:

There once lived in Boise a Pastor
Who hoped this career would last her
The "I do's" she'd say,
Then music she'd play
And cake would be served all the faster.

5837. 20 Jan 2010 16:22


There once was a car in Red Deer
That wished it had oil for its gears
The oil it ran
From a cracked oil pan
I should buy my mechanic a beer!

5838. 20 Jan 2010 16:32


Hello everyone, forgive my someone silent state today,
Once again I've come down with some variant of a cold.
I was quite cold by bedtime last night and went to bed fully dressed. Much of today was spent napping under a very warm blanket.
The drugs are helping with the congestion, but this time it is a bit different them my last cold. Whereas before it was just an immovable block of sinus pressure this cold has everything draining down the back of my throat. It's very annoying.

5839. 20 Jan 2010 17:01


There once was a luddite from Primrose,
Had a problem with sinus and throat-nose.
He slept fully dressed,
But still felt a mess,
Til' his Auntie made cures from a glow-rose.

5840. 20 Jan 2010 17:02


Not sure what a glow-rose is, but am sure that AuntieB does. Hope you're on the mend soon!