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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

581. 7 Sep 2010 12:02


Well,my sisters know about it,and are very supportive,but I live a bit far away from them.One of them told me to go and sleep at her house,as my son is passing some days with his friends at our other house by the sea-side.I never grumble in front of him as he is still young and he has his life to live.My church community I attend,is going to restart next week,as we had a Summer recess.Hopefully next week I will have more support!
Thanks Hazer for your concern.How is your hubby?

582. 7 Sep 2010 14:24


Hi jspi . . .

Hubby is still at home. It seems that the weight loss has turned around now but seems to jump up and down a lot from morning to night. He will see his Dr tomorrow and probably go for more blood work to see if his body is recovering as it should. It will all take time.

I am glad that even though we are miles apart and only know each other through TD, we can still encourage and support each other. There are so many wonderful people in our TD community. Take care jspi.

583. 8 Sep 2010 06:44


Hi Hazer,
I am really thrilled with this TD.Besides being a playful site,it is bringing hope and encouragement to people who are passing life's tribulations. Thanks to you hazer,although I do not know you physically,I am able to pour out my heart's present hurts and find hope,support and consolation.It is a nice feeling to know that,somewhere,out there ,in this world of ours,there is someone who cares for you.You are God's spirit talking to me dear Hazer in this time of need.May the spirit of the Lord oveshadow you and your husband,in this time of need.Dear hazer I always remember both of you in my prayers when I'praying in front of the Eucharist! thanks Hazer.Take care.

584. 9 Sep 2010 18:31



585. 12 Sep 2010 02:02


Hi Hazer,how are you?It seems that you are again producing on think draw.Thanks be the Lord.

586. 12 Sep 2010 20:21


A quick note...thanks for the Birthday wishes. The grandchildren ...7, 6 and, almost 4, are always such a treat to have around. They were very much looking forward to having corn on the cob at Grandmas.

Hubby feels he is ready to go back to work, again totally ignoring Hazer's protests. He has promised to take it easy. The Dr. had told him to take at least 6 weeks after getting out of the hospital, but after a month and a half from the time he first got sick, he is anxious to get the wheels turning again.
I put him fully in God's hands.
He lost a total of 28 lbs in just a couple of weeks and is now starting to put a few lbs back on, but I think it will take a while to build his strength back up.

587. 13 Sep 2010 14:04


I'm glad to here that about Hubby!Happy birthday dear,things somtimes are good or bad!that's life!! Anyway,many happy returns of the day,and may God bless.

588. 13 Sep 2010 14:27


Thanks jspi. . . this has been a year to build and test our character. We have certainly learned to cherish each other more and to not hold too tightly to the things of this world.

Hope things are improving for you and your husband.

589. 13 Sep 2010 14:51


putting on weight is a sign of recovery. I hope everything turns out OK.

590. 16 Sep 2010 11:11


Dear Hazer,
I am glad that your hubby is on his way of recovery.As from yesterday,my husband is sleeping at home,thank God.His brother is also better.Thanks for the care.I always remember you in my prayers.So long.

591. 16 Sep 2010 13:40


Oh, that is good news, jspi! I'm so glad things are improving!

My husband has managed a few days of work now and had a good report from his Dr on his blood work. He will need to have blood tests done every two weeks until the specialist is satisfied that he is out of danger.

And yes polenta, he has regained about 10 pounds, and is quite proud of himself!

592. 16 Sep 2010 13:47


Oh, that is good news Hazer! Very happy for both of you!!

593. 16 Sep 2010 15:25


good news indeed!

594. 17 Sep 2010 11:08


Glad to hear that piece of news,Hazer.

595. 21 Sep 2010 07:44


That is great Hazer!

Please pray for my Grandpa, he goes in for knee surgery tomorrow.

596. 21 Sep 2010 09:59


I will be praying for your Grandpa, Jocelyn. I will be curious to know what he thinks of the surgery as I am going to have to have a knee replacement done too.

597. 22 Sep 2010 09:29


After a couple of weeks of attempting to get back to his work routine, hubby has phoned me and wants me to be prepared to have him go back into the hospital when he gets home. Since this weekend his jaundice has been getting steadily worse gain which indicates there is another blockage He is losing more weight again. I am somewhat relieved that he recognizes the need to go back to the hospital, even though he hates being there. Please pray with me that he first of all, gets home safely, and that he will get the treatment he needs to clear his liver up so it can function normally. Thanks again for your prayers and support as we have been trying to come to grips with the changes that his illness has thrown us into over the past month and a half! Today is his birthday. We cannot celebrate it today bu hopefully by next week he will have had the treatment he needs and be on the mend!

598. 22 Sep 2010 09:30


a + gain = again

599. 22 Sep 2010 10:47


Jocelyn, how did your Grandpa's knee surgery go?
And jspi. . . are things improving for you and your family?

600. 23 Sep 2010 15:32


Well hubby made it home okay, and has managed to dodge the hospital for now. His doctor will contact the liver specialist instead, and try and get him booked in rather than going through emergency. That way he can wait at home for whatever procedure he'll require. The good news is that they have ruled out Hepatitis A, B, and C, as well as any cancer. The question now is if his body is able to clear the gallstones and "sludge" on its own. Time will tell.