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5781. 18 Jan 2010 14:11


I'll suggest that to him Auntie B, but as my current car is barely more than a year old and we're just barely staying out having money troubles I don't think it's going to happen.
BTW your suggestion for salad sounded wonderful. (I too think Baldur should circumspectly ditch the dressings)

5782. 18 Jan 2010 14:43


the dressings will be fine in the compost heap....

the car engine... not so much. BUT unless it overheated (did it? or did just that dreaded oil light come on?) it's likely ok. New pan.

Good luck, Dragon... and sympathy, fwiw.

5783. 18 Jan 2010 15:17


The problem was that the oil light did indeed come on because the oil had completely drained from the engine and I went ahead and drove it several km's back to work. Had I simply shut the engine off when the light went on it would pretty much have just needed a new oil pan but I'm lucky I didn't seize the engine entirely. Fortunately my insurance should take care of replacing the motor (except for the $500 deductable of course) but it will affect my payments as it was my fault and is considered a collision.

5784. 18 Jan 2010 15:19


I must ask, what does fwiw mean?

5785. 18 Jan 2010 15:48


fwiw = 'for what it's worth' ...and if it didn't seize, it didn't seize! (wry twinkle)

5786. 18 Jan 2010 16:15


Ahhh, thank you for the info.
Yes, very good that it didn't seize, wouldn't like to have come rolling to a halt in the middle of one of the busiest roads in Red Deer.

5787. 18 Jan 2010 16:29


er.. Dragon....? I've been in Red Deer.... (sympathy still intact tho) ; D

Ok folks... any more entries? 2 1/2 hrs left and counting.... (but I know that feeling of trying to squeak in under the wire and finding they've moved the wire!)

5788. 18 Jan 2010 16:31


oh bah... get your threads sorted, Q...

5789. 18 Jan 2010 16:47


Well at least it wasn't Baldur hijacking threads.

5790. 18 Jan 2010 16:51


Aww, Dragon. Sorry about your car. Crossing my fingers for you. I've always said they teach the wrong things in school! I would not know the importance of the "check oil" light were it not for a Missouri Moment.

Thirty-plus years ago my younger brother was in college and the parents bought him a car. He's the only kid they did this for because John was "the responsible one."

John didn't use his car much and he was a careful driver, but three years later his car was totaled! Turns out John did not know cars need to have the oil changed, much less that sometimes it's good to add oil.

The parents got a call from a highway somewhere and had to go pick John up. My Dad was completely flummoxed that "the golden one" had not checked the oil in his car one time in three years.

marius felt quite badly for John, but tee hee, I learned what wasn't taught in schools ... what you just learned.

Reminds me of the time I fell asleep in one of those hard plastic baby pools. It was in the shade, so no worry there. However, when I awoke, my neck had been resting on the hard rim and all the skin covering the left side and back half of the skull was numb!

Went to the doctor and the man was furious. He said, "You may have a numb skull for the rest of you life. This could be permanent nerve damage! Do you understand?" I told the doctor I understood and was sorry (seemed like he needed to hear that) and said, "How would I have known not to fall asleep like that? They sure didn't teach it in school."

Mercifully, after six months the feelings returned to the skin and I am no longer a numb-skull. : )

5791. 18 Jan 2010 16:53


Does anyone else have any salad combinations they's like to share?

I know I have gotten favorable comments on using oranges in tossed salad.
This recipe grew out of frustration. Baldur was quite tired of pink, rubbery unripenable (+5 points) tomatoes.
One evening we were having dinner guests and the tomatoes were particularly horrid.
My salad was mixed greens. I then pared the peel off of several navel oranges, halved the flesh and sliced it thickly. The slices were scattered over the greens with very thinly sliced red onions and tiny black greek olives. The dressing was just basic oil and (balsamic) vinegar.
Everyone raved over it.
Though in retrospect many of the guests at Chez Baldur just rave in general.

5792. 18 Jan 2010 16:53


they's - s + d = they'd

5793. 18 Jan 2010 17:01


Baldur gets yelled at by loved ones for performing self-surgery.
The fact that I can do this both astounds and horrifies them.
I will dig out deep splinters, cut off skin tags etc with basic tools that include nail clippers, steak knives, sewing needles, and of course tweezers.
Baldur does sterilize everything but it admittingly still is a risky business.
Under the 'too much information' banner I can tell you that I am plagued with skin tags on my neck where my shirt collar abrades it, and very frequently in my armpits. They aggravate me and I cannot abide them.
So I have an officially designated nail clipper that I use for lopping them off while they are still on the small side.
Too often have people been in my presence with these alien looking growths dangling from their person. Baldur vowed he would not ever join their ranks.

5794. 18 Jan 2010 17:03


A favorite salad is: get a garlic clove and smash/rub it all over the insides of a large bowl, preferably wooden. Toss in lettuce greens, green onions, celery, water chestnuts, very thinly cut pieces of granny smith apples that have been tossed with a bit of lemon, peanuts and/or almonds and maybe avacado too. Mix it all up to get the garlic spread around. Maybe add some chick peas or other beans. Low calorie feta is a nice addition too.
And, if you eat meat ... bacon makes everything better. : )

5795. 18 Jan 2010 17:07


Sorry about your skin tags, Baldur. My Robert has them too. Hates them with a passion but they don't bother me. Of course, I'm not the one wearing them. Have just lost my zest for salad for some reason ... lol!

5796. 18 Jan 2010 17:09


Are you going to tell them about your friend Boris?
OK I will..........
Baldur has a charming older friend, who Auntie B thinks is just adorable, except for the hairs on his nose.
I try not to stare but how can one not?
My nephew refuses to pull this gentleman aside and point out the nose hair.
Now Auntie is not talking about hair protruding from the nostrils, that is an entirely different problem.
Boris has 5 (I counted them during a brief conversation) thick white hairs growing on the tip of his nose. They are each at least 3/4" long.
DANG, how can he not see these when brushing his teeth.
Even if he needs to yank them out by the roots everyday, he should still do it.
OK Auntie B will now kick the soapbox off to the side of the stage.
Back to Baldur...

5797. 18 Jan 2010 17:14


Thank you so much for telling the world about Boris' nasal pelt Auntie B.

marius, if I understood correctly there is no dressing per se?
Just the bit of lemon juice on the apples mingling with the garlic on the bowl?

5798. 18 Jan 2010 17:16


Oh - you can use any dressing, but I prefer something light ... maybe balsamic vinegar with a bit of olive oil.

5799. 18 Jan 2010 17:16


Oh another Chez Baldur update that occurs to me just now.
Yesterday I FINALLY finished assembling my second needlepoint Klimtesque pillow. The dark brown velvet backing, the decorative trim and the stuffing have all been added.
This leaves me with just one pillow panel awaiting assembly.

5800. 18 Jan 2010 17:20


I use more olive oil here than any other oil or fat.
When I do buy canola oil it's a very small bottle as it is likely to go rancid before getting used up.
Other than that there is butter in my refrigerator, toasted sesame seed oil in the larder, and occasionally walnut oil.
Which I really need to replenish now that I think of it.
We do not use the evil substances known as margerine or shortening here.