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5761. 17 Jan 2010 10:07


This was inspired by Aja & other cat stories...

5762. 17 Jan 2010 11:51


matthew, love your "cat story!" : ) Thanks for posting it cause I'm not always up-to-date in the gallery and sure wouldn't have wanted to miss it!

5763. 17 Jan 2010 11:53


... I need a nap. Can't "sure wouldn't have wanted to miss it" be said more simply? ZZZzzzzzzzzz

5764. 17 Jan 2010 14:19


You sure could drop the sure... but I am not sure how sure you were about your sureness of not wanting to miss it...

5765. 17 Jan 2010 15:49


Auntie B loved Loved LOVED the 80's.
Here is a little nostalgic moment for you all to enjoy

5766. 17 Jan 2010 16:02


.....and here is another little video, though not of the 80s
Some clever editing makes this worthwhile.
Auntie must say she has always loved this special ditty....

5767. 17 Jan 2010 16:55


matthew, LOL! I'm not sure about anything after reading that ... but am glad I did not miss your picture! ; )

Oh AuntieB, you have such interesting tastes in music. I liked them both!Thank you for sharing.

5768. 17 Jan 2010 19:04


YOU TOOK MY PICTURE!!! Dang Paparazzi...!!!

5769. 18 Jan 2010 04:22


You're famous?

5770. 18 Jan 2010 04:44


AuntieB... about Diego...... hm... well, thank you for the URL, dear ;>

5771. 18 Jan 2010 04:56


This link was sent to me as incredibly hilarious.
Do you find it funny?

5772. 18 Jan 2010 05:28


Coincidentally, a friend was describing this to me just a day ago, but I'd never seen it, so thank you!
Impressive combination of funny and poignant.
His ability to vary the routine makes it a tour de force tho of a style that's longer, more drawn-out, than today's quicker routines.
For me, there's something wonderful about the elderly embracing eccentricity as a way of keeping a firm hold on joy.

5773. 18 Jan 2010 06:21


That was very good, and quite reminiscent of the style employed by Tim Conway and Carol Burnett. I could see them in the roles very easily.
What was expecially marvelous was that the old woman got through the entire routine without laughing.
That had to have been quite difficult

5774. 18 Jan 2010 11:15


Polenta, thanks for sharing. Did YOU find it funny? I enjoy this kind of humor, but wouldn't call it "incredibly hilarious." But then, my favorite humor is whatever makes me laugh loudly, and maybe hard enough to squeeze out a few tears too. : )

I never know what will make me laugh like that. Often it is someone else. Today a friend showed me a cell-phone picture of her sister. My friend had somehow put a wild hair-do on her sister's head and my friend was laughing so hard trying to show me this picture that when I saw it, I laughed until there were tears.

My friend and I were standing in the parking lot laughing until our sides were hurting and our husbands stood a little ways off from us trying to pretend they didn't know us. THAT made us laugh all the more.

When we were driving home my husband said, "What was so funny?" When I told him he just shook his head and said, "You and Jan are like that - I think the two of you could laugh about anything." He might be right.

5775. 18 Jan 2010 13:26


This indeed was a dreary wet day in Primrose.
The snow on the ground has been transformed into slush by 12 hours of relentless drizzling rain.
So I decided to start some seeds indoors.
A friend in Louisiana sent me an package of seeds that he had harvested from his own garden of a dwarf variety of canna.
We do grow cannas here already in large pots. They must be dragged into the garage for the winter and look very pathetic by the time Spring rolls around. They miraculously recover and do beautifully in the summer weather.
The seeds look like black peas, and Sonny sent quite a few so my prediction is that there will be a mini-forest by July.

5776. 18 Jan 2010 13:37


Baldur is having a salad again for dinner. This is part of my yearly effort to eat better. Fear not, by the end of January these delusions will pass.
Robert is immune to such concepts.
I made him a very nice little Shepherd's Pie.
My salad is lettuce, slice cucumber, grape tomatoes, faux tuna salad, homemade croutons with French Dressing.
Faux tuna salad is prepared by draining and rinsing a can of chickpeas. Mash the beans slightly with a fork and add a tiny amount of lemon juice, some minced onion, chopped parsley and a small amount of mayonnaise.
Yesterdays homemade bread was the basis of today's croutons.
After cutting about a cup of small bread cubes, I sauteed them briefly with very little olive oil, some garlic powder, paprika and hot pepper flakes.
The French dressing is a penance of sorts. it may be my least favorite dressing. Robert sometimes picks up things in his travels and recently he bought several bottles of dressing. Luckily only one was French, and he won't eat it himself.
He generally avoids salad, but if cornered he will eat it with Italian dressing.
Were I truly naughty I would have crumbled some feta cheese over this salad too, and perhaps a sliced hard cooked egg and a few black olives.
The croutons are the indulgence, the French dressing the penance.

5777. 18 Jan 2010 13:45


slice + d = sliced

5778. 18 Jan 2010 13:56


Dragon is having a truly miserable afternoon. The sun has been shining and the day has been lovely but the fact that I ruined my car's engine due to stupidity has me a little down. I hit a large chunk of ice that was attatched to the road while driving into my alley and punched a hole in my oil pan. During my lunch hour all the oil in my car drained out of it onto the parking lot, now had I noticed that I never would have driven all the way back to work after lunch. When I turned my car on after lunch the oil light came on - if this ever happens to you TURN YOUR CAR OFF AND CALL THE MECHANIC!!. Foolishly, despite the fact that my fella is a mechanic and was no more than 15 feet away in our apartment, I drove back to work and probably destroyed my engine. So, now my car is on the way to the dealership to see how many thousands of dollars worth of damage I caused.

5779. 18 Jan 2010 13:57


Auntie agrees that sounds dreadful.
Why don't you toss the bottle in the compost when Robert isn't looking?
Your Walnut oil/Raspberry viniagrette was loverly last time I had it, as was your Green Goddess dressing
Mix some baby Romaine lettuce with some frisee, some sliced bosc pears and a little blue cheese and a handul of toasted walnut halves.
Mix some Boston lettuce with baby spinach leaves, a sliced avocado, shavings of sharp Romano cheese and some sweet red bell pepper.

5780. 18 Jan 2010 14:00


Heavens Dragon, Auntie thinks your beau should cheer you up by getting you a new snazzy little car.
Go have a few mimosas and you won't even remember the old car at all.