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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

5641. 11 Jan 2010 23:48


Especially Dragon & ARW (Wink, wink ladies)

5642. 12 Jan 2010 06:30


oh erm.. Absolutely.... what are we talking about

5643. 12 Jan 2010 09:32


Auntie B here again,
Baldur wasn't going to mention this to anyone but it's that magical time of year when they give the online test to qualify people as contestants on the game show 'JEOPARDY'
My nephew registered to take the test and I think you should all do it too.
One can never have too many rich and smart friends.
The testing is in 4 categories: Children, Teens, College and Adult.
Here is his link but you can also just go to
Good luck to everyone, if you win big money remember your Auntie.

5644. 12 Jan 2010 09:45


Oh my, Auntie B! I do hope your nephew advances through the test stage to become an actual contestant! Of course, they would probably only consider him for celebrity jeopardy, given how famous his radio station is. The unfortunate thing about that is the contestants play for charity. I'd like to see him actually win the money so he could spend it on glass beads.

5645. 12 Jan 2010 09:52


From among those that ace the test only a small percentage make it onto television.
Baldur remembers with frustration how many times he made it though the telephone tests to qualify for 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' back when it was a primetime phenomenon.
Each night that the tests were given they would choose 10 people randomly to advance. I'd wait impatiently next day for the call that never came.
Heavens, how much tension can someone stand?

5646. 12 Jan 2010 10:07


You could start your own game show??!!

5647. 12 Jan 2010 11:41


Call it "Who wants a visit from Auntie B"...

5648. 12 Jan 2010 13:59


matthew Auntie B is much too busy to visit all the contestants who would clamor for such a wonderful opportunity.
Plus what's in it for me?
How much of a salary are you talking about sugar?
I mean a girl needs to live in style if she is to be a television legend.

5649. 12 Jan 2010 14:10


Hair and make-up, and dear the clothing, oh and shoes!!

5650. 12 Jan 2010 14:51


I do not have a mansion, and I haven't any land,
Not even one dollar to crinkle in my hand.
But I can show you morning on a thousand hills,
And kiss you and give you seven daffodils.

I do not have a fortune to buy you pretty things,
But I can weave you moonbeams for necklaces and rings,
And I can show you morning on a thousand hills,
And kiss you and give you seven daffodils.

Seven golden daffodils, all shining in the sun,
They light the way of evening, when our day is done.
And I can give you music, and a crust of bread,
A pillow of piney boughs to rest your head.

5651. 12 Jan 2010 17:28


That's very sweet matthew and brought a tiny little tear to Auntie's eye.
Now show me the money.

5652. 12 Jan 2010 17:35


Got some interesting emails today. Check out this psycho with wheels. They are calling it a "body derby sport"! Baldur, this isn't Auntie B in this crazy suit, is it?? She shouldn't drink and derby.

Now, the other email I got is "regifting Robin". She's kind of like a mind reader.

5653. 12 Jan 2010 18:18


That was the most extreme ride I have ever seen... I think I would flip if I saw that guy pass me when I was on a motorcycle... Wow...

5654. 12 Jan 2010 18:23


Hi everyone!
Wow he better watch out for pot holes!!!lol I would fly off the cliff!

5655. 12 Jan 2010 18:29


Dragon Im sorry to say but that is one UGLY cat!!

5656. 12 Jan 2010 18:30


When I started watching that video I was thinking how cool a bike path that was. Nobody would be crazy enough to do that on a road with motorvehicles.
Than later on there are indeed cars. The guy is nuts.
No, that was not Aunti B. She might have been in the chalet enjoying raclette and Gewurtztraminer.

5657. 12 Jan 2010 19:01


That was one wild and definitely crazy video. Glad to hear Auntie B was more refined and eating raclette and drinking great wine. Sheftali loved the couple of times she ate raclette in Switzerland--the cheese was really tasty, and the gherkins provided a salty accompaniment. Talk about a simple but fun meal. I seem to remember the cheese, the gherkins, and the loveliest little potatoes. Yum.

5658. 13 Jan 2010 07:21


When I was in Switzerland in the 1980s there was a street vendor selling raclette from a rolling cart. It had a wheel of cheese that was on a pivoting shelf so it could be pushed under a gas broiler.
When you asked for some he would broil the cheese while assembling a plate of boiled potatoes, a slice of black bread and a couple little gherkins.
Then he would scrape the bubbly cheese on top of everything.
There was a shaker of Hungarian Paprika there to help yourself to.
Oh was that ever delicious

5659. 13 Jan 2010 08:41


I just got whacked on the head by Auntie B's enormous pocket book.
What did I do?

5660. 13 Jan 2010 09:09


Whack-a-dur... Oh! Let me try!!!