Think Draw Forums
Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

5601. 11 Jan 2010 05:58


Baldur had a great evening last night at his Primetimers meeting. The attendance was low because of the cold weather but dinner was still wonderful. Several of my friends were there as well.
The meal is served family style but they always make something vegetarian just for me.
The menu: warm rolls with butter, tossed salad, Seafood Newburg, Roast beef with gravy, mashed potatoes, steamed baby carrots in butter, warm bread pudding and coffee.
I was brought a large plate of Eggplant Parmigiani over ziti..
There eggplant is always marvelous.
We were surprised to find the bread pudding, almost invariably the dessert has been ice cream.

5602. 11 Jan 2010 06:14


Coincidentally Auntie B had a dinner to attend to as well.
Our group is called "The Swingin' Sistahs"
When I arrived a shirtless young bodybuilder took my wrap and escorted me to the lounge.
There I chose a comfortable club chair and as soon as I was seated another young shirtless bodybuilder brought me my mojito.
A conversation was soon underway with my 'sistahs' as we planned our activities for the next month.
We will be taking the train down to New York for some shopping, and cocktails followed by a private fashion show of Speedos' new menswear line, followed by dinner and a show on Broadway.
After our plans were made we retired to the club's dining room.
The menu:
freshly baked mini-croissants and butter
Caesar salad
grilled beef tenderloin en brochette
grilled lobster tail (I had both)
roasted tiny pink poatoes
steamed asparagus with bearnaise sauce
stirfried snowpeas with water chestnuts and scallions
petit four
chocolate cream pie
banana cream pie
lemon meringue pie
red velvet cake
sugar free pineapple sorbet.
All served by shirtless young bodybuilder waiters.

5603. 11 Jan 2010 06:24


We then have a Ballroom dancing workshop.
Ramon, has been instructing me in the Argentine tango.
After working up quite a sweat we retired to the hot tub and shared a few more mojitos.
Auntie was there quite late.
My housekeeper, Diego, was in quite a tizzy when I finally arrived home at 4am.
The dear really shouldn't wait up for me.

5604. 11 Jan 2010 06:26


Auntie B gets quite confused about this log in thing

5605. 11 Jan 2010 06:27


That's quite alright Auntie, Baldur had quite a nice time learning the Argentine Tango.

5606. 11 Jan 2010 06:37


Sheftali is now wiping the drool off her computer keyboard after reading about Baldur's and Auntie B's dinners. And who cares if Auntie B gets a little confused--just let us know exactly where she dined, with those shirtless hunks!!

5607. 11 Jan 2010 10:08


It wasn't hunks... It was Baldur and me...

5608. 11 Jan 2010 10:09


Hmmm, but Auntie B didn't mention thongs or obscene flying monkeys.

5609. 11 Jan 2010 10:11


It almost got up to 30 degrees (Farenheit) today but started out at only 10 degrees.
Baldur decided to make homemade Boston Baked Beans.
Technically they are not 'Boston' beans as they were not made with salt pork. Salt pork really is required.
I soaked the beans overnight, parboiled them and then placed them in a crockery beanpot with the molasses, ketchup, onion, dry mustard, ground cloves etc. They took about 5 hours to get them as I like them.
Just befor dinner I'll make some corn bread and that will round out the meal.

5610. 11 Jan 2010 10:12


befor + e = before

5611. 11 Jan 2010 10:16


Dragon is looking forward to Sirloins done on the grill tonight. Despite the fact that we live in a basement condo and have no balcony we still barbecue whenever we can. We have remove the kitchen window and place our very small barbecue on the ground outside, then my fella stands at the window and cooks through it. I would help but I'm not tall enough (plus I go all girlie and let barbecuing be man work). My contribution will be baked potatoes (which I'm awesome at making if I do say so myself) plus I made the marinade at lunch so the steaks are happily soaking in tasty garlic/herb/soy/worchestershire goodness as we speak... er... type.
Mmmm, I'm drooling a little myself and it has nothing (or very little) to do with shirtless hunks.

5612. 11 Jan 2010 10:17


Ooo, now I'm drooling more thinking of Baldur's Baked Beans. Baked beans are pretty much the only kind of bean I like, unless edamame beans count.

5613. 11 Jan 2010 10:39


Well Baldur just went and opened his big mouth in the gallery.
There's a bit of chat going on in the comments because Featherhawk is leaving ThinkDraw. Tired of doing pieces that get no comments.
Featherhawk wants a little appreciation, which is valid.
But then he (she perhaps) made a comment about getting ignored by the 'artistas' and that sort of pissed me off.

5614. 11 Jan 2010 10:47


I don't think anybody here on this site is required to comment.
If that makes any of us seem aloof it's unfortunate, but not earthshattering.
Can't people use ThinkDraw because they it?
I enjoy my bit here in the forum, and it's not because EVERYONE reads it.
Most people on ThinkDraw have no use for the forum.
Should I be insulted by that?

5615. 11 Jan 2010 10:53


Baldur just reread the comment, it wasn't from featherhawk but from another ThinkDraw member joining in.

5616. 11 Jan 2010 11:32


Baldur, your baked beans sound absolutely there a
recipe in the Recipe Forum? If not could you give us your recipe

5617. 11 Jan 2010 12:03


I'll type it out indigo

5618. 11 Jan 2010 12:43


...Matthew has made a big step towards leaving the pool world behind him. My custom made Steve Klein cue is now for sale on Ebay... ← Emotion is for you Baldur...

...If there are any bidders here, feel free to jump in... :IT

...I am going to miss it greatly. May shed a tear when I mail it...


5619. 11 Jan 2010 12:48


I'm totally cueless.
I hope you get a good price for it.
When are you selling your poledancing equipment?

5620. 11 Jan 2010 12:59


Sell my pole dancing equipment... Lets not go crazy here... I can't just go cold turkey!