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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

561. 31 Aug 2010 19:02


I want to give thanks to God. My grandma is walking again with a walker, and has regained some feeling in her hands. She can write and sew again! Thank you all for your support.

562. 31 Aug 2010 20:42


That's wonderful Jocelyn!

I am spending as much time with my husband as I can. Today was pretty uneventful. He is resting and only tonight was allowed full fluids. He has only had clear fluids for the last couple of days and nothing by mouth for several days before that, so he was very hungry. He has lost 20 lbs since this ordeal began. I feel so bad for him but I know if he eats before his pancreas has settled down he'll have to go back to not eating or drinking at all again, so it's better to take it slow.
I appreciate your prayers!

563. 1 Sep 2010 02:18


Thank God the process is going on.... and it seems it's for the better.

564. 1 Sep 2010 04:48


I just talked to hubby's nurse and she said he had a good night. No pain from what he ate last night. Yeah!

565. 2 Sep 2010 06:53


That's great Hazer! I'm still sending up prayers.

566. 3 Sep 2010 11:02


Today I'm waiting to see if the Dr will send hubby home. He was taken off IV yesterday and given "real food', which he seemed to be tolerating. He has lost so much weight, and didn't have that much to spare.
The Drs still seemed puzzled by his slow recovery. He still looked quite jaundiced to me yesterday and he tells me that something doesn't feel quite right. I'm sure the stress of not knowing what's going on with his liver plus the starvation diet he was on for a week would make you wonder. I hope they do the liver biopsy while he's in there already. Sometimes the blood work shows improvement and then it seems to stall. Dr wants to see steady improvement, then he'll send him home.
Recovery will be slow even if there is nothing else going on. I don't know when or even if he'll be able to go back to work. A fellow from our church has arranged for his brothers to buy one of our semi's. That should help pay off some debt. Hubby is talking about selling the other truck as well, and also his pick up.
My plan is to take in some special needs room mates to allow me to be at home to take care of him and help cover the bills. There are so many things to consider, I feel overwhelmed at times.

But then God may just choose to heal him completely... at this point we just don't know what will happen.

567. 3 Sep 2010 11:32


Bills should be the least we should care about when we are hospitalized. Unluckily when we are ill or older, it's when we need more. I hope you can cope with all this responsability and get your husband home as soon as possible.

568. 3 Sep 2010 11:35


I continue praying and will light a candle at the Oratory this
weekend, one for your hubby and one for you. Take care....

569. 3 Sep 2010 13:57


Hazer you are in my prayers. Hope your husband recovers soon and that your knee feels better.

570. 4 Sep 2010 07:02


Dear Hazer,
I just discovered the forum section a few while ago! I'm sorry about your husband.There are always ups and downs in this world we live in,but with God's help all tribulations will be overcome.
As for me dear hazer,I can also do with some prayers.My husband's brother is in hospital in these last two months.My poor husband stays with him every night for these last three weeks!!!.One can imagine the burden and stress he is passing through!He is doing his duty in visiting the sick,but it is becoming very stressful to him.So please,if anyone could remember him in his/her prayers,I would thank and be very grateful!!!

571. 4 Sep 2010 08:57



572. 4 Sep 2010 11:09


Thank you to all you gear ladies for your prayers and encouragement. You cannot imagine how much it has bolstered my spirit to come home from the hospital and read an encouraging comment.
I will be praying for you jspi, and you husband and brother in law. I pray that God will bring healing to your brother in law, extra strength to your husband, and wisdom for the doctors and nurses.
Yesterday I was able to bring my husband home. He has lost 23 pounds, and is still quite jaundiced. He will need to go for more blood work and see a hematologist next week. He will need to get his strength back before he can go back to work.
He has given me quite a scare as we both thought this was the beginning of the end for him.
I prayed every morning when I got up that God would give me the strength and courage to face whatever that day had in store for us, and He is so faithful.

573. 4 Sep 2010 12:55


Thanks Hazer for remembering my family,doctors and nurses in your prayers.Be sure that I will recite a prayer every day for you and your dear husband so that God will give him a speedy recovery and more courage and patience to you so that you can see to his needs.
"The Lord bless you and keep you.The Lord make his face shine upon you...".A big hug to you xxxx.

574. 4 Sep 2010 14:34


Thanks jspi.... and I just noticed I misspelled dear....didn't mean to call anyone 'gears'...I depend way too much on spell-check to correct my mistakes!

575. 4 Sep 2010 14:39


Dear Hazer,
Don't bother about the spell check.I also at times press one key instead of the other or mispell a word!! So long.

576. 4 Sep 2010 14:40


You see Hazer,I wrote mispell instead of misspell!!:)

577. 6 Sep 2010 05:36


How is your husband,Hazer?

578. 6 Sep 2010 09:35


Hubby is resting at home. Recovery is a slow process. He has been out and about a little each day but tires quickly. Still losing weight in spite of eating regular food. He doesn't sleep well at neither do I. We are both exhausted. If his digestion doesn't improve today I will take him in to Urgent Care later today as he will probably need to be given more IV fluids.

I hope things are improving for your family jspi. It's important to look after your health as well especially when you are in a stressful situation.
Take care.....I think I'm going to have a nap while my husband has his now!

579. 6 Sep 2010 23:26


I'm sorry to hear that about your husband.But with God's help everything will turn out fine for both of you.
As for me,alas,everything remained the same,but I contacted The Hospice movement organization,and they are going to offer emotion support to my husband.So God's willing ,his situation may improve!

580. 7 Sep 2010 00:03


That sounds like a good idea jspi. Do you have family and friends close by that can support you in that way too? Or what about your church family...I'm assuming that you attend somewhere. The more people that know of your plight the more they can come alongside of you and help you through this time.
I pray that God will comfort and sustain your husband. May he draw strength from Gods word and promises to never leave us or forsake us.