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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

5581. 9 Jan 2010 06:47


They are SOOO lucky.. I know someone who went away a few years ago, and got delayed in New York when there was a sudden cold snap..

.. got back to find the cold water tank in the roof had frozen & burst, and water had run down through the walls and ceilings of their 3 storey house for a week.. um.. devastation.. and this is when they found out the hard way that they were under-insured..

5582. 9 Jan 2010 07:37


Qsilv really enjoyed your link! was looking at the others on there for quite some time. Our famous one happened in Liverpool Street Station in London as part of an ad campaign for a phone comapny and is well worth a look.

5583. 9 Jan 2010 08:27


OK, Puzzler, you've convinced me! I am offically moving to Europe where one can be innocently lost amongst a large crowd and be suddenly thrown into a Broadway musical! I'll call the realtor tomorrow and get the house on the market.

5584. 9 Jan 2010 12:49


Lol Robin! I'm afraid you'd be disappointed on that score. The grass is always greener and all that. If you look carefully on you tube, you'll find there's plenty of weird goings on across the Atlantic! How about this one:

5585. 9 Jan 2010 13:41


Thanks Baldur, Qsilv and Robin.
I'll stay with STIFF PEAKS then.
And yes, chiffon or sponge cake could be the word.
Who needs better friends than you?
To be honest, I feel a little "guilty" that we are in summer here... after what you all guys are saying and after what the reports we see about US and Europe on TV.

5586. 9 Jan 2010 17:40


You're welcome polenta.
Actually Baldur enjoys winter weather much more than summer weather.
Bring on the snow!

5587. 9 Jan 2010 18:42


(pssst... polenta... in So Cal it's in the 70's!)

(double pssst, Baldur... I totally enjoy playing in snow, shovelling it even and especially driving a garden size tractor with a blade on the front and watching the stuff fountain off to one side!... AND... catching flakes on microscope slides.... I'm afraid I've worn out the joy limits of quite a few neighbors who admire the first few falls but are heartily sick of it all by April and do NOT appreciate hearing me still going, "Oooooooooh neeeeat!!!!!!"... soft wicked laughter....)

5588. 10 Jan 2010 05:04


Try building snow demons on the front lawn.

5589. 10 Jan 2010 06:47


(thinking.... 'k... swish the arms up high for wing marks... reset arms lower and don't swish... don't swish legs at all... crook one leg and drag heel to get tail effect... those horns... hmm.. trickier yet...)

5590. 10 Jan 2010 07:31


Dragon is very much a tropical person hopelessy trapped in a Canadian body. I think snow is very pretty but other than that I hate it. I don't like driving in it, or clearing it off my car, or shoveling it. I don't ski or snowboard though I will admit to enjoying tobogganning. However, we're currently experiencing a lovely warm spell here, I left work yesterday to find it a balmy +3 degree C and it had me thinking of shorts and t-shirts. We were able to open the window for the first time in months (it had been frozen shut with a large accumulation of ice) and we actually forgot to close it overnight and didn't even realize until we noticed how we could hear every thing in the parking lot really clearly this morning. I can handle that kind of winter

5591. 10 Jan 2010 07:49


Puzzler loves looking at the snow and the changes and light it brings to the landscape. I am much happier in jumpers that I am in strappy tops!

5592. 10 Jan 2010 07:49


Baldur does not skate, ski, sled, toboggan, snowshow, snowmobile or go curling but loves the winter nonetheless.
I do miss taking walks outside.
Primrose is very rural and as such does not have sidewalks.
One walks along the roadside.
In the winter with the mounds of snow and ice the roads are severely narrowed and the driving at times treacherous.
Walking in the road is fraught with danger.

5593. 10 Jan 2010 07:52


Baldur also avoids strappy tops because of his figure, so indeed puzzler I must agree with your fashion choice.
Also I love plaids and argyles, jumpers (sweaters to us in in the USA) are my cup of tea.

5594. 10 Jan 2010 07:55


Baldur you dress like an old fart at times, you really need to get a bit more up to date.
I mean really.... Baldur wears cardigans, sweater vests, he prefers his trousers to be cuffed. Enough is enough.
Go buy some bling.

5595. 10 Jan 2010 07:58


I thick bejewelled spats would count as bling and would still fall within Baldurs fashion sense.

5596. 10 Jan 2010 07:59


He has at least 6 Harris tweed wool sportscoats and then agonizes over what necktie to wear even when going to the supermarket.
He wears bowties too for Pete's sake.
For your Birthday Auntie is going to buy you some clothes.
You need some baggy droopy pants that hang too low and let your cute butt stick out.
You need a baseball cap to wear sideways.
Auntie will fix you up.

5597. 10 Jan 2010 08:02


Auntie B you can lead a horse to water but can't make him wear FUBU.
I will stick to my personal style, thank you.
If you find me a long sleeved cotton wild paisley patterned shirt in a size 20-37/38 I promise to wear it.

5598. 10 Jan 2010 13:24


Ack--paisley patterned shirt? As long as you don't wear it with a leisure suit, I guess that's okay. (smiley face)

5599. 10 Jan 2010 15:36


A wise man will always resist baggy droopy pants and sideways ball caps. I always wonder if it means I'm getting old when I want to just pull up some kids pants and straighten his hat out.

5600. 10 Jan 2010 16:33


No, but the fact that you are old might... Maybe try yanking them down instead... Then tell them if they wore them properly they would stay up...