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5521. 6 Jan 2010 18:00


Can you imagine what would happen?
Auntie B would be nominated in every category.
If anyone else should happen to win an award she would TASER them.
Though that could be entertaining in a way.

5522. 6 Jan 2010 18:16


I can just see Auntie B, ala the dead terrorist, "I TASE you!"

5523. 7 Jan 2010 03:10


Has AuntieB been with us long enough to be nominated for EVERY category? I'd nominate her for best new personality with taser inclinations, best advice columnist and best vacation souvenir collector. (Still lol about the toupees.) : )

5524. 7 Jan 2010 04:02


When I woke up this morning there were at least 50 envelopes stacked in my 'In' box addressed to the 'Radio Baldur Awards Nominating Committee'.
Mind you there is no such committee,...oddly they are all written in the same hand, very neatly in elderberry colored ink.
The stationery reeks of 'Evening In Paris'.

5525. 7 Jan 2010 04:03


I knew it! Tee hee. Bet there IS an awards committee and Baldur has simply not been informed of this yet!

5526. 7 Jan 2010 04:04


btw, enjoyed Baldur's Klaatu music, and also wish to tell Belladonnis a Happy New Year and thanks for sharing about your parents. Hope your Dad and Mom can get things worked out comfortably for their needs and yours.

Also love Sheftali's award for the possible upcoming awards show. (Just don't see AuntieB letting this idea slip away.)

Meanwhile, it seems that AuntieB must have a great deal to share regarding Baldur's idea of "secretest secrets." Am seeing AuntieB as an odd mix between Hyacinth Bucket and Mrs. Polifax. Any chance AuntieB has worked for the CIA and acutally knows Mrs. Polifax? (teehee)

And since marius is rambling, Baldur's "secretest secrets" has intrigued for some time. I suspect many people have "secrets" of which they are not aware. The other night spouse and marius were revisiting our wedding and got to laughing about things. Then it occurred to me that most people don't know spouse and I exchanged lenses (instead of rings) during our wedding. I got top-of-the-line binoculars and spouse got a top-of-the-line lens for his camera. We still love and use our wedding exchange gifts and although rings symbolize continuity, lenses make it all the better to see ... which, turns out was a good choice and just might help with desire for continuity. : )

marius has a nice "I'll be with you forever ring" that spouse bought while we were dating, so that is used for "the wedding ring" and since spouse hates to wear rings, he has none. We don't tell people about this arrangement much because almost no one seemed to understand. However, it tickles us pink.

We also never do a thing for Valentine's Day. Instead, we have a "whenever day" where for no particular reason, one or the other of us gets a nice gift. Mine is usually flowers and chocolate truffles. Spouses might be something like a new humidifier. We don't generally do birthday's either, not even cards ... although for this past birthday marius got something she *really* wanted: for the entire day the thermostat was set at a delightful 72 degrees. THAT was a heaven of almost unparalleled joy!

Okay, end of rambling. Wishing all a wonderful day full of love and contentment!

5527. 7 Jan 2010 07:33


Now that I am aware that Baldur has been hiding info on the Awards Nominating Committee, I will have to get all my alias' to write in for me... That will surely give her some competition...

5528. 7 Jan 2010 09:54


Well, you can have my vote matthew, and I can guarantee that I am not your alias!

For what award should you be nominated? Would you be interested in the annual Baldur Radio Estrogen Award? [My understanding is that this award is open to any of the male species that is able to hold his own among the plethora of estrogen found on TD. Have often marveled at your talents in this area - seriously!!!] ; )

5529. 7 Jan 2010 11:27


Today was fun, I made a small Shepherd's pie for Robert's supper and plan on finishing the leftover vegetable stew myself.
Since there was a bowl of cooked pumpkin in the icebox I made a batch of pie dough and quickly made a large pumpkin pie.
There was a little extra dough so I rolled it out and made a custard pie-let.
That was the easiest thing on hand, Baldur not being in the mood to peel and slice apples

5530. 7 Jan 2010 11:32


Tomorrow and Satyrday there is a FREE Three Stooges film festival in nearby Woonsocket.
Since Robert and I go out to dinner every Friday (and the film festival starts at 7pm) we decided to go see the films on Satyrday night.
Now what ever shall we do?
Today's paper mentioned the festival and said that different films will be shown each evening. I want to see them all.

5531. 7 Jan 2010 11:38


Woe is you...

5532. 7 Jan 2010 11:48


Perhaps you could have Auntie B join Robert for dinner on Friday, and you could attend the film festival by yourself that night? You could always save a seat for Robert and Auntie B to join you later. Or just have an early dinner and then hit the film fest.

5533. 7 Jan 2010 12:04


(matthew, not maddy)

5534. 7 Jan 2010 12:05


Robert won't eat dinner earlier than 7pm, he can get stubborn at times.
Maybe I can bring him a sandwich in my pocket to eat during the show?

5535. 7 Jan 2010 12:27


I know several of you are like me, always looking for cheap sources of glass beads.
Fire Mountain Gems just notified me of a close-out sale they are having, I will attach the link here.
I'm not sure how long this will last.
Some of the beads are in 36" strands and are under $2.50 a strand, much less if you buy a total of more than 15 strands.
I love this place. XD0SE&WT.mc_id=CW100106&Sort=5

5536. 7 Jan 2010 13:28


Baldur, you are looking quite dapper today with your hat on! Perhaps you should wear that out for your Stooges event! It sounds as if Robert is not as committed to enjoying the free Stooges Film Fest as you are, if he is not willing to alter his dinnertime for this once in a lifetime event. So I say go with plan A...send him out with Auntie B on Friday and you can go "stag" to the event that particular night!

5537. 7 Jan 2010 13:31


Well, now I am embarrassed. I just clicked on the pic of you in your hat and see that you ARE planning to wear it to the film festival, and someone else already used the word DAPPER, too! Makes me seem less original. Alas.

5538. 7 Jan 2010 13:50


Baldur is also planning on wearing a bow tie, now only if I owned a pair of spats.
How have I gotten along so far without spats?

5539. 7 Jan 2010 14:21


OK, I confess I had to look up spat on I always thought it was the past tense of spit, as in, he spat in my face! however, here are the many definitions...
spat1  /spæt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [spat] Show IPA ,noun, verb, spat⋅ted, spat⋅ting.
–noun 1. a petty quarrel.
2. a light blow; slap; smack.

–verb (used without object) 3. to engage in a petty quarrel or dispute.
4. to splash or spatter; rain spatting against the window.

–verb (used with object) 5. to strike lightly; slap.


Origi n:
1795–1805, Americanism; perh. imit.

1. tiff, scrap, set-to.

spat2  /spæt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [spat] Show IPA ,
–verb a pt. and pp. of spit 1 .

spat3  /spæt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [spat] Show IPA ,
–noun a short gaiter worn over the instep and usually fastened under the foot with a strap, worn esp. in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


Origi n:
1795–1805; short for spatterdash
spat4  /spæt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [spat] Show IPA ,
–noun 1. the spawn of an oyster or similar shellfish.
2. young oysters collectively.
3. a young oyster.
4. seed oyster.

5540. 7 Jan 2010 14:24


So after looking up the word, I was able to deduce that Baldur meant the definition wherein it is described as "a short gaiter worn over the instep and usually fastened under the foot with a strap, worn esp. in the late 19th and early 20th centuries." Now, I had the problem that I had no idea what a short "gaiter" was either. So then I google imaged "spats" and finally got the visual.

But I must confess that I don't particularly care for the look, and don't entirely understand the purpose. So I'm voting "NO" on the spats, Baldur!