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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

5501. 5 Jan 2010 18:07


I MUST see that musical.

5502. 5 Jan 2010 18:17


There are bits of it on YouTube, it is very enjoyable.
Baldur saw it in New York with a witch, and then in Providence with Robert and my daughter.
It happens to be playing in Providence right now, through January 16th. Perhaps this is why it's on my mind.
I cannot afford to see it this time around,
Santa didn't come through with tickets.

5503. 6 Jan 2010 01:20



Believe me when I say, Boise State has caught national attention over the last 3 years... They are now in position to do something believed to be impossible...

They will start next season ranked in the top 5 in the nation. (I expect #3)... That in and of itself is a mind boggling accomplishment for a division II school... but now, if they manage to go undefeated this coming season, they will play for a National Championship... That is jaw droping...

Don't get your hopes up, They must play against my Virginia Tech team and I will be rooting against them that day... but if they manage to get by us... WOW... a National Championship... WOW...

5504. 6 Jan 2010 02:06


Sorry Baldur, This is the sports segment on your radio station:

Matthew, I met a lot of really nice VT fans in Jax when we played in the Gator Bowl. Can't say I liked Marcus Vick. Now that Louisville has a new coach, maybe we can get back to our winning football ways.

And always.... Today we are all Hokies.

5505. 6 Jan 2010 03:42


Well, I am a Buffalo Bills fan, so can't get used to living near a winning team. And frankly, I still think those college boys should be studying! LOL

5506. 6 Jan 2010 05:28


It's a cool and sunny morning here at Chez Baldur.
We woke up to find a maze of deer tracks all over the snow in our front yard.
It was only one deer but it wandered around in big loops, you can follow the path it took easily from the window.
It stayed away from the vegetable garden where it could have nibbled on the kale which is still standing up half obscure by snow. It also seems to have left the bird feeders and the bit of spilled seed untouched.

5507. 6 Jan 2010 07:36


Hello everyone.
I dropped in at Chez Baldur this morning; Auntie B does not live there.
I have an swanky little apartment which we'll talk about at some later point.
What was going on at the Chez was a veritable beehive of activity. Within the space of an hour my nephew had the Christmas tree undecorated, the kissing ball and wreath packed up, the lovely Santa Clause figurines put away in the cabinet and the whole house vacuumed and dusted.
Auntie B was quite impressed.
He even made me a cup of tea and handed me a slice of coffee/amaretto cheesecake as he buzzed past me.
Baldur then mentioned the exterior decorations and said they needed to remain in place until the snow has melted off of them.
This almost makes me want to pack up my Christmas tree, but I know it won't happen any time soon. The tree has been decorated since 1987 and I fear what may be hiding inside the branches.
Auntie's tree is obviously artificial and 'planted' in a loverly oriental cachepot.
While it started out having just traditional ornaments through the years it has become a repository for my rhinestone brooches, Vera scarves, and the odd tiara or six.
My housekeeper, Diego, makes little 'tsk tsk' sounds whenever he sees it.

5508. 6 Jan 2010 08:46


I once lived in a house with a large number of roommates. We left our Christmas tree up until March. Sadly, ours was indeed a live tree, at least it had been at one point. When we finally took it down and dragged it aroung the side of the house it left a thick carpet of pine needles all the way from the living room to it's resting place.

5509. 6 Jan 2010 08:57


Needless to say, since Matthew was moving on New Years eve, There is no Christmas tree work to be done... My wife and I would; however; prefer the Christmas tree removal over going through the floor to ceiling stack of boxes that is my dining room...

I have found that I have a LOT more stuff than this small apartment can handle... Too bad yard sales are not a winter time thing...

Oh well... We are working on consolidating our "stuff" into wanted and yard sale catergories... Wife has been doing most of this since my employer seems to demand that I show up and work before he will pay me...

...Go figure...

5510. 6 Jan 2010 10:43


I had to come home for about an hour to check and make sure my house was still standing and ready for the cold snap we will have where I live before I head back to my mom and dads. She is out of the hospital and in rehab! But my dad who suffers from dementia and has just last week started dialysis has been a hand full!
Anyway I wanted to say Hi and cant wait to read all I have missed but especially to wish you all a belated HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

5511. 6 Jan 2010 10:47


Happy New Year belladonnis, and be sure to get some down time between all the craziness or you'll wear yourself out.

5512. 6 Jan 2010 10:58


happy and belated new year to you too belladonnis.

5513. 6 Jan 2010 17:19


Once again it's time to open the dusty mailbag.....

Dear Auntie B,
Let me first say that I am your biggest fan, you bring a certain grace that has long been absent from talk radio.
How Radio Baldur limped along before you arrived is a great mystery.
Here is my question:
Lately television is crowded with one award show after another, the Grammies, the Emmies, the Oscars, the People's Choice Awards etc etc etc.
Does Radio Baldur have any plans of launching it's own awards show?
The Baldies perhaps? I would love to nominate you as best advice columnist, as best host (even edging out your nephew), and as the most mesmerizing sex symbol of the new century.
Please keep up your fabulous work!
Nonbiased Nolan

Dear Gentlest Listener,
You are obviously possessed of great charm and are a very astute judge in matters of taste.
To Auntie B's knowledge, no such awards ceremony is in the works. We would of course feel rather awkward in producing an event in which we were the only logical winners.
As deserving as we might be it would be too egotistical a move to even contemplate.
You must excuse me as I must suddenly rush out to be fitted for several gowns and meet with my speech writer.
Please let me know how it turns out for you, Auntie really does care.
Auntie B

5514. 6 Jan 2010 17:41


The Baldies award--lol. Couldn't help myself again--heh heh.

5515. 6 Jan 2010 17:42


I design gowns and other clothes in my spare time. I wonder if AuntieB would be interested in trying on one of them.

5516. 6 Jan 2010 17:45


I accomplished quite a bit today.
My Aunt told you about my deChristmasifying the house.
Baldur also finished all of his mending. Aftyer cleaning out the closet the other day there was a small pile of items needing repair, That has been finished with the exception of a pair of corduroy trousers that need to be hemmed. I will send those out, possibly tomorrow.

Another project in the wings is to take all the potteed amaryllis plants out of cold storage. They have been in hibernation in a dark, cold cabinet since October. Gods be willing they will send up flower stalks once back out in the light.
We have 10 of these bulbs potted up here at Chez Baldur, and it is always quite a good show that they put on for us.

5517. 6 Jan 2010 17:46


potteed - e = potted

5518. 6 Jan 2010 17:48


polenta that is very kind of you but we really shouldn't encourage Auntie B.
She would probably want something very revealing.

Baldur really has NO plans to produce an awards show, so sheftali put that golden statuette right back in the cabinet.

5519. 6 Jan 2010 17:51


Aftyer - y = After.
'All Baldur, All the Time'
It seems like my slogan has rarely made it on the air since Auntie B swept in.

5520. 6 Jan 2010 17:54


Okay, sorry. (Sheftali slinks off with tail between legs again)