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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

5441. 2 Jan 2010 20:30


Yes, it's true. I am plagued with computer issues and job dissatisfaction all at the beginning of a new year. It's got me in a bit of a funk, but a day of sunshine might just cure that.

My computer is hit and miss right now, so I'm not able to contribute as much as I'd like. My sleep schedule is finally improving some, but still a nightly struggle. And the job is so much more stressful for so much less money that I am left wondering what I wanna be when I grow up. I'm hoping that with time, the days off without sleep deprivation will make the trade-offs all worthwhile.

Incidentally, Baldur, my neighbor (who is a cop wanna-be) joined the auxilliary police force here a couple of years ago. That is where the person is basically a volunteer cop. He had to go through the police academy training and everything, then commit to a certain number of volunteer hours a month, but didn't get paid for it. (Seemed weird to me at the time, but then, at least he knows what he wants to be when he grows up!) Anyway, part of the training involved voluntarily getting tazed. I am NOT making this up. He said that it was the most painful thing he has ever experienced. He even put it on youtube, but I couldn't find it through the several hundred "look at me getting tazed" videos on there, probably because it's so old now. My point is, neighbor John seems to think tazing is very effective with creeps.

Dear Auntie B,

I am in a funk. I am 44, a college graduate, a career nurse for 19 years, and am not sure what I want to be when I grow up. Any suggestions??

Also, was wondering if you had any advice to thwart off fantasies of throwing an entire computer over my fence into the vacant field? Right now I am using the "don't contribute to the destruction of the ozone by polluting the earth" argument to keep my compulsion at bay, but I fear it may not convince me for long.

Sincerely, Debbie Downer

5442. 2 Jan 2010 20:33


Just realized I missed Marius' birthday. SHAME on me! Happy belated, Marius! Hope it was wonderful.

Goodnight now. I'll check in when I can.

5443. 2 Jan 2010 22:03


Ooh, Auntie B, Auntie B.. I know what Robin can do !

Since Robin's obviously got a strong service streak, I think she should run off to become a Trolley Dolly - yes, to roam the skies !

Of course, the patients are still the same - whoops, passengers - and they all complain about the food, and you never know what time of day it is, because you work such odd hours, and the pay's lousy..

BUT.. you get to wake up in strange parts of the world, and you can always ask the captain to turn the seat belt sign on, if things are getting too hectic.. and I bet they start issuing hosties with tazers very soon..

What do you reckon ??

5444. 3 Jan 2010 05:55


Awww Robin, sorry things are a wee tough right now. I knew a nurse who worked in a doctor's office. She'd done hospital care too and was tired of both when ... lo and behold, she was offered a "home health care" position. It required a teeny bit of travel, but mostly she was home. After a year or so she was in an administrative position, scheduling other people etc. She loved it! Said it was more money, less hours and better working conditions all the way around. I hope you can find something like that too, a special niche!

Sorry to hear about your computer. Surely AuntieB will have something helpful for you there. (The only thing I can think is, "Taser it!") : )

5445. 3 Jan 2010 09:27


Auntie B believes that Robin needs a job that permits her to vent her stress.
I recommend that she wear a loud whistle around her neck and direct people. However do not do this in a customary setting.
Jobs such as being a traffic cop or a lifeguard at a pool can be fraught with tension. Instead she should get a job at a library or perhaps at a pleasant greenhouse or garden center and wield her whistle whenever faced with rude or stupid people.
She would go home at the end of each day feeling content.

5446. 3 Jan 2010 13:29


Either that or she'd be politely asked to leave before the first day was out.

5447. 3 Jan 2010 16:52


This was an easy supper night here at Chez Baldur.
I took some beef stew out of the freezer for Robert and served that with wheat bread.
It's been a typical cold snowy January weekend up here in Primrose, stew was the perfect meal.
For myself I prepared a simple Kasha pilaf with browned onions.
Lately Baldur has been bad and eaten lots of fatty party foods. A high fibre low fat supper was just the thing to try to get back on track again.

5448. 3 Jan 2010 17:00


Oddly it hasn't snowed very hard, just steadily.
It has been coming down for close to 48 hours now, but the accumulation is only about 5".

5449. 3 Jan 2010 17:48


It's freezing hard here in the uk. Snow of 5" usually brings Britain to a standstill!! We are promised more snow later in the week here in Suffolk. Puzzler will be stocking up at the supermarket tomorrow incase!

5450. 3 Jan 2010 18:52


Sometimes I wish I could carry a loud whistle and perhaps a riding crop and use both of them when rude and/or stupid people come in to work but I'm afraid I might spend my whole day whistling and hitting people with that crop. They, of course, would have no idea why this was happening being either rude or stupid.

I'm quite sure there are far more stupid people out there now than there were even 5 years ago. Back then we would get maybe one stupid person in a week, now we're lucky if there's not more than one a day. I think my tolerance for stupidity has also reduced by a great deal, this is not a good combination as it means there are far more people out there who I just can't stand.

5451. 4 Jan 2010 00:19


Hang in there, Dragon ... your patience (sp) need you!

5452. 4 Jan 2010 02:28


I do like the riding crop idea used in tandem with the whistle, a pity Auntie B didn't think of it.

5453. 4 Jan 2010 05:26


Dragon, I have to agree on the lack of tolerance factor! I am much better off talking to people online, where there are no stupid people ..... or are there??

5454. 4 Jan 2010 05:44


I can answer that but won't, having resolved to only think the best of people.

5455. 4 Jan 2010 05:53


I'm using this thread to warn TDers my account is being used by someone I don't know. Please all the things written there aren't MY THOUGHTS.

5456. 4 Jan 2010 06:00


polenta, please contact ThinkDraw through the feedback link above and explain what is going on.
You should be able to change your password and be safer from hackers.

5457. 4 Jan 2010 06:12


Now, ain't that interesting ? - and well done, puzzler and Baldur for spotting the obvious, while I raced off annoying Rachel..

Why would anyone choose to hack into polenta's user ?

.. or maybe they tried everyone else's first ?

What a particularly stupid and nasty thing to do - instantly obvious, if the person is online at the time - and think what would happen if they happened to delete that person's pictures, as happened with Guesstheartist ?

5458. 4 Jan 2010 06:20


actually, just thinking about this.. wouldn't Rachel be able to identify the address of whoever was logged on as polenta just now ?

5459. 4 Jan 2010 06:33


I think the IP address should be traceable.
What I suspect happened is that the hacker figured out her password.
Perhaps it was an easy one.
Certainly polenta is one of the least irritating people on this site, I would think she was not the first choice of a name to pirate.

Good advice that everyone should heed: 'Make your passwords on every site impossible to figure out'

5460. 4 Jan 2010 07:32


Marg, careful with giving the hacker new ideas. Maybe we shouldn't discuss this until the problem's solved and Polenta's account's secured.