Think Draw Forums
Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

5421. 2 Jan 2010 08:54


Whenever you bake something that was origianally meant to be fried you can also try spraying them very lightly with a vegetable oil cooking spray.
Just a little oil helps the outer layer brown a bit nicer.
I do that when oven frying boneless, skinless chicken breasts for Robert.

5422. 2 Jan 2010 08:54


origianally - a = originally

5423. 2 Jan 2010 11:40


Yes, for lunch I made some barbecued chicken for my kid, but the skin came out EXTREMELY tough, as always. Anyone want to give me some tips, maybe then Lawrence will eat the chicken I make.

5424. 2 Jan 2010 13:30


Robert and I have a party to attend this evening, already I just want to nap through it.

5425. 2 Jan 2010 13:34


There are many reasons to love Baldur! Oh, so very, very many. One in particular is that I just woke up from a nap induced by too generous helpings of Hazelnut gateau with caramel/buttercream swirl cake! YUM!!!!!

Another is that it's so pleasant to find your friendly face, anytime, any day, smiling at us from the threads! : )

5426. 2 Jan 2010 13:35


.......and sometimes suddenly on many threads all at once!
Heavens that was annoying of me.

5427. 2 Jan 2010 13:36


(analogous +4 points to burying the dead?)

5428. 2 Jan 2010 13:41


It was DELICIOUS of you. Wonderful. Hands clapping. And, what a nice gift that was. Heavens ... a cake AND a gift.

Have to go, have just been informed the special dinner is almost ready and then it's the foot rub so I'll check in later.

5429. 2 Jan 2010 13:51


You know, I better get dinner going for Lawrence. Any quick, delicious ideas?

5430. 2 Jan 2010 13:53


But I do think I have proven yet another theory, ThinkDraw has a dreadful case of ZZZZZs.
A perfect cure for insomnia

5431. 2 Jan 2010 13:58


I agree, it seems we're the only 2 on.

5432. 2 Jan 2010 15:00


Dragon, thanks for the jalapeno popper recipe! Going to try that very soon. Baldur, enjoyed info about trans-fats. Have never liked margarine as it tastes like creamy plastic to me. Butter is another story. It is heaven.

5433. 2 Jan 2010 16:48


Well, just spent the last few days moving... I am exhausted, but we just got internet back so where does one go to see that it is working properly but to Radio Baldur...

I will catch up on the last 3 days of pics and chats tomorrow... I am tired and sore... See y'all tomorrow sometime... . . .

5434. 2 Jan 2010 16:48


Dear Aunty B,
I have a rather enigmatic friend who is being pestered by a stalker. Although he appears to be coping, I have noticed that the stress is beginning to show, as he keeps trying to hide in other locations. Is there anything he can do to return to normality?

5435. 2 Jan 2010 18:03


LOL ... was going to put my picture of a stalker up here.. but then remembered that this is RADIO !

(and Baldur invented the radio way back when, when the poor people of Think Draw couldn't draw.. so there were no pictures) .. ye, gods, I'm rambling..

5436. 2 Jan 2010 18:10


Gentlest listener,
Auntie B has a close relative who is in similar straits. When I good naturedly asked about his sudden bout of wanderlust he explained his logic.
He told me he needed to expose the stalker for what she is, and the best way to do that was to lead a wild goose chase across the landscape.
It appears that he has succeeded.
Auntie would love to quote Curly Howard here about 'succeed'ing but dare not because of the tender constitutions of our listening audience.
As for your enigmatic friend, watch him carefully for signs that he needs assistance. If you can render gentle help feel free to do so in the name of friendship.
The firm application of a 'TASER' to the stalker's eye socket would be the best way to help in my humble opinion.
And do let me know how things turn out for you. Auntie B really does care.
Auntie B

5437. 2 Jan 2010 18:14


Heavens, look what I missed by going to a lovely holiday party!
marg, feel free to post appropriate images here on our bulletin board.
Does this mean you have seen the stalker?
Tell me, did it look like a ten year old girl?

5438. 2 Jan 2010 18:18


Before I had to leave there was a bit of a madcap moment in the forum.
Baldur believes he has firmly proven the Zristin is indeed maddyjean (who is also Sorry, Holiday and gods know who else)
Baldur finds 'Sorry' to be the most appropriate name, for indeed this person truly is.
But please, I miss the levity this channel should be providing.
Let's let dying dogs die.

5439. 2 Jan 2010 18:25


At least matthew will be back to lend his moral compass to this program.
Let me add that Baldur did get a message from Robin.
She is having computer issues at home and is unable to access ThinkDraw there at the present time.
At work she does not have the free time to access the internet during the day that she enjoyed during her late shift.
She will follow along as best she can and hopes to be back among us soon.

5440. 2 Jan 2010 18:38


Baldur is genius, but we already knew that.

Thanks for the info on Robin! Had forgotten about her computer problems. Thanks again for the delicious cake and nice gift (your name everywhere) ... marius is very happy ... and tired, sweet dreams to all.