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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

541. 12 Aug 2010 05:38


Thanks Login. As I write this he is on his way to the hospital, so I will be anxiously waiting for his next call.

542. 12 Aug 2010 05:40


And thanks mum23...I appreciate you all!

543. 13 Aug 2010 08:14


An update on hubby...I talked to him this morning and he is feeling, in his words, 110% better. I could hear it in his voice, too. He had some minor surgery yesterday and was released as soon as he woke up. I have some relatives living in the same city he was in and they took him to their place for the night. Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers.

544. 13 Aug 2010 09:24


That's great news Hazer! I'm sure it will be good to have him back
home. I know life is full of bumps in the road, but let's pray that the
road stays smooth for you guys....right into Saskatchewan! Anyway
very happy for you all

545. 13 Aug 2010 14:35


Glad to hear he is doing better! Praying for you as well!

546. 13 Aug 2010 15:58


glad this is happening Hazer.

547. 13 Aug 2010 18:13


Hurray for the good news, Hazer.

548. 13 Aug 2010 19:01


Thanks everyone!

549. 14 Aug 2010 18:01


So happy you got good news from hubby!! Here s to a quick reunion with him!

550. 16 Aug 2010 16:38


Another husband made it home okay on Friday and spent the weekend resting. He had a couple of gallstones removed. We didn't suspect that since he had his gallbladder removed eight years ago. Dr. said there was a 1% chance of developing them after surgery.
Anyway, he is very jaundiced, but there shouldn't be any permanent damage to his liver. If he looks after himself and gets his rest, he should be back to his old self in four to six weeks. Except that he went back to work today despite my protests. The bills have to get paid somehow, says he. Typical man.

We are planning on attending a wedding this weekend. The bride is the daughter of our long time friend and soon to be business partner. We got a call from our friend that his father had passed away very suddenly last Thursday. So they are faced with having his fathers funeral this Wednesday followed by his daughters wedding on Saturday.

I'm excited about sharing the details of our new business venture, but as you can see, it may be some time before we are back on track with our plans.

551. 16 Aug 2010 16:48


Thank God the emergency seems to be over. It surprises me though that he had developed gallstones when his gallbladder was removed. We always learn something new.
Glad you already have other plans Hazer.

552. 17 Aug 2010 05:51


Happy to hear the good news Hazer! My husband is the same with
work and sickness...and I tell him you'll just make youself worse and
then you'll be flat on your back for awhile....what then? Sometimes just
a few days of extra rest helps. But I understand about those bills!
New business venture...sounds exciting!

553. 26 Aug 2010 18:00


Here I am again....It's been a rough couple of weeks for us. I had my husband in to Urgent Care three times this week. He had another scope done on Tuesday, and seem to feel better. Then yesterday when I stopped in from work to check up on him, he seemed fine. But when he got out of bed to have some soup I'd made him he almost collapsed with severe abdominal pain.

I managed to get him to Urgent Care where they assessed him and arranged for an ambulance to take him to the hospital. He was in agony for a few hours before they got enough morphine into him to dull the pain.
They have run a lot of blood tests and done many x-rays and CT scans.
The consensus seems to be that when they did the endoscopy, they aggravated his pancreas.

I was with him at the hospital until after midnight, waiting for test results. Today I was there briefly, and during that time he was transferred out of emergency, where he'd spent the night, to a room where he'll be for a few days.
I wanted to go spend some time with him this evening but I am so exhausted and am having too much knee pain to be able to go.
Please pray that he will have a full recovery and be back to his old self soon. Thanks.

554. 27 Aug 2010 08:01


Glad that you share all this with us. It means we ARE a community each member can rely on. May God help your husband recover as soon as possible.

555. 27 Aug 2010 20:37


Thanks polenta. It was a long day at the hospital again today. He was finally able to tolerate some fluids today and the Dr. says they will do an MRI on Sun. or Mon. Then if they can't find any more stones that may have been missed they will do a biopsy of his liver to see why he is still so jaundiced.
I feel so helpless and know that I must put our future in Gods hands and trust Him to lead us through this time of uncertainty. I am drawing strength from your prayers. When I left the hospital my husband said to me, " If you're going to worry then don't pray. But if you're going to pray, then don't worry!"
I know worry is Satan's tool, so I will spend my time praying!

556. 28 Aug 2010 06:15


Prayers for you Hazer.....

557. 28 Aug 2010 07:16


Thanks indigo...that means a lot!

558. 29 Aug 2010 20:54


Sunday...MRI showed all is sign of stones, tumors or other blockages. Mon or Tues he will have a liver biopsy done which should explain why it is not functioning as it should.

Please pray for wisdom for the Drs. and that my husbands liver would start to function on its own. Thanks for your support.

559. 30 Aug 2010 06:36


Thank God the MRI showed all is clear Hazer! Continued prayers
for you my friend....stay strong.

560. 30 Aug 2010 11:58


Praying for you and your husband Hazer.