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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

5361. 30 Dec 2009 17:09


In the morning I need to taste and adjust the seasonings of my Green Goddess dip. When first mixed up this morning it seemed bland, but Baldur had used dried herbs. If it still needs help tomorrow I can add a bit of horseradish sauce.

5362. 30 Dec 2009 17:48


I find dried herbs take a while in dips and sauces to really release their flavour. I hope it measures up for you tomorrow.

5363. 30 Dec 2009 17:59


My fella and I are going to enjoy a quiet evening at home for New Years Eve. We're starting with sushi for dinner, our local grocery store has fantastic fresh sushi made every day and we enjoy it thouroughly every now and again (not too often as it wouldn't seem special plus it's rather expensive). I'm looking forward to breaking out my sushi platter and my special asian bowls and chopstick rests. We rarely use them but I think this is an occasion which calls for special tableware. If we're still hungry later on we'll cook up some spanakopita we have and use up the spicy tzatiki I stumbled across the other day.
We're up in the air as to what drinks to have. My sweetie makes a damn good Jerry Coke (Coke, lime juice and Sailor Jerry's Rum) and he excells at making Ceasars as well. My specialty is margaritas and daquiris. Any of those would make fantastic New Years Eve drinks so we may have to simply sample a little of each.
We'll round the night out with some James Bond for good measure. Haven't decided which to go with, my fella is leaving the choice up to me as I'm the household Bond expert. I'm thinking something classic like Goldfinger or Thunderball. Sean Connery really was the quintessential (+5 points - I'd give myself more but I'm pretty sure I spelled it wrong) Bond, while Daniel Craig is fantastic I don't think anyone quite holds a candle to Connery.

5364. 30 Dec 2009 18:12


I really pay no attention to the alcohol at these events, We usually end up with much more than we started with.
Everyone, as I mentioned earlier brings something, and then invariably leaves it.
Baldur is not fond of beer, and Robert while very fond of it, is rather picky.
He will not drink Budweiser, ever. His preferred brand is a local one called 'Narragansett', But there are several others he will also drink.
If Baldur must drink a beer I would pray there is a Molson Canadian at hand. If not that a Sam Adams Winter lager. When I really do not want to taste beer I might have a Corona or a Rolling Rock. They are the least beerlike beers out there.
On January 2nd we will discover at least a couple cases of Budweiser somewhere about the house. Sometimes the guests leave them outside to keep them cool and then never even open the cases.
We will call Ned up in the log cabin on the hill and he will gratefully take them away for us.

5365. 30 Dec 2009 18:26


Just got this on my e-mail and it was too funny not to pass along.

(Jingle Bell rock is particularly funny)

5366. 30 Dec 2009 18:47


As 2009 wanes, Sheftali has enjoyed hearing what folks plan to do, eat, and enjoy tomorrow. I have a pan of kidney beans soaking overnight, to go into a crockpot of chili tomorrow morning. Sheftali loves making chili, with lots of different peppers in it to add zing. The chili will be served over rice, with chopped dill pickle chips, shredded cheese, diced onions, and a few dashes of malt vinegar. At 6 p.m. on New Year's eve, as he has for many years, a good German friend will call us from Germany, where it will be midnight. We'll hear fireworks and shotguns in the distance from Germany while we take his call. It's a tradition that we savor, hearing from our friend on New Year's eve. Here in Yorktown, Sheftali will pop the cork on a bottle of champagne, wake up hubby close to midnight, and we'll watch the ball drop in Time Square on tv. We'll toast the New Year at midnight, give thanks for our family and friends, give special thanks for all of our military, and finish most of the champagne. Sheftali wishes all a new year of love, happiness, and health, with more highs than lows, and hopes that all TDers continue to draw their marvelous pics.

5367. 30 Dec 2009 18:51


Time + s = Times

5368. 30 Dec 2009 18:55


=O Sorry, just had to try this. (Reprimands self for lack of restraint.)

5369. 30 Dec 2009 18:55


Rats. Did not get the bug-eyed emoticon. Just as well, I suppose......

5370. 30 Dec 2009 19:06


Baldur... THANK you for that list of Tunisian basics! ; D

5371. 30 Dec 2009 22:20


=O never seems to work at the begining of a post... none of them do... I don't know why but it just is

5372. 31 Dec 2009 00:21


Test [img][/img]

5373. 31 Dec 2009 00:22



5374. 31 Dec 2009 00:32


ok last tes and and :o) and :] and :3 and :c) and :> and =] and 8) and C: smiley or happy face
:-D and and 8D and XD and and =3 and <=3 and <=8 laughing, and and :c and :< frown D: and D8 and D; and D= horror, disgust, sad
:9 yummy and ;-) and and *) and ;] and ;D wink
:-P and and :-p and :p and =p and :-Þ and :Þ and :-b and :b tongue sticking out, :-O and and 8O and O_O and OwO and O-O and 0_o and O_o and O3O and o0o and ;o_o; and 0w0 surprise :-/ and :/ and :S skeptical, :| speechless
:-\ Undecided
:-X and :X and :-# and :# sealed lips, O:-) and O:) angel
:'-( and :'( and :,( and ;_and ;( and ;~and crying :-* and :* kiss
>:) and >:D and }:) and >:-) evil face B) and B-) and 8) and 8-) shades >.> and <.< and >_> and <_< look that way L-) Loser
:-! ¬¬ sarcasm / irony
:B buck teeth
;B buck-toothed wink
D:< and >:( and D-:< and >:-( and :-@ and ;( and `_´ angry, mad
<3 love, heart, less than 3
>°,,,°< Master Crab
\,,/ \m/ Rock on, sign of the horns[6]
\m/\>.</\m/ Rock on, sign of the horns[6] used with an emoticon
( ^_^)=mm=(^_^ ) Brofist
\o/ Praise, excitement, jumping for joy
\o o/ Greeting, hello, goodbye, seig heil
o7 Salute
8==D Phallus
o/\o High five
( o Y o ) ( . Y . ) Breasts
=]8^{D~ King Diamond
=8-( Bad Hair Day
=1 :1 :J =J Sly Smirk
( <> .. <> ) Alien
: {) : {o :-{) : {D Moustache-y Face per Lynda Julie (for referral to people with Moustaches - Jonn Waters, Burt Reynolds, etc.)
>(^.^)> <(^.^)< or (>'.')> <('.'<) (>O_O)> hug
:& Fail Face
u: happy with mouth open
:u sad with mouth open
c(: or sticking tongue out[5]
(:>o *<[:{) Santa Claus
X:o) ... X:o( ... X;o{ ... XXo[ Deer, Buck, Reindeer .. Happy .. Sad .. Angry .. Dead ... (by Tim Standafer)

5375. 31 Dec 2009 00:40


So we have [:-)] = and [:)] = and [=)] = and [:)] = and [=D] = and [:-(] = and [:(] = and [;)] = and [:P] = and [:O] = c

5376. 31 Dec 2009 00:40


I knew Baldur wanted this knowledge badly...

5377. 31 Dec 2009 00:41


And should I say... just for good measure...

5378. 31 Dec 2009 00:42


Hee hee...

5379. 31 Dec 2009 00:44


Thats all folks... I gotta head to work...

5380. 31 Dec 2009 02:33


matthew apparently emoticons are censored for content, so some of your fun is spoiled.
What do you do for a living now?