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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

5241. 25 Dec 2009 05:14


Very nice poem SmokeanShadow. Baldur, is there a kugeli recipe forthcoming? Think there is a plea in that question. : ) Also, your holiday dinner sounds a most appealing and refreshing change from traditional fare. Did Baldur receive some gifts he actually wanted? (giggle)

Anyway, reason I can visit Channel Baldur today is because we are staying home! The city plow that came through the cul-de-sac got stuck and that's enough of a "sign" for us, not to mention below zero windchills! The plow did finally manage to move on, but it took the guy quite a bit of sand and time to work that out. A bit north some folks lost power overnight. More snow predicted.

And, since we're staying home, there is all kinds of time! Played Christmas carols on the piano, hide-and-seek with the maine coon and made cards at Robin's site! Sent out an elf-card of spouse and our two cats singing! It's a hoot. Now there is even time for a long yoga session ... and, giggle, tidy spouse said (with enthusiasm!), "I have time to clean!" Yep, that's what he's doing. Go figure.

And, Robin, you might have mentioned it before, but what was the Basque affair? A holiday celebration? ??? [Also, thanks for your thoughts on the dog story but my Dad thinks it came from an old hunting magazine, Field and Stream?, in which case ... copyright stuff. Have tried to find source on-line but with no title or author, kind of difficult.]

Wishing all a very Merry and Happy day!

5242. 25 Dec 2009 12:41


Heavens, as the day progresses it has become rather apparent that Baldur has caught a cold.
I am on my third handkerchief already.
Both my exwife and daughter were on the tail ends of colds last night when they visited, but they cannot be to blame. It would take a few days for me to come down with symptoms. So this was already in the works by the time I saw them.

5243. 25 Dec 2009 12:44


I will post the kugeli recipe in a day or so.
Dinner is just about ready, though honestly Baldur is not very hungry.
Were Auntie B not in Branson she would be serving me matzoh ball soup.
I do hope she checks in before the night is over.

5244. 25 Dec 2009 16:34


Baldur, Auntie B is channeling some matzoh ball soup to you through me (well, it sounds like a good story, anyway!) Sheftali hopes your cold is of short duration. It's nice to be house-bound by the snow, but not nice to be going through multiple hankies.

Marius, it seems you, too, are house-bound but making the most of it. But please, hubby is cleaning??? What a fellow.

Sheftali had a quiet but pleasant Christmas day. Talked with several friends and family on the phone. Found out that a niece and her husband are expecting their first baby. This young couple have their stuff together, and a baby will be well cared for in that home. Also found out a friend's daughter who was unemployed (but actively looking) for a really long time just got a new job with decent benefits. Ah yes, it was a good Christmas. Sheftali managed to walk her dogs before the rains set in, so the Christmas goodies didn't have as much of a chance to wreak havoc on the diet!

5245. 26 Dec 2009 04:30


Everyone should check out GoldieGirl8's ChannelGoldie. She is having a contest to choose a slogan for her station. Most likely she wants something different than:
'All Goldie, All the Time'

5246. 26 Dec 2009 04:34


Baldur still definitely has the cold to beat all colds but I'm well medicated.
'Dried out' is probably more accurate.
I hate cold meds and the way they make me feel, but I hate having fluid running from my sinusii even more.
What has become apparent is that one should refrain from trying to blow the congestion out of their nose, even when the medications have seemingly dried it all up. If you try you only set up an escalating chain reaction that does not ever seem to stop.

5247. 26 Dec 2009 04:48


Robert headed out to 'le Spoon Greasee' as is his tradition on Satyrday mornings. Baldur is staying in for now, though we both have a dreadful errand this afternoon.
Those of delicate constitutions should read no further.

Our cat Seeky has been getting worse and worse, She has dropped from 16 pounds to just about 4 pounds.
The results from the biopsy last week was that while the growth on her kidney was not cancerous (whatever it was went away when they lanced and drained it), the abcess in her mouth was indeed a cancer.
It started in her salivary gland, and is malignant.
She cannot eat, though she tries, as she is literally starving to death.
We are bringing her in at 2pm and having her put to sleep.
She is a very loving cat, but is obviously suffering, the past couple of weeks she has done nothing but attempt to eat and then sleep a few hours before trying again.
She would spend a half hour or more at her food dish chewing and regurgitating, making quite a slobbering mess but with not too much actually making it inside.
Robert will be quite a disaster himself through this; we had another cat several years back that was also put to sleep and his sorrow was almost unbearable.
I did cry myself, but I stayed with her (Kitteau) until the end, I held her in my arms until she fell asleep and the Doctor told me her heart had stopped.
Robert had stayed in the waiting room crying as he could not bear to watch.
When I came back out, and he knew she was indeed dead his weeping was unconsolable. I was quite grateful there were no other people waiting there, especially any children, So we sat there a few moments until he calmed down a bit, though he was still crying, and I drove us home.

5248. 26 Dec 2009 04:57


I am sorry my friend... I know the heartache of being there as you watch your loved pet pass on... I hurt for you both, but have no wise words of comfort...

5249. 26 Dec 2009 05:00


The decision to put her to sleep was made last week, and the veterinarian said they could do it that very day, but Robert didn't want to face Christmas without her, so he made the appointment for today.
In my mind this was not the best choice, but the decision was his and I did not debate it.
Obviously the next couple days will be hell now, but over time it will get better.
Seeky has been the center of our lives for at least the last month when her condition worsened, and it has been extremely stressful here at Chez Baldur.
She has been getting all sorts of homemade foods chopped up in tiny bits with lots of broth to make the meals appealing and mealtime for her has become quite an effort.
Her sister, Heidi, senses something is very wrong and has been spending most of the time downstairs in the family room.

5250. 26 Dec 2009 05:03


Thank you matthew, I have lived through this before so I know it will become much worse today.
When you have pets die of old age, and we have had several, it is sad and you miss them terribly. However when you actually need to make the decision to end their lives the pain is unbearable.

5251. 26 Dec 2009 05:16


Yes, I know... You are making the right choice Baldur... You know that I am sure... I wish you a better tomorrow...

5252. 26 Dec 2009 05:30


Heavens, I just caught up on Potatoe's thread.
Not a good Christmas for many people is it?
How I dread this afternoon, more so for Robert.

5253. 26 Dec 2009 05:44


Oh Baldur, I'm sorry for what you're facing with your dear pet. It is never easy, even if the right thing to do. Yes, a challenging time for many...but comfort and care seem to be flowing...adding you and Robert to my thoughts today...

5254. 26 Dec 2009 05:54


I am thinking of you and your friend and your cat. I have been there more times than I care to recall. All I can say is to be there for the friend and the cat. I held my dog and cat for their last moments. I did not want them to be alone for their final moments with strangers. At least it is a peaceful painless way to go. I am sooo sorry.

5255. 26 Dec 2009 06:09


A sad thing to go through any time of year, but especially at Christmas. My thoughts are with you & Robert.

5256. 26 Dec 2009 06:14


Oh Baldur, add me to the list of people keeping you in their hearts today ... you, Robert and dear feline! Sad to hear your news, but greatful you have shared it with us. Take care.

5257. 26 Dec 2009 09:36


...sigh... holding them close to you is the ultimate gift. I'm glad (tho not surprised) to hear you are the sort who can do it.

5258. 26 Dec 2009 10:10


Yes, Baldur, I will be thinking of you and Robert also. From these same types of experiences I have learned a lesson that for me, at least, is true for both pets and people. It's easier to miss someone you love than to watch them suffer. I truly believe that eithanasia is the kindest thing you can do for a suffering pet, and one of the most selfless. But I'm sorry for your pain, nonetheless.

5259. 26 Dec 2009 12:36


Baldur, I feel so bad that u had your pet die.

5260. 26 Dec 2009 13:42


Baldur, let me add my condolences to you ane Robert. I've been involved in far too many of these procedures but Robin said it very well, it is indeed so hard to watch them suffer. Such a terrible decision to have to make at this time but do know it's the right one.

You may have read this poem but it's such a nice one, it always makes me cry but it also brings me peace.

The Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...