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5221. 23 Dec 2009 19:07


Yes, I have overcooked a sheetful before and they are no good crispy!

Here's my recipe for comparison to yours:

I leave out the nuts and double the recipe:

Chocolate crinkles

1c. semi-sweet chocolate chips
1c. brown sugar
1/3 c. oil
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1c. flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 c. chopped walnuts

Melt chocolate. Combine with sugar and oil. Add eggs one at a time, beat well. Add vanilla. Combine flour, baking powder, and salt. Add to chocolate mixture. Stir in nuts. Chill dough. Drop teaspoonfuls dough in powdered sugar. Roll to coat. Place on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes. Makes 4 dozen. (yeah right, maybe if they're super small!)

5222. 23 Dec 2009 19:13


Baldur, I thought Auntie B was going to Branson, MO? Perhaps she has gathered more information and now shares marius' opinion that Branson should be avoided at all costs, at all times? (Although, geologically-speaking, the area is quite pretty.)

Mmmmm - Robin's cookie recipe!
I can go to sleep dreaming of chocolate fragrances.
Good night all! Great show today!

May not be around much the next week -
so Happy Holidays to all,
and to all a good night!

5223. 24 Dec 2009 02:17


Seasonal Greetings to you, belladonnis. I hope all goes well for your Mom. Safe journey and I look forward to seeing you in 2010.

5224. 24 Dec 2009 02:32


users -r =uses

5225. 24 Dec 2009 02:49


It's cartoon time!!!

Here is a great representation of what the holiday is like at Chez Baldur.

5226. 24 Dec 2009 02:52


And this one, Baldur loves the curtains in each room.
I also love Bluto, never quite understood what Olive saw in Popeye

5227. 24 Dec 2009 02:57


5228. 24 Dec 2009 02:59


and one more......

5229. 24 Dec 2009 03:11


I am off to bed... May all your Christmas' be filled with love and joy, surrounded by those who care for you...

5230. 24 Dec 2009 09:46


Merry Christmas everyone!

5231. 24 Dec 2009 10:48


Merry Xmas everyone!

5232. 24 Dec 2009 14:45


Merry Christmas everyone! marius and spouse are home tonight, as are many folks. Our families will have to wait to see us until it's safe to drive. Right now we have the worst-ever weather conditions forecasted for our county on Christmas Eve, blizzard and white-out conditions!

We have ice which is covered with sleet which has sort of changed to snow. Winds are wild. Predictions for snow are 8" to 14". Christmas Eve services are cancelled throughout the metropolitan area. Bet a lot of folks are sad about that. We called our 82 year old neighbor and told her we'll hop the fence and bring her Christmas dinner if she can't get out tomorrow. She thinks she will be able to get out, but doesn't look likely.

Anyway, we're greatful to have power, heat and warm clothes. Hope everyone is safe at home or wherever they're travelling.

Baldur, your cartoons were great! THANKS!!!!!

5233. 24 Dec 2009 16:55


Robert is out at some huge family open house pot-luck thing. I provided him with an extremely large cookie platter to take along.
Meantime Baldur has his own Christmas Eve tradition, my exwife and my daughter always come by for dinner and to exchange gifts.

How is this for an odd relationship?... Sandra (my ex) and Robert exchange gifts. He did not leave for his family event until after he wished them a Merry Christmas.

Now Baldur of course needed to plan a menu for this evening.
The main course was homemade baked macaroni & cheese (which I refer to as Macaronian Cheese) and steamed brocolli. Baldur has mentioned his love for the Kraft Macaroni & cheese in the blue box, but I actually make the best homemade version, which the rest of the world seems to prefer.
It's good, but I find it a bit heavy.
The brocolli was meant to add at least a semblance of healthiness to the meal.
Oddly the fact that Sandra is the only person I know who prefers the stem part of the brocolli to the buds popped into my head, so when preparing it I separated them and placed the stems to one side of the serving bowl.

5234. 24 Dec 2009 17:00


The rest of the meal was all geared to foods my daughter likes.
Deviled eggs, hummus and wheat crackers and a Lithuanian ethnic dish called Kugeli (with a couple odd diacritical (+10 points) marks).
It would appear to those who know something about Jewish cuisine as a potato kugel.
This is grated raw potatoes and onions mixed with a wee bit of flour, some milk, baking powder and a few eggs. It is baked and resembles a heavy cake, The traditional accompaniment for this is sour cream and/or apple sauce.
Baldur is not allowed to forego making the kugeli.

5235. 24 Dec 2009 17:01


I had made a cookie tray for dessert but since they were quite full from dinner, and because I made them a tray to take home we never even touched dessert.

Then we opened our gifts.

5236. 24 Dec 2009 18:38


Well it's getting close to the magic hour, Merry Christmas to everyone from all of us here at Chez Baldur

5237. 24 Dec 2009 18:38



5238. 24 Dec 2009 18:55


Just back from the Basquo Fiasco and what fun it was! First the appetizers. (I'd say the french word for them but have no idea how to spell hors d'eurves or whatever). Then when you're bursting from that, this huge dinner spread is made available. Then an hour or so of singing Christmas carols, complete with some acting that has been honed over many generations. Then Santa passes out Christmas gifts while the desserts are put out for all to indulge. Couldn't wait to get to the car so I could unbutton my jeans! Anyway, I helped with dishes to ensure an invite again next year. What fun! I think I will become Basque.

Just a few more minutes til Christmas for you East Coasters! Couple more hours for me. Happy Christmas, Merry Kwaanza, Glorious Hanukkah, etc., etc. And Marius, stay warm!

5239. 24 Dec 2009 19:01


Yes, it is the bewitching hour. Ho ho ho and Merry Christmas to all.

5240. 24 Dec 2009 19:10


Snow is on the ground.
Good cheer is all around.
Sleigh bells sounding in the night.
All the children tucked in tight.
Santa is on his way.
Toys and goodies fill his sliegh.
Cookies and milk left by the tree.
Soot from the chimney sticks to his sleeve.
Tracks on the rug left from his shoe.
Christmas wishes I send to you.

Merry Christmas to you all.