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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

5201. 23 Dec 2009 16:33


Oh thank you sooo much, I was just going to ask for the recipe.

5202. 23 Dec 2009 16:35


Thank you, my mom is doing well. It will be a long recovery but she is a tough little woman! This may sound funny but you know we all love our parents when we are young, for me that love for them has grown so much more as they have aged. Maybe I am the one that has aged or rather grown up. I'm a parent now myself so I have a better understanding of the things they have sacrificed for me and a thankfull heart for all the spankings I got growing up!!!lol
Marius I make fried corn the way my mom use to. My uncle had a farm and when the corn would come in we would have "Corn Day" at my house. The corn would be shucked and brushed to get off all the silk, then it would be washed. The corn that was for cob eating would be packed for the freezer. The corn that would be used for fried corn would have to be cut off the cob, the same way you would make regular creamed corn. First you cut the niblets off the cob by cutting with the knife flat against the cob, then you scrape the rest of the corn off the cob. A really messy job!!!! Then we would freeze what we were not going to cook.
When it was ready to cook my mom would put the juicy corn in a huge cast iron skillet, then she would add butter, salt, black pepper and sugar(not much) She would also dice green and red peppers and sometimes add green chillies for some kick. This done she would let it simmer untill it would thicken and Oh my how I loved "Corn Day!

5203. 23 Dec 2009 16:37


I foresaw that possibility.

Baldur is very fanatical when it comes to his baking and especially the presentation of his baked goods.
I own paper cupcake liners (some are actually candy cups meant for chocolates and such) in several sizes. Many are white paper but I have since determined I prefer the dark brown variety instead.
Therefore I am doing my darndest to use the white papers ones up with all possible haste. This Christmas I've used hundreds.

5204. 23 Dec 2009 16:39


I cut the bars into rectangles approximately .75" by 1.5",
For each slice Baldur flattened a cupcake liner (size 5, greaseproof white)and centered the cookie upon it, then the sides were folded up creating a neat little wrapper that looks like an albino pleated taco-ette.

5205. 23 Dec 2009 16:40


BALDUR!!!! I've gained 10 pounds just from reading and salivating over your baking stories!!! I want to come to your house NOW!!!!

5206. 23 Dec 2009 16:42


belladonnis, it's interesting to watch how our roles reverse as we and our parents age.
I wish your family the best through this difficult period.
Baldur is planning on joining the Foreign Legion and hiding when similar problems start to befall his own parents.

5207. 23 Dec 2009 16:43


It may be hard getting a flight on a holiday weekend.

5208. 23 Dec 2009 16:48


I'm beginning to feel like Barbara Stanwyck in 'Christmas In Connecticut'.
Except of course that I can cook, and I do live this odd fantasy life that causes people to scratch their heads.

5209. 23 Dec 2009 16:54


Baldur I think your life sounds wonderful! At least your fantasy life is real.

5210. 23 Dec 2009 17:03


Auntie B here, I can attest to that.
My nephew Baldur, is actually considered a bit of an odd duck by many people. He steadfastly refuses to live by convention.
It wasn't always so. oh Auntie remembers him as a child trying to fit in with his peers. Somewhere in High School he just cast it aside like a snake squiggling out his old skin.
How different he became, still charming of course, and actually probably more so than before.

5211. 23 Dec 2009 17:57


Here I am again with another gem from the old mailbag......

Dear Auntie B,
How do I stop being cynical and suspicious?
I have been following this maddyjean drama, saw her morph into addy, sorry, holiday, back into addy, then zristin and now suddenly there is a new member called 'buddy'.
'buddy' has done nothing suspicious yet but I know in my heart of hearts that it's maddy again.
How I envy Baldur that he can just not see her postings. What about the rest of us?
Thank you Auntie B,
Nauseated Nessie

5212. 23 Dec 2009 18:00


Sheftali believes Baldur's magic amulet is going to get overworked.

5213. 23 Dec 2009 18:04


Gentlest Listener,
It's easy to ignore her, Auntie B has been doing that herself, but I was not up to date on all of her many aliases.
Doing a little fast research I found MANY comments already from zristin, dominating a lot of threads at once. I can see why you are suspicious.
What appears obvious is that she is just not smart enough to create convincing alter-egos. Poor soul, maybe she ate a lot of lead paint chips as a toddler.
In any case NN, Auntie can see that you are a bright and perceptive person.
If a newcomer seems suspicious, quietly sit back and observe them until you can make a grounded decision.
And please let me know how you make out, Auntie B really does care.

5214. 23 Dec 2009 18:10


This is all really sad for TDers because it makes you suspicious of new possibly innocent users. Imagine if you are a new TDer and you read in one of the forums that you are not being taken seriously.

5215. 23 Dec 2009 18:14


I would not be shy and step up and ask what was going on.
It is not proving hard for us to penetrate the aliasasses.
Faking sincerity doesn't work for her.

5216. 23 Dec 2009 18:15


AuntieB what do you think about hickory switches? My mom used them on me when I acted out!

5217. 23 Dec 2009 18:18


Hickory switches are quite effective.
My meme' preferred to use Blackthorn, a very hard nasty,spikey branch.

5218. 23 Dec 2009 18:37


Baldur, I, too, am making chocolate crinkles tonight for a party tomorrow night. I have had my recipe for a good number of years, and these cookies end up tasting like a brownie, they are so delicious! However, a friend asked me for the recipe. I thought surely I could find it online and copy and paste to send her, rather than have to type the whole thing out. However, all of the online recipes used white sugar. My recipe uses brown sugar. How about yours?? And what texture do your cookies end up? Mine are really about the same chewy texture as a brownie. My son always called them "Cow Cookies", not because they look like cow pies, as some would suggest. But because of the black/ white spotted effect of the crinkle. He thought it looked like a cow hide when he was small.

5219. 23 Dec 2009 18:42


I am off to bed everyone. I dont know if I will be online tomorrow night, and I will be offline for awhile when I go to my moms. I hope everyone has a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a safe HAPPY NEW YEAR! I look forward to catching up when I get back!!

5220. 23 Dec 2009 18:45


The texture of my Chocolate Crinkles is also similar to a chewy brownie.
The key is always to beware overcooking them
My recipe also users white sugar