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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

5121. 21 Dec 2009 17:54


What a pleasant evening.
Baldur has just returned from dinner with an old friend.
'Tank' and I have done this every Christmas season since we were in high school together.
Back then we were close friends, and he briefly dated my sister Prunella.
May the gods help him recover from the mental trauma that inflicted upon him.
Were things a bit different, 'Tank' may have become my brother-in-law.
If that had transpired he would no doubt have become homicidal by now.

5122. 22 Dec 2009 01:24


Well, Robin had her last night shift on Sunday night. And now I have been awake all night on Monday night. Have to be to work in 2.5 hours with not a wink of sleep. Boo. Luckily that's only for a few hours of orientation.

I am loving the new Aunt B. part of the show. What a brilliant addition to the cast! I wonder if she knows voodoo? I'm thinking it may be time to try some...

Tonight we are planning to go out looking at all the Griswald lights with some friends. I am hoping to make Baldur's hot chocolate and put it in a thermos to bring along.

Not sure what's happened to my computer but it has a serious infection. I may be off for a few days if I can't get anyone to look at it. This happened once before and my friend was able to talk me through some stuff over the phone to resolve it. It's this thing where it won't let you do anything because it says you have been infected with a virus and the only way to fix it is to pay like $50 to some security website. The pop-up shows up about every 1-2 minutes, but at least this one eventually let me on the internet. the last one wouldn't let me get past the pop-up. It's a way of extorting money out of dumb-dumbs like me who fall for such nonsense. If my neighbor can't get it off for me, I'll have to take it into the computer hospital for IV antibiotics. Who knows how long that will take on a holiday week?

So, just in case....Happy Holidays to all!

5123. 22 Dec 2009 09:26


Glad folks enjoyed my Dad's story. Wasn't sure it'd would translate from hearing it in front of the fireplace over holidays.

Robin, great to hear from you. Hope your orientation was short and that you are catching upon sleep. Also meant to say I enjoyed your bartending story. Unlike you, I loved it but only for a few years. And, I loved that bar providing a barrier between self and customers. : ) Hope your computer gremlins get elminated. Happy holidays to you too.

Love matthew's present from Baldur and seem matthew loves it too.

Dragon, thanks for "steam roller." Ahhh.... sigh of relief.

sheftali, enjoyed hearing about your firearms status, use. Mades me recall a strange apartment I lived in. Six units: me age 20 in college, four retired folks and a narcotics agent. The narc was about 24-25 and had a full-zixed line drawing of a person hanging on his kitchen wall. It had bullet holes at the perfect spots. I remember wondering how he could eat meals looking at that.

Never saw the narc except when we met in the downstairs laundry room, or passing by his kitchen on the outside stairs ....but one morning I walked over to visit an art friend who, as many such students, lived in a rather "iffy" neighborhood. Who should I meet walking on the street but neighbor narc dressed up in "hippy-clothes," sporting a fake beard and fake long hair. The poor man looked so shocked to see me that I never mentioned it when we met up in the laundry room again.

Baldur, glad you and Tank had a good time and sounds like all are happy he didn't marry Prunella. Also, thanks for introducing Auntie B to us. Already sounds like she's full of good ideas. : )

belladonnis, good luck with cat and Christmas tree. We have a 14" tree with miniature fake presents under it. Those are great amusement for the cats and I have to replace them now and then. If we had a big tree am sure our cats would be climbing it too. Maybe Dragon will have some ideas for you. Wishing you luck.

5124. 22 Dec 2009 09:33


And Baldur, marius greatly appreciates your sharing of recipes. For some odd reason marius is craving vegetables these days. Craving! So, am wondering if Baldur has any favorite recipes that contain a large and varied amount of veggies? (Would be interested in stir fry if there is a different sauce than what I use. Generally all I put on stir-fry is tamari or a blend of Italian seasonings.)

As I've has apparently become bored with meat as of late, think what I'm looking for is vegetable variery, or vegetable meal plans? Yes, I know it's a lot to ask but one never knows what one will get without asking. Perhaps there's a great veggie cookbook that might be recommended? : ) Thanks!

5125. 22 Dec 2009 09:34



5126. 22 Dec 2009 10:03


I do have a suggestion for belladonnis re:Cat in tree problems. When I was trying to keep my cat out of the tree a couple years ago I used something called SSSScat. It's a can of compressed air with a motion dectector on top. You just turn it on and set it up under or in the tree with the motion detector pointed towards where the cat will come up on the tree. When it senses motion it will let out a blast of compressed air which is harmless but scary (I know it's harmless because I was setting it up behind a plant one day and it blasted off right in my face- shocking but didn't hurt me at all, even though I did get a blast of dirt from the plant in my face ). The main downfall with this is that if your tree is in an area with lots of activity the can may go off frequently just from walking by. I find if I face the can away from the front of the tree it works well because cats often try climbing from the back.

5127. 22 Dec 2009 13:27


Faithful Listeners,
Time for another question from Auntie B's mailbag..

Dear Auntie B,
I got my girls a kitten from the litter that my mom's cat had and I CANNOT keep her out of my christmas tree!!!!! Our tree is pretty tall so when she get to the top I cant get her do I keep her from climbing the tree? She WAS such a sweet little thing but now she is acting like a little demon. We named her Mazey but now that I think about it we probably should have named her Maddy;). No, she is a sweety just mischievous! Like right now.....she isnt in the tree but she is eyeing the gerbil cage very intently!!!

Gentlest Listener,
TASER Maddy, ooops sorry, I meant Mazey.
No seriously, one should never TASER kitties.
I had a friend once who took an old-school childrens playpen and would set up her tree inside it each December. It looked like hell.
Actually it did not even slow down the cat, The cat was inside the playpen and climbing the tree lickety split.
I like the condensed air concept though I personally used a more low tech method. A squirt gun.
Cats do not like getting hit with a brief jet of water.
The disadvantage of course is that you must be there to have any effect.
After just a few repeats the cat will just need to see the squirt gun and she will run for cover.
Do let me know how things turn out for you, I really do care.
Auntie B

5128. 22 Dec 2009 13:36


I have a question. Oh, by the way, LOL about naming the cat after me.

Dear Auntie B,
I actually have 2 questions, is that okay? Well, I guess that makes 3. First of all, my Grandpa's wife just died, and he isn't showing any sadness. Should I be worried or something?

#2. I've been, well, let's just say 'not very nice'. I've asked the kind people of Think Draw for forgivness, but it's been turned down, saying I have to 'earn it'. What does this mean and how do I do it? I just don't understand.

5129. 22 Dec 2009 13:51


I'll venture an answer. First I'd like to say thank you maddy for abandoning the "holidays" persona and returing to your original screen name.
For your Grandpa, not everyone greives in the same way but if you're worried you should speak to your parents and let them know you're concerned for him.

Second, no one has said they will never forgive you. The way to earn forgiveness is to be honest with us and to continue being honest. Also not using other user names to try to fool people or to insult them. It's quick and easy to lose peoples trust, it's a long road, hard road to forgivenes.

5130. 22 Dec 2009 13:53


Ok, thank-you, Holidays isn't me, I don't know what makes you think that. Auntie B, give it a shot?

5131. 22 Dec 2009 14:04


Maddy... You ARE Holliday... EVERYONE knows it... Remember... HONESTY is the 1st step to forgiveness... Pretending that we are all stupid is not...

5132. 22 Dec 2009 14:09


Something else you should be aware of is the fact that even if you do everything right (and matthew's right, you aren't getting off to a very good start) there are still going to be people who never forgive you. There are people who've been hurt by your actions, they may not extend forgiveness at all. It would be foolish to believe that many people will trust you but then on the internet it's foolish to trust someone you essentially know nothing about anyway.

5133. 22 Dec 2009 14:23


Everybody knows that Matthews are always right...

5134. 22 Dec 2009 14:24


Modest too right?

5135. 22 Dec 2009 14:41


Oh, most exceptionally so... ... º¿º

5136. 22 Dec 2009 14:50


I swear, I'm NOT Holidays. Seriously, gosh, I'm NOT. I don't even know what to say about it.

Modest, maybe not.

5137. 22 Dec 2009 15:09


Alright, I'm done giving advice. I'm with marius on this one, I think maddy is an adult who gets their kicks out of screwing around with us.

5138. 22 Dec 2009 15:15


I give up as well Dragon...

5139. 22 Dec 2009 15:16


I believe you have lost your last 2 suporters Maddy...

5140. 22 Dec 2009 15:23


YOU GUYS DON'T EVEN KNOW THE HALF OF IT! YOU WANNA KNOW WHY I'M SO IRRATABLE, IT'S BECAUSE I'M STINKIN POOR! I live in a little stinking house, ALONE most of the time, my GRANDMA had to raise me as a baby because my parents couldn't afford me! Think Draw is the most fun I've had in years, can't you just let me have it instead of ruining it? You know, my parents are considering putting me in a foster home. He's real nice, too. His house is the biggest I've ever seen, and it's hardly two stories! MATTHEW, DRAGON, I DON'T GIVE THE SLIGHTEST PIECE OF CRAP WHAT YOU SAY BECAUSE IT'S HARD FOR ME! EVERY WEEKEND I HAVE TO WATCH MY 2-YEAR-OLD BROTHER GET ABUSED! Can't you leave me alone? I'm fine without your support, my family tries to support me, and they actually give a crap about my feelings. I can't believe this, is there really another website you can sit and draw that's exactly like this one? I like this one, and I'n staying, there's nothing you do about it, let me have this.