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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

5021. 19 Dec 2009 13:04


Since Robert is headed out into the potential blizzard for the evening and my plans have been cancelled it seemed an ideal time for a comfirt food supper.
I've cooked a large pan of homefries with onions, lots of onions.
Enough onions to scare away the evil spirits of the dead,
Baldur also addly a good;y dash of hot pepper flakes to this masterpiece.
I also fully intend to eat it with ketchup.
Losing out on $100,000 is good enough a reason to eat potatoes with ketchup.

5022. 19 Dec 2009 13:04


comfirt -i +o =comfort

5023. 19 Dec 2009 13:05


good;y -; +l =goodly

5024. 19 Dec 2009 13:28


Is there a bartender in the house?

I just made myself what I'm calling a Highball, but I wonder if it is not called something else. Is a Highball always Whiskey and Gingerale? I used Dark Rum instead of Whiskey.
Is there a different name for that?

5025. 19 Dec 2009 14:05


What a cane?

5026. 19 Dec 2009 14:06


Marius was a bartender a couple of years in a former life. Memory doesn't always serve, but think highball is alcohol base with generous addition of non-alcoholic beverage, of any kind. But ... I could be wrong and it won't be the first time nor the last. : )

5027. 19 Dec 2009 14:07


I heard a cane, I never one.

5028. 19 Dec 2009 14:15


Does Baldur need a reason to eat ketchup with potatoes? Is there something bad about ketchup? Is it aluminum based? (giggle)

5029. 19 Dec 2009 14:19


Robert is very Anti-ketchup, he doesn't understand how anyone could like it

5030. 19 Dec 2009 14:22


That is funny! So you avoid Ketchup to keep Robert in good spirits? Well, at least he doesn't ban it from the home.

5031. 19 Dec 2009 15:17


Ketchup and barbeque sauces are served as vegetables in Robin's house.

Baldur, couldn't help but notice that unfortunate incident at the train station. I hope no one was hurt.

I, too, used to be a bartender, whilst attending nursing school. I hated the job, and therefore sucked at it. This was in downtown Buffalo, which is a very late-night town. Bars are open there til 4am, so people generally are not out much before midnight. I worked the early shifts on Sat. and Sun., so they were typically slow, allowing me to tend to my studies. The only time I got customers, they were usually Canadians (no offense, Dragon) who thought they'd come to Buffalo for a drinking day. Now, in Canada, the bars close early, so they tend to be an earlier crowd, and can't understand where everyone is at 3 in the afternoon. They also only order foo-foo drinks. They would come in and, for instance, order a "rusty nail". I had 2 ways of dealing with this. The first was my favorite. I would say, "Do you know what's in that?" If they responded no, I would say, "Then I don't have it!" hahahaha The other trick was taught to me by my boss there. He warned me about the Canadian foo-foo drinks, and told me that they usually had no idea what the drink should taste like, but liked red drinks. "When in doubt, make it red. Here's the grenadine." Words to live by spoken by my boss, the alcoholic bar-owner! Obviously, I never intended to make a career out of bartending.

5032. 19 Dec 2009 15:39


Who this Robert? Does he ketchup?

5033. 19 Dec 2009 15:55


Radio Rasselbear lives on...

5034. 19 Dec 2009 15:57


He makes faces when people use ketchup, it's rather amusing actually.
When we breakfast at le Spoon Greasee there are usually the same crowd of people there.
One gentleman will order a couple fried eggs over easy, home fries, bacon or ham and toast. Then he will squirt ketchup all over everything, toast included, Robert grimaces.
Having tasted the food there this flavor enhancement is perfectly logical to me.
Baldur once put maple syrup in his coffee so he could somehow get it down.
The maple syrup did not help at all.

5035. 19 Dec 2009 16:03


I have not lunched there, but there are people who order the luncheon specials at breakfast time.
Baldur has seen some of these.
One is a French/Canadian dish that Chef Al calls 'Ragout'.
First it should be noted that Chef Al is an Italian-American without any actually Canadian in him.
Anyway the Ragout consists of a large shallow soup bowl of brown gravy.
In this brown sauced. arranged in a triangular pattern are:
a huge meatball made of ground pork and ground beef, bread and allspice
a huge boiled potato
a huge chunk of pork roast.
It's quite popular, though it looks like Lisa Douglas cuisine to me.

5036. 19 Dec 2009 16:11


Baldur loves Canadia (I do actually call it that), having visited at least 20 times so far.
I'd love to retire to Fredericton.
My sense of humor does at time get me in trouble.

I happened to be in Fredericton on the Queen Mum's (may the gods bless her soul) 100th birthday.
While having a single malt scotch in an eclectic little cafe run by an aging flower child QM was on the telly and I commented.
Baldur said: 'Why do we always see her in that same pale blue outfit?'
The exflowerchild said, 'What do you mean?'
I commenced to explain that I have seen her on the news, in programs and in photographs countless times during my life and she is always wearing the exact same outfit. She is undoubtedly in possession of many copies of the same articles of clothing but why?
She had never noticed the nonchanging clothing and then stared askance (+9 points) until I left.

5037. 19 Dec 2009 16:16


I happen to love wearing very dark brown clothing, sort of a bittersweet chocolate color. In my own eyes the color suits me.
But every day? How boring.
Still I try to remain in the autumnal shades: browns, rusts, deep golds, olive or sage greens, maybe some cranberry.
I think blues and whites look bad on me.
Black is fine but after wearing nothing but that color for ages it is something I'm giving a bit of a rest.

5038. 19 Dec 2009 16:23


Matthew, is funny! R adio Rasselbear! Ha!

5039. 19 Dec 2009 16:44


Tonight's musical segment is a bit of A Cappella:
Presenting Ben Folds 'Magic' performed by
'Voices In Your Head' of the University of Chicago ynext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=1

5040. 19 Dec 2009 17:18


Wow, nice. Baldur, you Rasselbear? You on gallery?