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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

501. 14 Jun 2010 17:41


Oh Hazer, I see you have a strong family and strong faith. May time temper your sadness, and may life reaffirm itself for you and yours. I lost my mother-in-law about a month ago. She was a dear lady, and at 92 had lived a full life. She passed peacefully, and she was ready to move on. Somehow, there seems little solace in a new life ending so soon, as in your case. Peace be with you.

502. 14 Jun 2010 17:54


Thank you for sharing these beautiful words with us, Hazer... they are so true. Your enormous loss has touched many of us here, and brought us closer together too.

I know that when you are feeling so much pain, small kindnesses from those around you, even people whom you barely know, help much more than they could possibly imagine. It is wonderful that you have such a strong family and faith and can all support each other at this time. Cherish each other...

503. 14 Jun 2010 19:31


Thanks sheftali and mum. I just looked at your sleeping angel pic mum and all the comments. It was a beautiful tribute. Thank you.

I should really fill in some of the story. When I first informed you of baby's arrival and the tragic outcome, I had gotten the phone call at 7:30 am from my husband, who was working about a 5 hour drive away from home. My daughter thought it would be best to call him first and let him give me the news. We decided to go to the hospital together once he got home.
What we didn't know then was that baby had a strong heartbeat up until about 2 min before he was born at 2:30 am. The hospital team worked to get his heart started and the Stars Helicopter was called with the intention of transporting him into Calgary. However, it was decided, after all the time that had elapsed that baby had gone without oxygen for too long. Tests confirmed that he had suffered massive brain damage as a result.
Our daughter and her husband were told, and thought they had said their final goodbye to their baby when he was first taken away.
Then at 9:30 am I got a call from our other daughter saying that the Dr had just informed them that the baby had been taken off the respirator and had a faint heartbeat and was breathing on his own. Would the parents want to have him with them. A bitter sweet moment of having the privilege of holding their son in their arms, but knowing that he would not live for more then a few hours. I was told that if I wanted to see him I'd have to come right away. No one had to ask me twice! I won't be surprised if I get some speeding tickets in the mail!
I got to cuddle my beautiful little grandson and let me tell you it almost ripped my heart out to see the roller coaster of emotions that our daughter and her husband were going through. Everything from the joy and wonder of having their baby brought back to them, to the utter helplessness, torment and grief of knowing they could do nothing to save their precious little one. The other grandparents got there shortly before baby passed away and my husband finally arrived at 5:30 pm. about 5 minutes too late.

504. 14 Jun 2010 19:40


Hazer, my heart was breaking as I read the details of your grandson's saga. Thanks for sharing. Thinking of you.....

505. 14 Jun 2010 19:44

Qsilv hard to say this... but... what a loving gift to him, that he was being held....

506. 14 Jun 2010 19:48


My daughter said that the second chance to hold him was a precious gift that God had given them...I believe in answer to your prayers to comfort them in their sorrow.

507. 15 Jun 2010 07:19


Hazer, I am glad you got to meet him, if only for a minute. Very sorry about your loss, but God is holding him now.

My grandmother was released from the hospital last night, she does not have pneumonia thankfully! She does have an infection though, and is pretty sick.

508. 15 Jun 2010 09:41


Holding him or not was a tough decision and in such hard situations only our heart and feelings can tell us what to do. May your daughter, your family and you find consolation with one another and with your deepest beliefs.

509. 11 Jul 2010 14:36


I didn't know where else to put this- an old friend- who is a youg and-im my opinion talented artist, - he just got his first copyright on a song.- so asking for prayers that his career as a musician takes off and that he'll be able to stay close to his wife and new child.

-oh here is his first music video

510. 11 Jul 2010 15:03


Nice song, and may he be blessed with a recording soon!! It's so hard to get music out there, these days. I'll send a prayer up for him, and hope to soon hear more!! Blessings!!

511. 11 Jul 2010 16:29


Nice voice! The song is very good, it stays with you....I certainly hope and pray that things go well for him...he looks like a nice young man. His family must be proud!

512. 14 Jul 2010 14:44


Another prayer request for my daughter and her husband. Tomorrow at 1:30 P.M. CST. they have an appointment with the medical team that has been investigating the possible cause of their baby's death. She is really struggling with feelings of guilt...that perhaps there was something they could have done differently that would have changed the outcome.

I really feel that because of the sense of foreboding that her Dad and I had throughout her pregnancy, that their baby would not have lived or else would have been severely disabled. I pray that this meeting will put her mind at rest.

I know that if they were to decide to try again I am not feeling any of that sense of dread that I did before. I believe her next baby will be healthy and strong.

I want to thank you all again for your prayers on our behalf and for all the kind comments and sentiments. You are a wonderful community of friends I may never meet in person but you have touched my soul and I thank God for each one of you.

513. 14 Jul 2010 15:01


Dear Hazer and family, you're in my prayers

514. 14 Jul 2010 18:04


Good luck Hazer. I wish you and your daughter the best.

515. 15 Jul 2010 20:09


Also hoping good things come for you and yours.

516. 16 Jul 2010 00:00


What an amazing moment that must have been Hazer...

517. 16 Jul 2010 04:41


Hazer~ you, husband and daughter/husband have been prayed for and in my thoughts. It is truly amazing how God lets us know things. May all continue to be blessed through Gods touch, and your daughter receive peace of mind.

518. 16 Jul 2010 05:39


Hazer, you and your family continue to be in my thoughts too. I hope that your daughter and her husband can find some answers and peace of mind as a result of this meeting. Sending hugs your way...

519. 22 Jul 2010 16:38


We have gotten some of the medical results back from our baby grandsons death that only raise more questions as to how this could be happening and not raise enough alarm to have warranted an emergency cesarean. Apparently it was early detachment of the placenta which deprived him of oxygen before birth.
The only consolation we have now is in knowing what went wrong and if and when they decide to become pregnant again the Drs will know what precautions to take to insure they will have their baby alive and healthy.

520. 23 Jul 2010 02:45


I have had many "what ifs" in my lifetime... Never one that took a child... That sounds like something that should have been caught... I do hope they try again...