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501. 4 Jun 2009 08:26


Let's all celebrate with cream cheese, red onion and chopped boiled egg sandwiches un bulkie rolls.
We can also have clearly labeled pitchers of 'Bloody Marys', 'Bloody Virgins'. Bloody Caesars', and 'Bloody Virgin Caesars'

502. 4 Jun 2009 08:27


And now you have hit 501. But I've gotta run and do errands now. I'll look forward to reading the next 499 threads!

503. 4 Jun 2009 08:28


-501 +503, -499, +497

504. 4 Jun 2009 08:59


-u +o

I need to be outside doing some gardening anyway, and may clear some brush away for a neighbor this afternoon.
Until then Baldur out.

'All Baldur, All the Time'

505. 4 Jun 2009 09:53


B, I find you infinitely more entertaining than Seinfeld ever did! You actually impart wisdom/learning at times!

506. 4 Jun 2009 10:14


Yes, the closest Seinfeld ever came to cooking tips was how to order from the Soup Nazi

507. 4 Jun 2009 11:17


I read in some article about his program that the set designer decided that Seinfeld would keep his boxes of cereal in alphabetical order so indeed they are arranged that way in his kitchen.

It seems funny but for compulsive people things like that do occur. I have more spices and herbs in little jars in my cupboard than anyone I know, and yes they are shelved alphabetically.
My cupboard however goes beyond that, as I slowly learn the names for the items I am relabeling them in Latin: Basilica, Piper Nigeras, Salsas Marinas.
If I have no way of translating them I create words that seem Latinesque:
Cinnamonium, Parsilium, Rosamarius, Oreganum
One thing that I really need is a good Latin/English dictionary

508. 4 Jun 2009 11:30


Here is a good Latin to English dictionary on line, to help you with that labelling.

509. 4 Jun 2009 11:31


There's always the internet!

510. 4 Jun 2009 11:31


I arrange all my movies in alphabetic order by title except my James Bond collection, they're arranged by year of release (though they're all under B for Bond on the shelf) The titles also have to go in the same direction or it bothers me until I fix it. That's my one OCD issue.

511. 4 Jun 2009 11:49


Thank You, I'll check the Notre Dame link IamAnonymous.
For all the information on the internet, it hasn't been too helpful in this quest. A good gardening catalog is actually my best research guide.

What causes issues with me are cd jewel cases. I love storing my disks in the original case, in alphabetical order by artists and then chronologically by release date. Every once in a while I will encounter the spine label being printed wrong so the title would be upside down relevant to the others.
NO NO NO, I will not put up with that.
I take apart the jewed case, remove the printed insert, slice off the offending spine label, invert it, re-attach it (using acid free archival tape) and re-assemble everything

Complilation sets are filed by genre and then alphabetically by title.

512. 4 Jun 2009 12:02


As for Dvds they are sorted alphabetically but given the caveat that collections stay together and are sorted chronologically. So the Harry Potter films would go under 'H' for Harry, and within that category 'HP and the Sorcerer's Stone' would go before HP and Hagrid's Goiter'.

If I had all the Star Trek DVDs they would need to be in this order:

'Star Trek Enterprise' in chrono......
'Star Trek' the new movie
'Star Trek' the original series in chrono......
the Shatner (that don't include Next Generation crossovers) movies in chrono.........
'Star Trek the Next Generation' in Chrono.....
Star Trek The Next generation movies in Chrono.....
Star Trek Voyager in chrono......
Star Trek Deep Space 9 in chrono......

513. 4 Jun 2009 12:06


I no longer have the books, but trying to put Marion Zimmer Bradley's 'Darkover' books in order would be a complete nightmare.

At least with Anne Rice's books there can be assembled stretches of continuing stories, but Darkover is a tough one to force into a series.

514. 4 Jun 2009 12:19


I read a series of books once and each successive book takes place a few hundred years before the previous book. It was very unusual and compelling. Wish I could remember the titles or author, it was many years ago.

515. 4 Jun 2009 12:20


Re: Star Trek in order, wouldn't you put DS9 before Voyager, it was out a few seasons previous.

516. 4 Jun 2009 12:30


Baldur, the spine labels on some of your DVDs being the wrong way round, reminds me of my own irritation with book spines. UK book titles all face the same way on the spines, whereas books bought in other european countries tend to face in the opposite direction. Consequently, a large proportion of our books are upside down in the bookcase, simply to get them all facing the same way.

517. 4 Jun 2009 14:43


I could switch Deep Space Nine and Voyager's place, they pretty much covered the same time period. I hated Deep Space Nine however and so probably would never own the DVDs anyway

518. 4 Jun 2009 14:48


I watched very little DS9 though I admit it improved when Worf arrived.
The storyline with the Bajorans and Cardassians never grabbed me.

The series I saw the absolute least of was 'Enterprise' though I really wanted to.
I refuse to pay for cable tv, an odd quirk of mine, and there was no local station broadcasting that one. The nearest was a weak station from Boston that refused to come in over my television.
If I really battled the tv and kept rotating the antenna I could at least hear some of the dialogue, no images could be discerned at all through the snow.

519. 4 Jun 2009 14:52


The series I watched the most of was 'Voyager'.
I loved the Borg, loved Janeway, loved 7 of 9, thought Voyager was the sexiest Starship ever designed.

520. 4 Jun 2009 14:53


And as a bonus they used a tactic on the Borg that I had been screaming at my television set for years. Somebody finally heard me. They used the transporter to beam a photon torpedo into the Borg cube.