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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

4981. 19 Dec 2009 05:38


I will be right over there...

4982. 19 Dec 2009 05:39


Hiding behind the bushes...

4983. 19 Dec 2009 05:39


Minding my own business...

4984. 19 Dec 2009 05:40


Of coarse, minding your business IS my business...

4985. 19 Dec 2009 05:40


So if ya can't handle the next 15 comments... Just whistle...

4986. 19 Dec 2009 05:44


umm.. our aloe lives under the leaves of a large potted rubber plant, in a very dark spot behind the fence.. and, umm, it likes it..

dear Baldur.. is there something wrong with our aloe vera, or does it just not know that it should be sickly and/or dead ? [mind you, I envy you your Venus Flytrap - haven't seen one for years - real OR plastic]

4987. 19 Dec 2009 05:47


14 bottles of beer on the wall, 14 bottles of beer. If one of those bottles would happen to fall......

4988. 19 Dec 2009 05:47


13 bottles of beer on the wall. ok I'll stop. Congrats on the impending 5000!!!

4989. 19 Dec 2009 05:48


oops. marg you messed up my beer bottle

4990. 19 Dec 2009 05:49


who needs MJ when we have JM ? .. and congrats on the 5000 - best show in town !

4991. 19 Dec 2009 05:49


moi ??

4992. 19 Dec 2009 05:51


oh no.. are you saying that you made the '15' comment, Doug.. ?

4993. 19 Dec 2009 05:56


marg: guess i missed something. I was just counting down the numbers till 5000 with the beer bottle song. I'm too sleepy to think, I'd better just go to bed.

4994. 19 Dec 2009 05:57


Is our fearless host away???

4995. 19 Dec 2009 05:58


I hope he returns to partake in the 5000th...

4996. 19 Dec 2009 06:13


Gee matthew, the way we said it was, "99 botles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer. You take one down, and you pass it around ... 98 bottles of beer on the wall."

4997. 19 Dec 2009 06:16


I have heard both versions... (-Gee Matthew +Gee Doug)...

4998. 19 Dec 2009 06:20


And thanks matthew for explanation of shotgun versus rifle. It made me recall a strange date in highschool. The fellow took me on a picnic at an old rock quarry and after lunch, we did target practice. He had a 22 and also a "thing" that wacked my shoulder something fierce. Whatever kind of gun (can you call rifles guns?) it was ... I took two shots and was done with it. Ouch! : )

4999. 19 Dec 2009 06:41


That is funny you say that Marius... The 1st time my dad took me shooting, he did not warn me about the recoil... @ 5 years old, that tiny little shotgun nearly knocked me off my feet... I was quite sore with my dad... Not to mention quite sore in the shoulder...

He said he didn't warn me because he didn't want me to tense up or be afraid to fire the weapon... Thanks for the memory...

As far as calling a rifle a gun... I have no issues with it, but if my drill sergeant heard me call it anything other that my rifle or my weapon, I would get an ear full... (and a few push ups)...

5000. 19 Dec 2009 06:42


Hey thanks for the idea about the coloring books! But I really ment some kind of dish to take. So again toss aout any ideas!