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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

4961. 18 Dec 2009 23:04


...amazing story, marius!

4962. 19 Dec 2009 02:15


I am off to bed... I expect you hit 5k before I awake...

4963. 19 Dec 2009 02:16


Without Maddy and all her alias' chiming in, it may be too high of a bar to set...

4964. 19 Dec 2009 02:16


But I have all the faith in the world in y'all...

4965. 19 Dec 2009 02:32


Ok... Now I am really going to bed...

4966. 19 Dec 2009 03:47


The weatherman is telling us that we are going to get 4-9 inches of snow this evening. Since they are never to be trusted I imagine it will climb to 60 degrees and rain all night. Either that or Chez Baldur will get pounded with 26" of snow followed by and ice storm that will knock down all the power lines

4967. 19 Dec 2009 03:51


Robert has a Christmas dinner to attend which has Roasted Prime Rib on the menu, I suspect he will be there no matter what.
Baldur has a Santa appearance nearby. This does not worry me too much as I trust them to cancel the event if the weather is unsafe for driving.
The event is for special needs children, they will not risk unsafe driving conditions to get them brought in.

4968. 19 Dec 2009 03:57


I suspect this will be a good baking day, though I should make a quick run to the big box home improvement store early on.
It is quite frigid outside so even the cats will want to stay indoors.
Heidi, the blind cat still likes to spend the day in the garage, no matter how bad the weather. We leave the garage door raised just enough so she can squezze underneath if she wants to go out.
Our furnace and hot water tank are in the garage and they provide a little heat so it's never terribly uncomfortable in there.
Plus with put down a shallow box lined with a folded beach towel inside as a makeshift cat bed.
Oddly they have no interest in regular cat beds, we have tried getting them several. They prefer the makeshift varieties.
Whenever Robert takes off a sweater it immediately becomes a cat bed.
They always know.

4969. 19 Dec 2009 03:58


squezze -z +e =squeeze

4970. 19 Dec 2009 03:58


with -ith +e =we

4971. 19 Dec 2009 04:02


A decade or so ago, when I painted the living room hall and foyer of Chez Baldur Blacksmithbear happened by.
He saw that our wooden handrails in the stairwell had been removed and said that he would craft me new iron ones. Since I really wanted something Medieval in appearance I thanked him promptly.
We took measurements and I cut up the old handrails for firewood.
Well here it is 10+ years later and our stairwell is still sans rails.

4972. 19 Dec 2009 04:05


Many of our friends are older, and even Robert would have an easier time negotiating the stairs with something to grasp. I think I need to but new ones.
Certainly when Blacksmithbear comes by to our fete on New Year's Eve the site of non handcrafted ones will bother him somewhat.
He himself has mentioned many times that he really needs to get around to making them.
But, Baldur will gladly remove the wooden ones when the iron ones arrive.

4973. 19 Dec 2009 04:06


but -t +y =buy

4974. 19 Dec 2009 04:48


-site +sight

4975. 19 Dec 2009 04:50


Well indeed my Santa Appearance has been cancelled already.
Primrose has anounced a winter storm alert with parking ban and that was enough to stop the party.
Santa will just stay in by the fireplace and eat cookies

4976. 19 Dec 2009 04:56


Baldur wishes he felt more ambitious today.
Here it is approaching 10am and I'm still in the house.
There are 3 holiday menus that need to be planned and glancing from my chair I notice that the foyer mirror needs a serious cleaning before the holidays. That project will entail moving lots of houseplants first.
The last of the Christmas cacti to bloom is finishing up it's display, they are always early here.
My Amazon lily (Eucharis) is blooming for the first time.
Baldur had expected to wait several more years before seeing flowers on it.
Still no sign of a flower stalk on my Clivia.
Everything else is relatively lush with the exception of the staghorn fern.
I may need to concede defeat on this one. It is the second one I've tried and both have slowly and steadily died. While still green it is obviously not very happy.

4977. 19 Dec 2009 05:01


If one were to venture into the second floor lavoratoire one might notice my very healthy looking Venus Fly Trap, in a bulbous terrarium on the vanity.
It's all a sham. Baldur cannot grow those.
I purchased a fake one. It is indeed plastic.
After doing a better job removing the seams in it's leaves from the molding process I 'planted' it in a nest of moss and pebbles in a lovely apothecary jar. Then it was misted heavily with water.
The water steams up the jar just enough that it's impossible to tell it's a fake plant.
One does what one must.

4978. 19 Dec 2009 05:04


There is also a huge fake aloe vera in the master bedroom.
It's in a lovely pot but is completely plastic, I get compliments on how healthy it looks.
Indeed that room is too dark for anything but cave dwelling plants, an aloe could not possibly live there.

4979. 19 Dec 2009 05:38


Maddy must have been more people than we thought... Seems you are working alone...

4980. 19 Dec 2009 05:38


If you want any help, just let me know...