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4841. 17 Dec 2009 12:47


Sorry, Dragon. And Buddy, I'm not advertising my secret. I'm trying to get the point across that I'll only tell someone I trust. It's hard enough to tell my best friend about them. Only if you promise to believe, can you know.

4842. 17 Dec 2009 12:57


Regarding Baldur's wish to tie up loose ends ... sorry I can't help.

However, Baldur's surmising brought up a host of things about which marius IS curious, like the origin of Dragon's name. (Thanks for the answer.) How Dragon met her fella. (Wonderful, sweet story and didn't you draw a picture about that moving day? Seem to remember that.)

Would like to know how Qsilv knows about guns. (Most interested in that as sounds like a good story.) Also want to know how Qsilv acquired such exotic food tastes, preferences. Was she raised in a family that was adventurous in the realm of foodstuff, or did she develop her tastes and experiences later?

Also, don't know a thing about marg except for keen wit and great pics. Rats - this means can't think of marg-questions.

Want to know about my sister's grandson, age six, who has an overwhelming fondness for all things girly. He wears glitter in his hair, wants make-up for Christmas, and he has, um - "mannerisms." Sis wants to know if it's too early to tell. She and the grandson's mother do not think it's too early. I wouldn't have a clue. Can Baldur weigh in on this? : )

Have also wondered why/how matthew is an excellent marksman. Was it military service? And, does marksmanship apply to different things - as guns, rifles, bows and arrows, slingshots, knife tossing, etc? And, how did matthew opt for running a pool hall? And one would think the marksmanship would transfer to pool-things? Yes? (You can tell I know nothing about guns and pool except one time the brothers took me out to shoot a 22-rifle. It was FUN and what a surprise - I was good at it.)

And, since Sheftali was in the military, does this mean she is adept with some kinds of weapons?

There are many more musings but will force self to stop ... do not want to appear too nosy. Oh, who am I kidding. It's just that people are so interesting!

Example is neighbor, Mazie, age 82. She had me over for tea and biscuits this morning. Got to hear about the twenty-eight year old new pastor at her church. Apparently many a parishioner is up in arms because "the youngster" is changing everything! Those who hired the young man were told by all the parish that people wanted a pastor who would jazz things up, provide for invigorating changes. Sadly, no one seemed to realize that they liked their old hymns, liked the "you can do better" inspiring sermons versus a bible-study sermon. It was quite funny to hear all the things people are missing since they got their energetic new pastor.

Mazie laughed, saying, "Change sounds refreshing, but sometimes that's not what people really want!" : )

4843. 17 Dec 2009 12:58


Wow, how can you even type for that long in such short time???

4844. 17 Dec 2009 13:10


In Baldur's own opinion, it is too early to label his choices as a lifestyle marius.
Baldur had absolutely no interest in such things then, or even now for that matter. I made it through the birth of my second child without making a move that would be considered gay.
Actually my poor sisters thought me completely evil, because I would ask them why they enjoyed playing with something that resembled a dead baby. Their dolls and accoutremnents were all pointless to Baldur.
Actually their clothes and hair made no sense to me either.

4845. 17 Dec 2009 13:16


I like your reply, thanks Baldur! Have met many feminine-seeming men who are not gay. And, I like the idea of not labeling for sure!!! Will pass this on to my sister! Thanks!

Tee hee about your attitude toward dolls and accoutrements! My brother's watched Dudley Do-Right and Snidely Whiplash ... so they liked to gather my dolls and tie them to their plastic railroad tracks. Otherwise, they did not care for my dolls either!

4846. 17 Dec 2009 13:30


hey, marius? that little boy could wind up being (gasp!) an artist! ;>

4847. 17 Dec 2009 13:58


What we need here is an ignore button, like the one on cellphones or instant messages. then there would be no opportunity for the "Look at me! Look at me!!!" attention-seeking behavior that has become pervasive lately. Click ignore and promises of secrets revealed just disappear. I think I will start using my imaginary IGNORE button, as of right now. Although, it might be hard when every single forum has madgladsadbadrad as the last commenter. LOOK AT ME!!! LOOK AT ME!! I've known people like this all my life and it's really an ugly quality.

Anyway, Marius, regarding your 6yo grandson, I agree with Baldur that it is way too young to start labelling. There is a wide variety of normal at that age, and stereotypes are unfair. But, having said that, I do have to admit there are some kids that it seems like a strong possibility, even at that young age, that they will perhaps be gay. I had a little friend in 2nd grade, only 7yo then, and although my 7yo self didn't recognize what it was, there was certainly an awareness that he wasn't like other boys I knew. And sure enough, as an adult I don't think anyone was really surprised to learn of his lifestyle. I also took care of a little boy back when I was in Buffalo. I was his private nurse...he was a near-drown...and there were 3 other kids in the family. I just LOVED this whole family, but the middle boy, who was about 8, was my favoite, and definitely had very feminine tendencies. Now he's in his 20's and sure enough....

Right now my good friend has an 8yo. He is the nicest kid, but even the way he sits with his hands folded and crosses his legs is very feminine. He doesn't run and wrestle like the rest of our boys. None of the boys care, and they just sort of adjust their play habits to include him. But again, maybe we're wrong, but I don't think even his own parents will be surprised if he is indeed gay as an adult. But he's only 8, so none of us will be surprised if he isn't, either, I suppose.

Thank goodness for all of the differences in people! Life is always interesting.

4848. 17 Dec 2009 14:24


At a young age Baldur would be mortified to be seen in some of the clothing I actually prefer now.
Imagine argyle and knee breeches........
But then Baldur also did a naked photoshoot out in a rather public place back when he was a lad of 36.

4849. 17 Dec 2009 14:26


ok, I'm going to risk being the last comment-er in more than one category again here and fwiw, yes, it does give me a bit of a twinge when I notice that, but hey... I pop in when I can steal the time, as do most of us don't we?

The secrets stuff, otoh, is blatant. But it's a roomful of kids AND grownups here in TD. Welcome to cyber... you can't just reach out and grab the kid, or the grownup, or even raise an eyebrow meaningfully. Learning to ignore is a skill.

(...sighing, hopping off THAT soapbox, tucking it under my arm... reaching for the next one...)

4850. 17 Dec 2009 14:27


I'm from Hollywood, born and bred; I've got built in "gaydar". It's still not reasonable or fair to make that decision for anyone until that person is ready to make it for his/herself.

Prime example - a very close friend who absolutely adored everything girly as a kid... and really still does... colors, sparklies, swishies, pointiest toed shoes possible... and tender-hearted and open about it... just soooo not a man's man... but he reacts sexually ONLY to females --to everyone's amazement including, frankly, his own... he really thought hey, he SHOULD be able to be turned on by all those guys who DID respect his tastes... ; >

4851. 17 Dec 2009 14:28


Did I say something incorrectly Robin, before you installed your ignore button, that would imply that I wanted to know what the maddening secret was?
I've read back quite a way on many different threads and just cannot locate anything incriminating.

4852. 17 Dec 2009 14:30


As you may have already found out, I don't have the ability to ignore. Qsilv, I agree, ignoring IS an impressive quality.

4853. 17 Dec 2009 14:39


Oh, no, Baldur. On the contrary, I don't believe I have seen ONE person say they wanted to know any secrets. And frankly, I don't even want to reveal that I HAVE any secrets. I don't. Really. I promise. Would I make a profile picture of a liar if I had secrets??

And now my AMEN to Qsilv! I am AMENning (-^ pts for making up a dumb word) all over the place today. It's rather like attending a fundamentalist revival meeting down in Appalachia!

Marius, I have a queary for you now, since you are often the one asking. Yesterday, in answering Baldur's 5 questions of the day, you mentioned castin spells. I wondered if you really have tried this at all. I am not Wiccan, but know a little of their beliefs. And I confess that at one time I actually decided to try casting a spell. Although I didn't really BELIEVE it would work, I thought I had nothing to lose. They believe you can not cast a spell with ill intentions, or it will come back to you 3-fold. It was hard for me to think of a positive spell to cast to get the horrible monster of a neighbor that was living next door to get OUT! I finally decided to cast a spell for neighborhood harmony. I can't remember the details, but it involved mixing some oils and herbs, and dipping a feather in them, then saying a chant of sorts 3 times while putting the feather on the property of the offending party.

Now, perhaps it's just coincidence, but she moved out within about 3 months of that! So now I'm curious to know if Marius has had any success stories with spells, or perhaps knows of someone who has. I only used a spell one other time after that. Same sort of thing...really awful office mate at my job. Cast a spell for office harmony, and voila! Gone within about a month! It's been years, though, since I did those.

4854. 17 Dec 2009 14:43


I did a spell once. It was supposed to be a hex, one that causes a bad hair day! I tried it, and it worked. I tried it on myself, though, just so I wouldn't be hurting anyone else. My hair like,stood up! It was amazing!!

4855. 17 Dec 2009 14:45


Robin, sounds like your spell is just what we need on TD!

4856. 17 Dec 2009 15:10


I liked what Qsilv said about cringing when being the last post on several threads. Whenever I go to the main forum page and see Dragon as the last post in all three categories I always have a little cringe myself and hope desperatly that someone else will come along and comment so it's not just me up there.

As for secrets, I'm pretty sure Robin's right about nobody showing any interest in knowing each others dirty little secrets. In fact I'd go so far as to say a public forum should never be a place to confide in someone. If you have something you think of as a secret you should never consider blabbing it in a place where literally everyone in the entire world with access to an internet connection can see it. You may feel like you know some of the people here but you can't really know someone online, they can be whoever they want and you can't honestly believe everyone who's reading these posts is a good person with good intentions.

4857. 17 Dec 2009 15:13


Robin, I loved hearing about your spells, we've had trouble with our neighbours for ages. Makes me want to do a condo harmony spell. Did you need to use a special type of oil and was the chant a particular chant or could you just make up a chant for harmony and run with it? I'm not sure how I could get the feather on their property though, maybe the balcony would count.

4858. 17 Dec 2009 15:27


You know, Dragon, I have this friend who is a little more into the spell thing than I am, although, I'm quite sure I am more educated in Wiccan culture than she is. (I used to work with a witch, and although she didn't talk much about her religion, she would share info when asked. I asked and she educated me. I am quite interested in all religions...think they all have something to offer in their own ways. Most people think of Wiccan as pagan worship, but in fact, it worships Mother Earth and nature and is much closer to Native American type beliefs. They strongly discourage negativity or evil.)

Anyway, I digress. My friend is the one who suggested the spell. She got me a book of spells, and that's where we found the one for neighborhood harmony, and then again for office harmony. Some of these spells called for really obscure ingredients, which I would not have been motivated to try to find. So I actually chose the ones that I felt fit the bill, but were also not complicated. I will have to look through my boxes of books for my spell book to give you the specifics, but it had instruction to mix these oils and herbs, then use the feather, and it gave the chant we were supposed to recite 3 times. The number 3 is big with witches. We might be able to google a spell, too, but I have tried that before and they were all kind of juvenile or something. Got the feeling it was just somebody making it all up and laughing at us cyberspacers who actually would try it.

4859. 17 Dec 2009 15:37


Don't go out of your way or anything. If you come across it I'd be interested though. It makes me wonder if there's a spell to sell our condo or perhaps one to help sell the other two condos in our building with much lower asking prices than ours (it must be a positive intention if it's to help someone else I'm sure)

4860. 17 Dec 2009 15:44


There is absolutely a spell for real estate. I distinctly remember there being one in my book. I considered using that to rid my neighborhood of the evil next-door neighbor, but it didn't quite fit my needs. Ultimately, I'm not sure it was the spell, or if it was just how angry I made her when I put a sign in my front window that said, "Never mind the dogs, beware of neighbor!" and pointed an arrow toward her house. Then the neighbor on the other side of her put the same sign up. She called the cops and they just laughed!

Embarrassingly enough, I moved over a year ago, and just haven't bothered to unpack my boxes of books and put them on the bookshelves. Maybe this will be my motivator!