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4761. 16 Dec 2009 03:53


The name Baldur seemed unique enough back then, my original thought was that all the google entries would point to me.
That is until it became apparent that the name is not uncommon in Germany and that there was a wildly successful computer game called 'Baldur's Gate'.

4762. 16 Dec 2009 04:09


when I first saw your name, Baldur, I immediately thought that it was based on Norse mythology - I nearly called myself Loki because of it !

4763. 16 Dec 2009 04:25


It was based on that too, I had considered Odinbear, Thorbear etc but Baldurbear had the best ring.
Loki would have been fantastic.

I actually once met a young man who was named Charles Loki R.....;
his parents were obviously children of the 60s

4764. 16 Dec 2009 06:22


When I first saw your name, Baldur, I assumed it was because you have less hair than you used to have ... honestly!

Qsilv, I love that " ... mumbledyleben-years ... " and I too have enjoyed the delicate taste of 'real' Turkish Delight.

Sheftali's reminiscing brought back pleasant memories of Instanbul and Ankara. Of course, there are many amazing sights in Turkey, not least Pamukkale and Cappadochia, but the most amazing and long lasting sight that has remained upmost in my memory was the sight of people working in the fields. To see people cutting a large field of cereal with sickles, and family groups threshing and winnowing the husks from the cereals, is a sight I will never forget. I stopped to take photographs, using improvised sign language to politely ask their permission. They were always happy to oblige and, rather than stand and pose, they carried on with their work. They knew exactly why I wanted to photograph them.

interesting chat, today ... especially Turkey. Loved reading

4765. 16 Dec 2009 06:23


Lars Ã…ke is often shortened to L'Ã…ke ...pronounced with a twinkle almost exactly like Loki.

4766. 16 Dec 2009 06:25


...delete the last line ... doh!

4767. 16 Dec 2009 07:04


Sheftali is a peach in Turkish. Interesting. I'm going to guess then. Login's nickname came from the time she had to log in......
Mine was because another one I chose (don't remember it) wasn't available.

4768. 16 Dec 2009 08:13


Baldur has just now finished decorating his Christmas tree.
I am always quite glad when it is finished and is there to give Chez Baldur a festive feeling.
Robert does not help with this project, in fact he usually finds something to do elsewhere while it is in progress.
For many years my tree was a study in excess. Baldur owns bins and bins of ornaments, all simple balls (kugeln in German).
Whenever there were old ones at resale places or yard sales that were a good color Baldur purchased them. I especially love the ones other collectors shun, the ghostly balls with the silver flaking off inside. Some have barely any silver left to them at all.
Several years ago all the blue ones were removed from the collection and given away. Baldur just does not like blue.
In more recent years I weeded out the green and silver ones.
I do like green but it really did nothing positive to the trees they hung on, and if anything the needles on the tree looked worse when next to emerald colored decorations.
The remaining ornaments were reds, pinks, purples, golds (from pale yellow to deep bronzes and coppers)and browns.

This year I hung the restrung mercury glass bead garlands, those beads are pink to red, and silver to gold in color, scrambled onto each strand randomly in assorted sizes.
The beads are also in well loved vintage condition, some being almost as transparent as soap bubbles.
I used the small white pearl lights this year, on a dimmer switch as usual.
When it got to hanging the balls, I was very selective this season, using only golds and pinks.
They range in size from as tiny as a dime to as large as a grapefruit.
The rules for hanging ornaments are larger at the bottom smaller at the top. At each level however larger ornaments belong closer to the trunk and graduate to smaller sizes towards the tip of the branch.
Baldur used very few balls this year however, probably less than thirty.

4769. 16 Dec 2009 08:52


Dragons tree has a decidedly spacey theme about it. I get at least 1 new Star Wars or Star Trek ornament every year. The result is actually rather comical but very beloved. Shockingly I do not have a single dragon themed onament. Christmas dragons are next to impossible to find and when one does see them they usually look super-happy or overly goofy. Dragon prefers her dragons to have some dignity (and to sort of look like they're considering which sauce would go best with your innards-try to make that look Christmas-y).
My fella happily decorates with me and in fact this year he got a little tear in his eye remembering the first time he'd decorated a tree in this apartment. It was our first Christmas together and his mother and I helped him decorate. He's very sentimental and it really choked him up thinking of it (I never have to wonder why I love this man, he makes it clear to me every day)

4770. 16 Dec 2009 09:02



I would have to agree with you, Baldur doesn't do cute in his home

4771. 16 Dec 2009 09:04


Dragons are far too expensive, no wonder they hide away in obscure places.

4772. 16 Dec 2009 09:09


Here is the instruction page for making an Origami Dragon, if you are brave you night try it.
I could not find instructions for making Origami Turkish Peaches or Origami polenta.

4773. 16 Dec 2009 09:12


Baldur thinks a good idea would be to find an online image of lizard or alligator skin and print it out on both sides of a sheet of paper to use for this project.

4774. 16 Dec 2009 09:37


Excellent Christmas dragons! I may have to break down and actually order some online (I'm not good with ordering online as I have trust issues with giving out my credit card number, but my fella has Paypal so perhaps that will be an option)
Still waiting for that origami page. I actually have alligator patterned origami paper. And I do have a few dragon origami patterns but one can never have to many

4775. 16 Dec 2009 09:52


Where did it go? I pasted it... hmmmmm

4776. 16 Dec 2009 09:53


That was rather odd. It just vanished on my first effort.
Those Luddite tendencies are so hard to overcome.

4777. 16 Dec 2009 13:49


Was trying to remember how I chose my name...... nope, it's a mystery!
Puzzler can't recall if Baldur has said what he has at the top of his Christmas tree? I have a lovely fairy at the top of mine. I suppose it's really an angel, but in our family, it's always called a fairy. I think, when I was little, I always associated it with the Fairy Godmother from a pantomime, and it seemed like a magical being to have on the top of the tree, to make my wishes come true!

4778. 16 Dec 2009 16:49


One might say the origin of your name was a puzzle. The origin of my name is no great story, having loved dragons for years I have often used Dragon when creating game personalities. It's also the name of my Mii and my name on the Hoyles game pack I have on my computer. I was also born in the year of the dragon so I am literally a dragon from some perspectives.

4779. 16 Dec 2009 17:05


Yeah, I don't think Baldur did say what was on his tree. Mine is an angel that glows different colors thanks to microfiber technology.

4780. 16 Dec 2009 17:27


Fiberoptic perhaps? I have a bra that was made using "microfiber technology." But it does not glow...