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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

4661. 11 Dec 2009 09:45


Ahh Dragon, you melted my heart and can't articulate why. Guess what you said made me think that we all have tons of real mystery in our lives, every single day! marius forgets that sometimes, so thanks for the reminder! And, for some reason ... what you wrote reminds me of the little boy and the pond.

One day, when working as a naturalist, we had a group of fifth grade kids come to the preserve. My section that day was "the pond." The only thing we did at the pond was the best thing to do: explore! Each kid got a paper cup (to put critters in) and we'd share dip-nets and these funny, volunteer-made scooper-nets that looked like double-handled snow shovels. The point was to observe (and possibly catch) pond critters and pond things, marvel over them, and then meet a little curriculum by charting the discoveries.

So after a brief introduction, marius let the kids loose to explore. It was pandemonium, as always. Every kid loves the pond! But, there was one little boy sitting on the hillside, away from the pond. He looked sad and one could tell he was not part of "the group." I went up the hill and sat next to him. We just sat there, no talking or eye contact.

Finally ... the muses took over (thank goodness)!

The conversation went something like this:
marius: Why aren't you looking for cool things in the pond."
Kid: The pond is boring!
marius: The pond is BORING?
Kid: Yes!
marius: Well, that's the most remarkable thing I've ever heard. I visit this pond nearly every day of the year. Not one time have I found it boring. In fact, I think it's impossible for the pond to be boring because there is always something going on. Right now there are tons of dragonfly larvae swimming around eating everything they can so they can turn themselves into winged wonders. There are giant diving beetles that eat tadpoles, ... (on and on I went.)
(Then, long silence)
Kid: Okay, maybe the pond's not boring. I think it's me. I'm boring.
marius: YOU are boring???
Kid: Yes, I'm a boring person.
marius: Well THAT is the most interesting thing I've heard all day! You see, I've never met a truly boring person. I want to know all about it. What is it like to be boring? Is it awful, are there good parts to it, I just can't imagine.
Kid: (rather surprised at the interest in boring people) ... Well, it's like this, nothing interests me because I'm boring.
marius: Wow, I can't imagine that but I'm happy to meet my first-ever officially boring person! This is truly an interesting moment!
Kid: (smiles and accepts the offer of a hand-shake)

Don't recall the rest of that conversation, but it was such a golden moment. I loved that kid! In no time at all he thought we should be looking at the pond and I was invited to show him around. He held a bullfrog tadpole in his hands. We caught dragonfly larvae, diving beetles, leeches, crawdads, water boatmen, mosquito rafts (eggs), and tons of other things. That kid had so much fun! And so did I.

When I think back to that day, to that boring, amazing kid, I'm still stymied over the mystery of it. So many times we'd get school kids who either could not or would not engage ... and why on that one day, with that one kid, boredom turned into something glotious (giggle) I'll never know. : )

4662. 11 Dec 2009 11:47


marius, that is a truly glotious story. I think you must have been a fun teacher ( and must be a fun grandma). You have a way of looking at things that is so different from all the other (boring ) grown ups out there. It seems to me the teachers I remember most fondly were the ones who just weren't afraid to sit down and look at things as a kid might and relate to kids on that level. You know, the level where everything is possibly fun rather than the 'sit at your desk and do what I say' level.

4663. 11 Dec 2009 12:42


Baldur, I just saw your comment at 4625 and can assure you that being an ex teacher, there is no way that I would ever feel the need to take on the personna of a juvenile with an addiction to bad spelling and grammar!
In the words of the song: 'I am what I am!' Shame on you for doubting me, but you're forgiven.

4664. 11 Dec 2009 13:04


Yes, shame! (makes signal for shame in sign language)

4665. 11 Dec 2009 14:16


Marius - your pond sessions sound like heaven! As for your technique with the "boring" boy... LOVE it! ...sounds JUST like Mrs Piggle-Wiggle!!

Re #4625 (oooookay, I'm waaay behind here, w/ little hope of ever really catching back up, but a couple things did lure me into reading back a-ways and that one caught MY attention too)
-- for the record, folks, I'm just me, Q, no other alts on TD. Any communication glitches of my own are bought'n'paid for with a too-hurried approach and too little sleep. I claim "artistic license", too, 'k?

; >

4666. 11 Dec 2009 16:16


Heavens, Santa Baldur is just back from spreading holiday joy.
This was fun time with developmentally challenged children.
I feel that this site has prepared me for such events.

That being said, let me soothe some doubts.
MissClick was Baldur.
I wanted to sample anonymity and find what allure exists there.
It was actually a little dull.
But you were all very nice to the newbie, even whilst questioning the true identity.

4667. 11 Dec 2009 16:18


I also found it rather difficult to draw in a different style, it's much more difficult than I imagined.
Finally using the mouse with the wrong hand was the solution.

4668. 11 Dec 2009 16:22


Perhaps I mentioned this earlier. Baldur is left handed and does not type in the traditional manner, never having learned that skill.
All my typing is done with my left index finger.
Because of this my right hand has become accustomed to wielding the mouse.
Thus my ThinkDraw art is done all with my wrong hand.
Even when there is no typing involved my left hand is very bad at manipulating the mouse, it just feels wrong.
Does that make me ambidextrous?

4669. 11 Dec 2009 16:28


Yes, that and much more!

4670. 11 Dec 2009 17:05


My thanks to the host for the welcome.

Marius I enjoyed your story, and I'm happy to see that you dont find some "mysterious" young men boring. What a difference I'm sure you made by introducing him to the wonders of nature.

In reference to your last post, I myself prefer spontinaity in men, with a splash of humility. Someone who loves to explore the adventures and mysteries of life, but is not afraid to say he cant make the journey alone.

" The greatest friend of truth is Time, her greatest enemy is Prejudice, and her constant companion is Humility".

Baldur, I must say what an interesting and special man you are. What a joy you must be to your family and friends.

4671. 11 Dec 2009 17:07


Alas if I only had humility...
Thank you Smokeanshadow

4672. 11 Dec 2009 17:26


I'll leave you with another quote.

"When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom".

Baldur I believe you are a very wise man.

Untill the next page......

4673. 11 Dec 2009 17:31


matthew if you are following this....
MissClick has been disqualified from my posse
Smokeanmirrors however, is definitely in

4674. 12 Dec 2009 01:29


I am reading... but Rasselbear can't be replaced that easy...

4675. 12 Dec 2009 02:50


He must have asumed a behind the scenes administrative role. Haven't seen him on here in ages.

4676. 12 Dec 2009 02:51


This video should add new dimension to everyone's holiday mood.

4677. 12 Dec 2009 05:04


~~~~grinning~~~~ thanks!

4678. 12 Dec 2009 06:56


... be scared ... be very scared!

4679. 12 Dec 2009 06:58


Oops! That was meant to follow #4640

4680. 12 Dec 2009 07:51


Nice video, good chorus.... yes, Christmas time is here....SHOPPING, SHOPPING, SHOPPING, SHOOOOOOOOPPPPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here we used to have what is called AGUINALDO or a December bonus, a thirteenth salary that was mandatory by law. Now it's divided half in June and half in SHOPPING, SHOPPING, SHOPPING......