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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

4641. 10 Dec 2009 17:06



4642. 10 Dec 2009 17:08


Smoke and Mirrors is all we be,
Most of these people are not real to me,
but we will always be here,
trust me, you have nothing to fear,
perhaps i'm baldur,mattew, there's a lot
if i let out too many hints, BOOM, i'm caught.....

4643. 10 Dec 2009 17:10


Haha, creepy

4644. 10 Dec 2009 17:33


I believe little maddy all are anonymous here,so dont you fear. Are not new members welcomed, Dragon dear.
I've watched from afar, I've read and I've seen such beautiful pictures appear on the screen.
Your stories and quotes are all so much fun. Please do you mind if I to join for some.

4645. 10 Dec 2009 18:00


A mirror reflects the image it sees, could be her, could be him whoever it be. The mirrors not mine for I'm made out of smoke. Just a shadow that passes when the fire is stoked.

4646. 10 Dec 2009 18:33


Hey Dragon, did you grow up hearing that women tend to be attracted to "mysterious" men? Well, marius did and what a surprise to discover that mysterious men were never mysterious. Boring maybe ... but never mysterious! Personally, I prefer transparency because that is where the real mystery lies.

Recently watched a movie that dealt with transparency in a lovely and unusual fashion. It's called, "Phobe in Wonderland." It was a breath of fresh air. Ah - that's probably what I like about transparency - it's breathes, it's authentic, it is alive!

And, not saying it's THE best movie ever, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and it presents certain conversations and situations that *shine* ... rather like much that is found on Channel Baldur! : )

Speaking of "shine" - am wondering how Baldur's new hair color is working out. Also wondering how the dye-job did not change the hair texture? Thought texture is always changed. And, tee hee, does the hair *shine?*

4647. 10 Dec 2009 18:43


And, Arw, had to chuckle at your story! Grew up with five brothers ... and this probably is the place to stop with that story! (giggle)

Sheftali, your reply to work and days off cracked me up. Will get back with you on that!

4648. 10 Dec 2009 19:03


I have heard that 'mysterious man' stuff. I never really beleived it. I find when men work hard at being mysteious it's because there is very little interesting to know about them. I'm not saying I need to know everything my honey feels and thinks at all times or ever has, I just don't really need all that much mystery in my life.

4649. 11 Dec 2009 01:59


Welcome SmokeanShadow, anyone with a functional vocabulary is always appreciated

4650. 11 Dec 2009 02:21


Another Baldur Beard update
(by request from marius)
The product I am using is called 'Prism Lites'. It was recommended to me by Santa George, who has a glotious white beard. He confessed to me that when left untreated his beard was much like mine, salt & pepper(heavy on the pepper).
Baldur went to Sally's Beauty Supply and found the product.
The woman there said there has been quite the throng of bearded men in the shop over the past few weeks.
This stuff comes in two packages, one a pouch of purple powder that smells rather strongly of sour green apples, the other a bottle of white goop.
Previously I had used something that had a vile scent. It had also completely destroyed the texture of my beard.
Admittingly Baldur needed to use it 3 times in quick succession to get a color even close to white.
That whole project was a mess. Santa scraped through Christmas with a scruffy, sparse and yellowish beard. Right after the holidays the beard got clipped off to it's 1/4" long brown roots.

Santa George did not lead me astray.
Last night, after the second application, my beard is fairly close to white.
Robert was very impressed. There is still a rusty tone to it, but even without another touch-up it is fine.
Baldur is not a redhead, but apparently there is a lot of red in my hair that is overpowered by the brown tone. So now I look like a Santa of Scottish heritage.
The texture of the hair is not anywhere as bad as it was during the first bleaching fiasco.
When wet it is amazingly limp but once dry it goes back to it's normal volume. It also doesn't seem brittle.
I bought some conditioner but may not end up using it right away.

4651. 11 Dec 2009 02:26


I'm liking the look very much and may keep it this way year-round.
Another point is that last time my dark roots became noticeable within a day. It was like I had drawn a thin dark line around the perimeter where beard meets cheek.
Last night before doing the second application I studied the roots in the mirror, not a trace of dark color was to be seen.
It's possible this bleach was a bit more penetrating and got to that little bit below my skin level. That will mean fewer touch-ups are necessary.

4652. 11 Dec 2009 02:38


Being of a certain age Baldur needed to buy himself some low-powered reading glasses. Yesterday at Target I tried on several pais and was amazed at what a difference they made in my ability to read tiny print.
Since the glasses are in the pharmacy department I looked at the tiny lettering on the pack of a bottle of some sort of medication. With the glasses on it was so easy to read the infredient panel, sans glasses it was difficult to even determine there were words printed and not just fuzzy stripes.
I chose a pair of glasses with lenses that are horizontal low rounded off rectangles in an antique gold frame. When I wear them rather low on my nose I can see right over the top of the lens. This as a good thing because they only do me any good at all for reading. For even a moderate distance my vision is quite blurred when looking through them.
They are amazing with my Santa suit however, pushed it up another notch in believability.

4653. 11 Dec 2009 02:39


pais +r =pairs
infredient -f +g =ingredient

4654. 11 Dec 2009 03:18


...To shed light on the pic where I called my daughter Miss Click...

...Jesi had made a post on the Think Draw Feedback forum... She complained that she had lost a pic that she had spent 2 hours on due to a miss click & requested an "are you sure" box to pop up... She said she was going to try to recreate the pic... A few hours later, her pic was complete & I refered to her profile pic as "Miss Click"... Shortly after that the new persona of missclick appeared...

...Not I...

4655. 11 Dec 2009 04:21


glotious -t +r =glorious

4656. 11 Dec 2009 04:37


Rats! I was hoping glotious was a word I didn't know. It has a very nice ring to it. For example, "Baldur was glotious this year as Santa in Primrose!" Or, "marius was glotious when zero temperatures kept the yappy dog inside."

I *know* I felt glotious to read about the hair-dying product. : )

4657. 11 Dec 2009 05:40


I think glotious could be a cross between glorious and gloating. So when something is so glorious you are forced to gloat about it, it would be appropriate to use the word glotious. Just my opinion.

4658. 11 Dec 2009 05:48


And a glotious opinion it is...

4659. 11 Dec 2009 05:59


oh no.. now I don't know whether to congratulate you, Baldur, for using the word first, or you, Robin, for 'coining' it..

.. so hearty thanks to you both (as it's nearly Christmas) and may your Christmas puddings be glotious indeed !

4660. 11 Dec 2009 06:09


The musical 'Wicked' is full of that type of word.
Wonderfully each word is quite easy to define by it's context.