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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

461. 2 Jun 2010 14:23


praying for your friend Dorris, that she will recovery quickly and fully.

462. 6 Jun 2010 17:14


Candi is now at a rehab center to work on getting back to walking and doing everyday tasks. She is overwhelmed as she looks at all the work ahead of her... Please keep praying for her and her caregivers.
She loves frogs and she loves art, so I wanted to ask you all for frogs for Candi. I think it would be a great encouragement to her and she would just love it.
I will make a thread in the community forum so that you can post them there=) thank you

463. 7 Jun 2010 06:01


A prayer request for my daughter who is expecting their first child. She is now 10 days past her due date. Please pray that labor will start on it's own soon. She is so afraid that she will have to have a C-section. So far baby and Mom are both healthy. She has a Dr.'s appointment today and they will quite likely want to start to induce labor. Will add updates as I get them. Thanks all.

464. 7 Jun 2010 10:27


I'm praying for your daughter, grandchild and the docs and nurses. Best wishes Hazer!!!

465. 8 Jun 2010 05:23


Thanks polly...I have terrible news...our baby boy is gone. His heartbeat was strong up until he was born, but he never took a breath. My husband is coming home ( he's about five hours away) and then we'll go and be with them.

466. 8 Jun 2010 06:37


Oh my God Hazer! I'm so very sorry........I'll pray for you and
your family. You have a little angel in heaven......
My sincere condolences.

467. 8 Jun 2010 06:54


this is true hazer you have a little angel in heaven & you have to belive that , I am sure he is very happy now ,,, I am so sorry for you & your daughter .

468. 8 Jun 2010 07:16


Thanks indigo. I am going to stay on TD for a bit. I'm alone and I just need some company right now. Family is all far away and have been calling. I want to be at the hospital, but I don't trust myself to drive that far. I'm waiting for my husband to get home and we'll go together.

469. 8 Jun 2010 07:23


Thanks nasonaso. Yes I know he is safe in the arms of Jesus. I pray for my daughter and son in laws sake that they will get an answer as to why he didn't live. We have a very strong faith and that is what we lean on in times of great sorrow. Bless you for your kind words.

470. 8 Jun 2010 07:42


Oh I'm so sorry Hazer...Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

471. 8 Jun 2010 07:44


Oh Hazer, such a sad day for you. You have been through a lot
it seems and though I don't really know you, my heart breaks for
you today, like you are someone I've known for years! It's good
that you have a strong faith.

472. 8 Jun 2010 08:03


Hazer I am so sorry, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...I just wish I could give you a hug.

473. 8 Jun 2010 08:37


Oh my goodness.Hazer Im shocked to hear this terrible news.May god give you , your daughter n the entire family ,the strength to bear this.In this hardest of time my all the sympathy n prayers are with you.

474. 8 Jun 2010 09:04


Hazer: Draw on the energy of your friends here at TD as we pray for you and your family. May "he" help you all through this horrible time. Hopefully we can help lift this overwhelming burden or at least lessen the sting a bit. May God be with you forever and ever Amen.

475. 8 Jun 2010 09:19


Oh Hazer, I am so sorry for your loss.

476. 8 Jun 2010 09:23


Very sorry to hear the sad news, Hazer. Many of us are thinking of you and your family.

477. 8 Jun 2010 13:37


I'm so sorry to hear your sad news, Hazer. My deepest sympathy for you and your family. My heart is with you...

478. 8 Jun 2010 13:54


I'm so sorry Hazer, a hug to your family, you are in my thoughts

479. 8 Jun 2010 14:54


O MY GOSH HAZER!!!! I will pray for family all the time and will have my friends and family pray to. that is a terrible loss that is awful, but just know hes in a better place with his heavenly Father.

480. 8 Jun 2010 15:01


Hazer, I am so sorry for your family's loss. May your daughter have comfort knowing the baby is with our Lord. She must be devastated, and now she needs you. I will pray for all of you, and may the good Lord bless you all at this time espically.