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461. 3 Jun 2009 05:41


Baldur's Bloody Mary

In a large glass pitcher combine
64oz (a large bottle or can) Tomato juice
2 heaping tablespoons of prepared horseradish sauce
a good 6 or 8 shakes of hot sauce (Frank's Red Hot in my case)
the juice of 1/2 a lemon
1/2 teaspoon pummeled celery seed (I buy ground celery seed powder)
8oz of Vodka, I know people who would triple or quadruple this.

Stir until blended.

Into your glass insert a celery stick with some of the frilly leaves on top.
Add a couple ice cubes
Fill glass with with the Bloody Mary
and a slice of lemon on the rim.
Serves one over the course of a summer afternoon

462. 3 Jun 2009 08:08


Sounds like someone made you that Bloody Mary like a Ceasar (not sure if you get them in the States but they're a bit of an obsession up here)
It's customary to rim the glass with celary salt.

463. 3 Jun 2009 08:25


In a former life I was a really bad bartender while I went to nursing school. If someone would come in and order a foo-foo drink, like, "I'll have a rusty nail, please" I'd ask them if they knew what was in it. If they said no, I'd say, "Then I don't have it." LOL! I lived close to the Canadian border in Buffalo, NY. Buffalo was a late-nite town and people didn't venture out before 10pm. The Canadians from Ontario were usually early birds, and always young, and would always order something foo-foo. (I worked the slow afternoon shift on the weekend, so they were among my only customers!) My boss told me, "when in doubt, make it red. Here's the grenadine! Those young Canadians love red drinks!" lol (no offense, Dragon, I swear!) Anyway, despite my horrendous bartending etiquette, I actually did make a mean bloody mary from scratch there. Instead of celery, we used a slim jim in the drink. It was really good and every customer I ever had commented on what a great idea that was.

Yet another ramble from Rambling Robin.

464. 3 Jun 2009 08:31


I've never had a slim jim in a Ceasar but I've seen them with Pickles, pickled asparagus, giant hot peppers and many other things.
I don't know if a Ceasar is a foo-foo drink but I can tell you exactly what's in it, so you'd have to make it for me (That is if you had Clamato juice behind the bar)

465. 3 Jun 2009 17:31


I have to specify not to use Clamato juice at times being a vegetarian. Usually it's not an issue but if there's a menu with a drink list on it and Bloody Caesar is there I need to make sure that I'm not getting clam juice in my Bloody Mary.

466. 3 Jun 2009 20:05


I have never understood how someone thought to put clam juice with tomato juice (clams - yuck!) But somehow they make each other really good.
I never thought of the Vegetarian aspect of it though. If I ever make you a Ceasar Baldur I'll make sure theres no essence of shell fish.

467. 4 Jun 2009 04:10


Thank you Dragon, even before becoming a vegetarian I loather seafood LOL. Growing up in Rhode Island it's a major summertime thing.
My parents would load us all up into the car on the most blistering hot summer day and drive down to the shore.
Then we spent the day getting digging clams in the mud.
We would get home that evening horribly sun-burnt, covered in horse-fly bites to eat things that tasted to me like salty snot.
No thank you.

468. 4 Jun 2009 04:14


In the meantime everyone else would go to the pleasant beach with the nice sugarwhite sand and no horseflies.
They would sit under oversized colorful umbrellas, eat watermelon and build sandcastles.
They also got horribly sun-burnt being back in the days when people never gave sunblock a thought.

469. 4 Jun 2009 04:15


It's abuse I tell you, abuse!
Sea-snots, sometimes even raw on the half-shell LOL

470. 4 Jun 2009 04:17


-r +d

471. 4 Jun 2009 05:25


Actually I've always seen a correlation between shrimp, lobster crab and bugs. They are all insects.
And while insects have always been considered a food source I personally have difficulty with that concept.
On 'Survivor' I'd get voted off the island for refusing to eat the steamed locusts and causing my team to lose the challenge

472. 4 Jun 2009 05:27


'All Baldur, All the Time'

This is birthday week her in Baldurland.
I had already mentioned that Tuesday was Robert's Birthday.
Today is my old friend Charlie's Birthday, yesterday was my daughter's.

473. 4 Jun 2009 05:31


My daughter Ashleigh, and I spent the day together going to thrift shops looking for clothes. She adores thrift shops.
To her wardrobe she added a pair of army boots, some costume jewelry, a pocketbook a very sheer and flowing leopard print thing.
To me it looks like a caftan, if you cut the bottom off with a very jagged edge. But it's definitely too sheer to wear alone.

474. 4 Jun 2009 05:35


We went out to Geoff's on Benefit Street in Providence for lunch.
This is definitely a student kind of hangout place being near Brown University and the Rhode Island School of Design.

They basically serve sandwiches, lots of odd sandwiches but also offer cups of soup, brownies etc.

There are huge old black slate chalkboards up on the bare brick walls with the menu scrawled all over them.
There are hundreds of sandwiches named after local celebrities, infamous people, and plenty of people who have no claim to fame that Baldur can determine.

475. 4 Jun 2009 05:38


Maybe having a sandwich name after you in itself is a claim to fame.

I was surprised to see that the 'Linda Lovelace' sandwich had been removed from the menu. Most likely hot tongue was no longer a big seller.

The 'Meunster Lisa' was there however. This sandwich is grilled mushrooms, alfalfa sprouts, russian dressing, dill weed and melted mueunster cheese on pumpernickel bread. I've had that one often.

476. 4 Jun 2009 05:40


One can always have any type of sandwich assembled from any ingredient that they have on hand.
So I designed the 'Baldur'

Avocado and cole slaw with lettuce, tomato, melted cheddar and Tiger sauce on pumpernickel bread.

477. 4 Jun 2009 05:41


Baldur just loves cole slaw as a sandwich embellishment.

478. 4 Jun 2009 05:42


Baldur, you might suggest they add the "Gummi Lisa" to their menu choice. Remember her from Dr.Bear? They could incorporate gummi bears into it. On second thought....ewwwww.

479. 4 Jun 2009 05:42


Ashleigh had pepperoni, muenster cheese, avocado, red onions and hot sauce on rye bread.
It was a fun lunch.

480. 4 Jun 2009 05:42


I think that's brilliant Robin