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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

4401. 29 Nov 2009 19:50


A little off topic but what I always found unfair was smoke breaks. One of my co-workers smokes and goes for smoke breaks. She never does it when it's busy and in fact unless I'm actually looking for her I don't usually even know she's gone so it's not like she's shirking her duties, but it just seems unfair to me that because someone has an unhealthy habit (addiction) they get extra breaks during the day than someone who doesn't. That's why I don't feel bad about checking in to Think Draw at work. I figure if she can feed her addiction on work time then I can feed mine

4402. 29 Nov 2009 19:55


U R lucky Dragon! I NEVER get 2 use the computer 4 things like that at school.

4403. 30 Nov 2009 06:58


Here is a brief update from Chez Baldur.
We are having technical difficulties with our computer.
At first I suspected AOL was to blame, then a poor internet connection from our server, but neither of those has ever been this bad for 4 cotinuous days in the past.
I have not been able to view the pictures here in large format for some time.
The thumbnail images were fine but now even they do not always open.
It takes ages to navigate from one page to the next.
Off of this site things as simple as deleting an email takes minutes, my welcome screen from AOL can take as much as 5 minutes to open.
I have tried hitting the 'x' button to stop the screen from loading but it then takes as long to cancel the process.
We have the Anti-virus thing and it appears to be functioning.
When this computer heads out we will be using the Laptop, which does not like Baldur, so wish me luck.

4404. 30 Nov 2009 07:02


cotinuous +n =continuous

4405. 30 Nov 2009 07:17


My mother has the issue with the larger pictures not loading- she has found that if she gets to a picture from the forum- by clicking on the thumbnail from a submission, it will load.- while it's unlikely that your computers are having the same issue it might be worth a shot, good luck Baldur!

4406. 30 Nov 2009 14:15


Aw Baldur, we miss you. Hope the computer gremlins depart from your machine soon. Perhaps your witch friend can help?

Dragon, your thing about smoke breaks made me laugh! Tell the smoker you want non-smoking breaks! Bet that person wouldn't mind at all. : )

4407. 30 Nov 2009 15:47


Folks - altho' you won't be able to watch the animation/loading aspect, odds are you can see the large format pix here by clicking the Print button. (You don't need to complete that operation... just get that windowlette out of the way by hitting Cancel.)

The pic will show up in large format on a page by itself with a text label.

4408. 30 Nov 2009 18:10


Also you could copy the small version, copy it, paste it on Word or whatever, then expand it....

4409. 30 Nov 2009 18:41


I'm not even able to delete email at the moment, sending messages such as this are hit or miss.
Sometimes they go through, sometimes they get timed out

4410. 1 Dec 2009 08:48


To Hazer - Thanks for asking. Forgot I mentioned car crash. Wed before TG. Finger hurt (apparently jammed in steering wheel) but swelling way down and now more operative. The back muscles started later and the ache will linger - but no serious disaster. Just the $250 deductible, the extra for genuine brand parts & all such fun.

4411. 1 Dec 2009 08:54


So glad to hear you are not seriously hurt Normal...take care.

4412. 1 Dec 2009 10:41


Happy to hear you're OK! It's one of those things that we sometimes can't avoid but sure throws a monkey wrench into our day! Take care and enjoy some rest and relaxation....Hazer's orders!!

4413. 1 Dec 2009 13:04


Thank you! I'm doing both.

4414. 1 Dec 2009 13:06


I have been on a cleaning rampage here at Chez Baldur whilst listening to Christmas music.

Every December Baldur takes the meaning of 'the season of giving' literally, by giving away tons of my personal belongings.
Each cupboard, armoire, shelf and closet is attacked and anything that I have not used or thought about in the past year goes away.
Matthew of Shrewsbury will get mountains of clothing, Frank came home today to find an old bookcase on his porch with mountains of 'Victoria' magazine, sorted by year into bags.
Baldur hates to part with that, but I really haven't glanced at the back issues in ages and Chez Baldur tends to get very crowded.
Last week I took bags and bags of books and donated them to my favorite used book store, it looks like they will get 4 more bags this week.
Eventually the books get overcrowded and it becomes impossible to find anything.
There were drifts of books that I needed to read at some point in the future. Baldur would need to live several more centuries to get through what was here, assuming I stop buying more.
This is not likely.
All in all my book collection is now half of what it was 2 weeks ago.
Each time I do this the collection does get better, or at least I try to believe that.

It's an American/ Chinese menu tonight at the Chez.
I prepared:
Vegetable fried rice
Turkey Chow Mein
Szechuan Brocolli

Everything is lined up on the counter and just needs to be tossed around a bit on the stove and dinner will be ready.

I will try to fight my way online again this evening.
Have a great week everyone.

'All Baldur, Some of the Time'

(crap, I hope there are no spelling errors, I shan't be able to correct them)

4415. 1 Dec 2009 17:35


Baldur, glad you got back on-line. Sounds like a most delicious dinner! And what a fun day, getting rid of stuff. I LOVE those days. It feels so good to clear things out. Need a few days like that here, and reading about your day just might motivate me to start.

Normal, didn't know about your wreck, but glad you're okay! Hope you and car mend nicely. : )

Robin, meant to tell you I've sent the Rick Mercer youtube about black bears to tons of folks. They all love it! So, thanks.

4416. 1 Dec 2009 18:07


Well as it turns out Baldur did not have dinner.
You may all recall that we have a cat who is not well.
One of her many problems is that she has an absess, possibly in her salivary gland. She has trouble eating.
She chews, spits up, chews more, spits up more, all with dramatic accompanying sounds and lots of mucus. But she will keep doing this until she has ingested enough food to survive. It is not pretty.
Well she did this for the 15 minutes just prior to my putting dinner on the table. When I looked at the turkey chow mein in the serving bowl I nearly heaved also, even though I wasn't eating it I suddenly felt if I ate anything at all I would be sick.
What a fun evening
Robert got all upset that I wasn't eating.
I don't know how I'm going to convince him to stop feeding the cats right next to the kitchen table.
She isn't getting well in the near future and cat puke is enough to stop me from eating.

4417. 1 Dec 2009 18:14


Oh Baldur, what a funny and wretched story all in one! Hope you can get Robert to feed the cat elsewhere. And poor kitty, probably isnt fun for the cat either.

Seems you're back online? Are things fixed? I'll find out tomorrow maybe as right now dreamland is calling and there's no putting it off. sweet dreams to all.

4418. 2 Dec 2009 09:48


Qsilv can think of several ways of "convincing" cher robert... but... mostly is dying to grab Baldur by any part that sticks out, tuck the cat under one arm, head for the vet's and thence to Fry's or (with what's remaining of the 'puter's abilities) online to TigerDirect... AND... back to MY place to ride that wave of energy into decimating my own shelves! ; >

4419. 2 Dec 2009 12:01


The cat has been to her own vet 3 times in the last month and to another vet for different opinion last week.

Our computer is out being serviced right now, and I am using the evil laptop.
Why don't they design these things so the screen opens up to more than 90 degrees away from the keyboard. I cannot read the screen unless I lower my head. One needs to look at it head-on to see the text, which is quite impossible when it is sitting on a surface such as a desk or table

4420. 2 Dec 2009 12:49


Is that why you look as though you have a crick in your neck, just lately?