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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

441. 16 May 2010 18:29


Oh Dragon, how tragic. Very kind of you to post this message--will be thinking about that family.....and you, too.

442. 16 May 2010 19:08


Gee whiz Dragon, what a tragic day for that family, and for you all too. Am so glad you shared with us. Am sending prayers, thoughts of warmth and comfort too ... to all of you.

443. 16 May 2010 20:37


Thanks for passing that on Dragon. i haven't been listening to the news so hadn't heard about it yet. Will certainly be praying for Brian and his children. And praying for you and your boyfriend too, Dragon as it must have been very traumatic for you both.

444. 17 May 2010 09:28


Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and words.

445. 17 May 2010 19:31


I am so sorry to hear Dragon. My thoughts and prayers go out to the children and family.

446. 18 May 2010 09:47


How very tragic...i will be praying for Brian and the 5 children.

447. 22 May 2010 20:12


Hi every body I know I havnt been on in some time but I thought it would
be nice if I could ask yal to pray that the oil spill clears up soon.

448. 22 May 2010 20:15


Sorry yal I was under my moms user when I posted that prayer for the gulf.

449. 26 May 2010 10:36


I'm asking for prayer for my sister in-law, her 2 friends and her daughter. she was in a terrible accident in which her car rolled 3x. She and 2 others were ejected, she has many broken ribs, a puctured lung and head trauma. Please pray also for her daughter who was with her & had the least injuries...she was the only one in the car when it stopped. She went to find the others and explained to 911 where they were. They were way out in the country and it took 2 hrs for the help to arrive. She was the only one that was concious durring this time.
Also pray for the other passengers as well, they are all out of the hospital except my sister in-law who has been in the ICU since last wednesday.
I should have posted this earlier...
thank you for praying.

450. 26 May 2010 16:32


Polly I'm so sorry to hear. I will add you to my prayers and please keep us posted.

451. 26 May 2010 16:42


Oh polly! How tragic! Yes of course I will be praying for all involved, especially your sister in-law and her daughter. May I ask how old the daughter is? She had to be very brave to stay calm enough to get help. Bless her heart. Will you keep us posted as to their condition. Praying that there will not be any permanent damage for your sister in-law.

452. 26 May 2010 18:25


The daughter sounds so very, very brave! I know that you dont really know me but I will ask the people at my church to pray along with me for your family.

453. 26 May 2010 18:35


Thank you so much. her daughter is 17. She has been improving and her chest tube was removed today, so hopefully she's on her way out of the ICU soon. Thank you Bella and Hazor, it's very encouraging to know that People are praying. I will keep you posted.

Speaking of updates, we have been in California for about a month now. We had to let the house go, but we have way more room now. We are renting a 3BR mobile from Scott's parents. The boys like their new school and are doing well there=)

454. 26 May 2010 18:42


Thank you Ash.
Oops, I just realized the way i wrote it sounds like her daughter is in ICU, but it's my Sister in-law who got her chest tube taken out today. thanks again and God bless.

455. 26 May 2010 19:41


Polly, I'm glad to hear that things are working out for you and your family. It's hard to go through but hopefully the worst is behind you now.

456. 27 May 2010 15:13


Polly I'm so glad to hear of your sister-in-laws improvement. Hope she has a quick and complete recovery.
Thats great about your new home and the kids school!

457. 28 May 2010 13:39


Praying! : ) God bless all of you!

458. 29 May 2010 19:27


I wanted to let you know that Candi (my sister in-law) made it out of the ICU today. Praise God! Thanks again to everyone who is praying for her. She is still in the hospital and has a lot of healing to do but they confirmed that the swelling from the head trauma has gone down and she has been more and more coherant and aware=)

459. 31 May 2010 05:17


That's great Pollyesther! And will continue to pray for her swift recovery.

460. 31 May 2010 11:42


my friend just had major surgery. if u guys could pray for her that would be awesome thx