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441. 2 Jun 2009 12:56


That was an aside of an aside of an aside.

Several years ago I went to IKEA replaced my aluminum pots and pans with wonderful stainless steel ones.
I also avoid using aluminum foil with any food that is acidic. You can tell when you cook something and the foil becomes pitted that the foil is dissolving into whatever you're cooking.
Anytime I do use foil, it gets rinsed, folded flat and put in my recycling bin afterwards.

442. 2 Jun 2009 13:12


The chocolate cake has cooled, so I inverted it onto a round platter.
Then I poured approximately 4 ounces of Amaretto over the cake and allowed it to get absorbed.
Next I will make a cream cheese frosting with a couple drops of almond extract added to swirl onto the top.

443. 2 Jun 2009 13:14


If I had any cherries on hand I would decorate the top with a few.

444. 2 Jun 2009 13:36


Back to your aside of an aside etc...
The Mocking Shadows do an awesome version of "Summertime" (and the living is easy...) They're a blues/rock kind of a band and their version of this is one of my fav's by them.

445. 2 Jun 2009 13:45


I'll see if I can locate that on YouTube

446. 2 Jun 2009 14:17


Their version of 'Summertime' is not there, but I listened to 'Out of the Blue'.
With that horn section they remind me a bit of 'The Mighty Mighty Bosstones'

447. 2 Jun 2009 14:18


And yes, they are very good, are they 'local' for you?

448. 2 Jun 2009 14:50


I believe they're from Edmonton which is about an hour and a half away, so fairly local. Out of the Blue is definitly their best CD, I keep trying to buy it 'cause I had to give back the one I stole from my mom. Summertime is on that one but it's kind of mixed into another song so it might have a different name, I'll have to look into it.

449. 2 Jun 2009 15:02


After much searching I finally found it on CDBaby, the song is called Loose Lips.

450. 2 Jun 2009 16:20


Thank you Dragon, I'll try looking that up on YouTube

451. 2 Jun 2009 16:22


Robert took me out to dinner for his birthday, we went to a Chinese Buffet, it was quite good but I fear I ate too much.
At least most of it was fairly healthy.
How bad can stirfried brocolli with pea pods be?

452. 2 Jun 2009 17:22


mmmmmm, that sounds so good!! 2 of my favorite things.
I don't think I have ever met a brocolli I didn't like.

453. 2 Jun 2009 18:03


I really tried to eat more green veggies and less carbohydrates this evening. That was until dessert LOL

454. 2 Jun 2009 19:35


It's hard to miss out on carbs at a Chinese buffet. Did you know all the things we think of as quintessential Chinese food (ginger beef, sweet & sour pork, chicken balls etc) in China they consider these the dessert. So I suppose it would be like going to China and finding an American Buffett restaraunt and everything on the buffett was jello and pudding and cream puffs. Mmm, now I'm hungry for chinese food AND cream puffs, thanks a heap Dragon!!
(PS - Please wish Robert a very happy b-day from all of us!)

455. 2 Jun 2009 19:37


Hee hee, just realized I spelled buffet with an extra t not once but twice in my last post. I must be thinking of Jimmy Buffett.
'Wastin' away again in Margaritaville..."

456. 2 Jun 2009 19:56


Here's a margarita for everyone! (It's really hard to do a salted rim in fruit!)

457. 2 Jun 2009 20:57


Baldur, in reading your post it occurred to me that I need to find a significant other who takes me out to dinner for HIS birthday. Shouldn't YOU have taken HIM out?? lol Sounds like you are spoiled.

458. 3 Jun 2009 05:22


I am spoiled, and have been unemployed for almost a year.
AND, haven't been collecting unemployment insurance.

459. 3 Jun 2009 05:24


Wait, that's almost not true, I did work for 1 day in September.
Could not believe how evil that job was, went in the second day only to thank them, hand in my equipment and leave.

460. 3 Jun 2009 05:31


I don't care for salt on my Margaritas actually, if one arrives that way I'll rub the mess off into a little dune on the table.

Once ordered a Bloody Mary and what arrived was unexpectedly rimmed in a thick band of celery salt; What the hell was that about? LOL
It completely ruined the drink in my opinion. There was enough of it on the inside rim of the glass to make everything incredibly salty and practically undrinkable. Bloody Marys (Maries?) tend to be salty to begin with just because of the tomato juice. The prepackaged mixer adds greatly to the problem.