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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

421. 16 Apr 2010 10:19


Good news Nadia! It's hard to watch a parent suffering. So glad she is feeling better!

422. 16 Apr 2010 17:43


My sons having an operation on thursday.. Really nervous for him. It would be great ive i knew if you guys would pray for him.. Thank you..xxxx

423. 16 Apr 2010 17:56


That is great Nadia!!!

Praying for you Tracy.

424. 16 Apr 2010 17:59


Thank you Nylecoj.. x

425. 17 Apr 2010 04:34


Tracy, I pray that God will give you peace of heart, that the doctors will know just what to do , and that your son will be restored to perfect health.
May I ask how old your son is Tracy?
God be with you and your family and please let us know how you and your son are doing.

426. 17 Apr 2010 06:44


Thank you Hazer, his only 3 bless him.. Will let you all know how he gets on. Thanks again Hazer, its much appericated.

427. 17 Apr 2010 06:45


Sorry Hazer just posted you with my son account (my oldest Its Tracy123..x

428. 27 Apr 2010 19:36


Hello I'm in need of some prayers for my family. My sister just called to give me some sad news because my mom just couldnt. My dad has been ill for some time, he had a stroke several years ago brought on by diabetes and has since developed dementia and also kidney failure requiring dialysis. The dialysis has been very tough for him and the whole family. He has been on dialysis since Christmas. In March he started to really act up when he has his treatment, wanting to get up and being very disruptive, not really sure why he is there. Its just really bad. We have to go in an handle him when he goes. His dementia has also gotten worse but not to the point to where he doesnt know any one or find joy in his family and friends, its just that he wont remember that you saw him 5 minutes after you leave. My mom had a very very bad day with him in dialysis today. He was very disruptive wanting to pull the tubes out and also his blood is trying to clot and his blood pressure is erratic. He cried today wanting to go home. When she explained to him that if he didnt stay and have treatment he could die he calmed down for just 5 min. and then started back again. The doctors had told my mom that my dad may eventually need to be taken off the treatment and if so well the outcome is obvious. My mom said that she could not make that desision because my dad does still have some of himself left in him. After today it was more that she could take with him crying. She wants all of us to come together and discuss taking my dad off his treatment and to have the doctor explain to my dad if this is what he wants. We all feel that he will not really understand or if he does that that understanding will be lost to him soon after.
I am at a loss, I am just so completly sad. I miss my father as he was but I have come to love so much the sweet gentle soul that the demintia has made him to be. Does that make any sense at all? I also feel so much for my mother who has had to put her life on hold for his care. And how will I prepare my girls for this, when they love their pawpaw so much. I just faimily needs your prayers.
Sorry to go on so long but I just need to get my feelings out, I'm just really having a hard time with this. I feel that I would be taking things better if he just passed with a sudden stroke instead of my family having to make the desision in this. If he were in a coma or on life support, it seems it would be easier to comprehend. Am I wrong or bad in thinking this. I just needed to share this with someone and its to late to call anyone. I am so thankful this site is here and for all of you.

429. 27 Apr 2010 22:04


Belladonnis not only my prayers but my heart goes out to you at this difficult and very sad time for you and your entire family. You are not bad you are very normal and only feeling love, sorrow, anxiety for what was and what will be.

430. 28 Apr 2010 00:15



I have no great words of comfort, but I know a great comforter. May his guiding hand be upon you now.

431. 28 Apr 2010 18:44


Bella, thanks for reaching out here--many of us have had wrenching experiences such as yours, yet each is unique and truly personal. I see a lot of love and caring in your words, and that binds us all together. We are thinking of you....

432. 29 Apr 2010 18:22


Praying for you Belladonnis.

433. 6 May 2010 21:13


Bella, my heart goes out to you and your family. We were faced with the same decision in January when my father in law was so very ill. We were confronted with having to decide whether or not to continue treatment that would only prolong the inevitable death process. My father in law wanted very much to live right up until he mercifully slipped into a coma. His veins collapsed, and he passed away shortly after.

His illness was relatively brief, but it did give us time to accept what was happening and be able to say our good byes.

I pray God will surround you with fiends and family who will walk beside you in the difficult days ahead. Hugs to you and your sister, your Mom and your girls.

434. 7 May 2010 08:05


Bella, I just read your thread today. So sorry for your pain. I have lost both of my parents at a relatively young age, as well as many other loved ones over the years. And as a nurse, I have seen it all over the past nineteen years and my only words of wisdom to you are that it is harder to watch someone suffer than it is to miss them. Think back to when your dad was well and cognitively whole. If you were to describe these scenes of his life to him then, what would his response be?? That's where your hearts should lead you. Whatever your family's decision is, you can feel good about the love and support you are able to give each other and the legacy your dad has created for you all. Good thoughts are coming your way, Bella.

435. 13 May 2010 20:31


Thank you all for your thoughts they mean so much. It has been up and down for us. My dad has his good days and his bad days. I have to admit I am exhausted because I have been putting in 14 hour days at work because of the new model year vehicle trials and then traveling to North Alabama every friday after work so I can give my mom a break by taking my dad for his treatment early on sat. mornings. Even though I am so completely tired my mood over the situation and my families has lifted which makes the exhaustion bearable. I believe that is from the prayers and support we have recieved from all of our friends. Thank you so much my TD friends. I hope to be back in the forums a little more and the gallery creating and commenting on all the beautiful work there soon.

436. 13 May 2010 21:15


Hang in there, bella, and may you continue to find the strength to do what you need to.

437. 14 May 2010 17:41


My thoughts and prayers are with you Bella.

438. 14 May 2010 18:00


Bella, in my thoughts I will see you and your family surrounded by the light and love of God. Somewhere in my reading I came across the idea that those who suffer dementia have, in their inner selves, to some extent already left. Remember that your dad is NOT his body and that his lifetime of love & care for all of you will always be with you.

439. 16 May 2010 11:54


Amen to normals comment, bella. I pray that you will remain strong in the face of your circumstances. I pray that your Dad will have peace of mind and not resist the family as they try to do what is best for him. And I pray for your Mom. Bella, you must be such a comfort to her. God will honor your acts of service and give you strength for each day. Thanks for keeping in touch and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

440. 16 May 2010 17:53


I don’t normally come into this forum because I’m not terribly religious but there are some folks in Rocky Mountain House that could really use some prayers. Yesterday my boyfriend and I went up to Rocky to go riverboating with his dad and stepmom. After we had our lunch we started back down the river and before we went very far we came across a group of people on the far shore giving CPR to a woman who had drowned. We got her on the back of our boat to try to get her across the river to where there was a canoe launch and hopefully where paramedics could get to her, all the while one man and the womans husband were giving CPR. We weren’t able to get to the launch because the water was too shallow for our boat but we were able to get close to a narrow path on the bank so at least the EMT’s could get to us. They worked on her for quite a long time (this after our group had given CPR for a good 20-30 minutes) but to no avail. Her husband was very much in shock and really seemed very lost after she was pronounced dead. He was so concerned at how he was going to tell their 5 children that their mother wasn’t going to be coming home. The EMT’s and RCMP officers were incredibly helpful and caring. They let him spend time with her to try to say goodbye and contacted his Minister and family friends to go to the children and be with them until they could get him home. It seems they had been canoeing down the river and she had decided to work on her tan for their up coming trip to Mexico so she took off her life jacket and sat on it. Their canoe hit a tree within site of where they were going to put in. Their canoe took off up the river and she became trapped under a tree. It was a freak accident and could happen to anyone. I don’t know more than the names Brian was the husband and the wife was Tammy. I’m sure any prayers going to Brian and Tammy’s family in Rocky Mountain House, Alberta will get where they’re going.