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4141. 19 Nov 2009 10:06


I may have to try that braised beef recipe. Do you know if it retains a strong beer flavour? I'm not very fond of beer myself and probably wouldn't enjoy it if it were beery but if it is very mellow I'll happily try it out.

BTW excellent suggestion for tomato paste. I usually transfer it over to a very small tupperware container but that just means it goes moldy in there instead of in its own can.
My helpful kitchen tip is for those like me who never seem to quite finish the last of the leftovers. I hate cleaning out the tupperware when something saucy goes bad. My trick is to throw the container in the freezer for a couple of days. Once its fully frozen you can open the container, turn it upside down over the garbage and pop the offending leftovers out without a mess (this also helps keep it from being stinky). The container is usually pretty sauce free and thus easier to clean. You will want to throw the garbage bag out before the food thaws and starts stinking again though.

4142. 19 Nov 2009 10:20


The beer just blends in with everything else, but does add to the complexity of the flavor. You can substitute some dry red wine instead.
Marsala is also pretty good in this.

4143. 19 Nov 2009 11:34


I wondered if it might work with a nice red wine.

4144. 19 Nov 2009 11:43


Funny, our client named Capusten just came in, I was telling her about Kapustina and she got a kick out of it. Her family's name in the old country (before being americanized) was Kapustinsky. I wonder if she's related to your imaginary great aunt?

4145. 19 Nov 2009 12:48


That's funny.

Well Baldur went overboard on the Braised Beef and it is now Beef Stew.
It was not my intention but these things happen sometimes.

4146. 19 Nov 2009 17:44


Am still laughing over something Baldur said the other day, but can't remember what. : ) Great show today! Have invented one relative. Working on others. Goodnight and sweet dreams from Missouri!

4147. 19 Nov 2009 17:50


Dragon has the day off tomorrow and in addition to getting a hot rock massage I am also planning on trying Baldur's braised beef recipe. I think I'll use wine instead of beer, then we can drink the rest of the bottle with supper! Ah I think Friday is going to be a triple-great day at Chez Dragon.

4148. 19 Nov 2009 17:50


Baldur's fictitious relations are aften preferable to the actual ones.
Since they are all generally in the 19th century and from uncivilized places they will be every bit as real as myself in just a few generations.
Who will be able to question their existence?

4149. 19 Nov 2009 17:56


Currently I am devising my game plan for the holiday.
The most recent guest list numbers 7, plus Robert and myself of course.
One person is bringing a 'bakery made' apple pie
Another is bringing a homemade apple pie AND homemade pumpkin pie
A third informed me that he will make the butternut squash.
Baldur anticipates it will be whipped, highly sweetened squash (blecccch!)
I do not prepare it that way and will out of politeness be forced to eat it and comment on it's deliciousness
Luckily I can fib well if necessary.

4150. 19 Nov 2009 18:00


My goal here is to do as much of the preparation on Wednesday as is feasible.
There is no dining room at Chez Baldur and as such we will be feeding people in our North kitchen (actually there is but one kitchen, but it is on the North side of the house).
This will make for a crowded setting. The fewer pots and pans about, the better it will go.
Baldur is not above tossing the dirty pots out onto the back stoop if necessary to make the event more photogenic.

4151. 19 Nov 2009 18:03


There will be a cheese board, deviled eggs and pastry wrapped vermouth soaked Spanish olives before dinner
I'm dispensing with the salad course as there is already far too much food.
There will be salad forks set at each place just to show off the fact that I have salad forks.
Dinner rolls present an enigma. I would prefer not to serve them, but because they are so expected I may relent and make a batch of homemade ones.

4152. 19 Nov 2009 18:07


There will be a Rose' (or cider id preferred) at the table
Then the main menu
Scalloped potatoes
Whipped Squash (blecch)
Balsamic braised brussels sprouts
Julienne of Turnip with parsley butter
a Cylinder of Cranberry sauce a la tin can
Baldur's homemade fresh cranberry compote

4153. 19 Nov 2009 18:10


The dessert buffet will be set up in the living room.
My poor houseplants will be shuttled downstairs to the family room for the event
On top of the sideboard will be
the aforementioned pies
A homemade Baldur cheesecake
Some sort of homemade cookies
rum balls
the coffee service
a huge pile pf sterling cake forks (to prove I have both salad forks and cake forks to spare)
an assortment of liqueurs

4154. 19 Nov 2009 18:10


id -d +f =if

4155. 19 Nov 2009 18:12


I expect Jacob (the witch) and his partner to join us for dessert.
They will be dining with relatives in nearby Woonsocket.

4156. 19 Nov 2009 18:13


The fireplace will be aflame, soft music will be wafting through the halls.Everything will be dusted and polished to perfection.

4157. 19 Nov 2009 18:13


pf -p +o =of

4158. 19 Nov 2009 18:15


I still need to decide on table linens.
Expect to hear in the next few days that Baldur ran out to Macy's or some such retailer and bought a new suite of linens

4159. 19 Nov 2009 18:23


Ah ... missed the last segment of tonight's programming. But, reading all of the Earl's preparations has given a warm, fuzzy, sort of sleepy feel ... and btw, dear Earl of Baldwick, thanks for answering all my questions!
ZZzzzz (for sure this time)

4160. 19 Nov 2009 18:24


Baldur actually went to Saver's yesterday on the odd chance that they might have a huge brown or rust colored tablecloth in mint condition.
No such luck.
But I did buy two pairs of very nice lace curtains.
The pairs are not both of the same pattern but I will hang them in different rooms anyway.