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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

4101. 18 Nov 2009 16:07


Once again the colors are somewhat nicer in person.
Baldur checks eBay constantly for pieces of 'Denmark;
This week a few pieces appeared, I was rather surprised as it had been ages since I last found any.
I will include the link here, which will be active for a few weeks in any case.
Baldur apologizes for anyone who tries to open the link when reading this in the months to come.
eBay cleans out it's listings periodically, this hyperlink will only function until they do so: QcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item3357498a2d

4102. 18 Nov 2009 16:13


Well that didn't work did it?

4103. 18 Nov 2009 16:14

Baldur QcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item3357498a2d

4104. 18 Nov 2009 16:15


Sorry, I cannot make that link work, despite what the screen says, the image is there on the site.
My apologies.

4105. 18 Nov 2009 16:18


As to why Baldur chose Spode, is a bit more complicated.
I wanted something antique and out of production.
Basically my intention was to create a faux family heirloom, to build a myth that these belonged to my grandmother in the early 20th century.
The same idea evolved into my sterling collection. As I add pieces with monograms I create ancestors to fit.

4106. 18 Nov 2009 16:19


I also tend to choose complex patterns and love the challenge of collecting things that are not easy to obtain.

4107. 18 Nov 2009 17:11


Love the Denmark pattern. Seems perfect for the Earl of Baldwick's cottage known lovingly as Chez Baldur (or should it now be known as Chez Baldrick? )

4108. 18 Nov 2009 17:14


Baldur's Spode and silver collecting family sound most interesting! Since marius would like some new relatives, she now has something curious to ponder ... and invent! hehehe! This should be fun!!!!

Has Baldur *always* collected and/or had an appreciation for antique dinnerware, etc? Did he start collecting in his teens, twenties? When?

4109. 18 Nov 2009 17:16


I could not get the Denmark link to come up. Will try again. Meanwhile, here is a bit of torture. It's a Christmas house. I couldn't watch it all. Too much visual ... but, um, er, enjoy!

4110. 18 Nov 2009 17:39


Invented relatives eh? I think we all have a family member or two we'd like to replace with an invented relative.

4111. 18 Nov 2009 21:52


Baldur, you are so eccentric and ecclectic (I'm giving myself 10pts for alliteration, and 10 more points for the word alliteration, for a total of 20 points!) How does you creative mind come up with these fascinating ideas of inventing heirlooms and ancestors? (even though heirlooms starts with an "h" and ancestors starts with an "a", I am still counting that as alliteration since they both have an "a" sound!) I'm feeling poetic tonight, apparently!

Marius, thanks for the fun Christmas house! You know how I adore them! We have a house like that set to music here in boise. When you drive up to the house, there is a sign that tells you what station to tune your radio to, and sure enough, the lights are synchronized (5 pts) to what's playing on the radio. Apparently there is some computer program which accomplishes this. I look at these Griswald houses and just marvel at how much time, money, and energy is put into them. I'm way too lazy to participate, but I'm happy to enjoy the fruits of someone else's labor.

4112. 18 Nov 2009 21:54


Now, the first song of that Christmas house, I'm not sure of the title, but everyone has heard it. Anyway, I can no longer hear that Christmas carol without thinking of the following youtube take on it:

4113. 19 Nov 2009 03:55


Robin, figured there had to be a computer involved with blinking lights and music. Gee whiz. And, "Ding, Fries are Done" to you! (snorting with laughter.) Re: Christmas decorating ... yes to admiring the efforts of others! Speaking of which, have we heard what the Earl of Eastwick does for his decorating? We know about the year-round mistletoe hanging from a Satyr, but, what else?

4114. 19 Nov 2009 03:57


Ooops ... Earl of Baldwick! (Got Earl and Witches mixed up.)

4115. 19 Nov 2009 04:15


Baldur started buying pieces of crockery in his late teens, hundreds of different patterns.
I started selling them in a flea market, that was how I earned my living for several years. By studying antique price guide books it was easy to learn what to look for. At that point it wasn't stuff for my personal collection, my intention was to profit from it.

4116. 19 Nov 2009 04:17


Another Christmas house, egads! LOL

Baldur did indeed have a discourse on decorating Chez Baldur some time back, but will retell the tale again as it is now seasonally appropriate.
For now, suffice to say it does not really heavily on electricity

4117. 19 Nov 2009 04:25



4118. 19 Nov 2009 04:25


On creating ancestors that hobby developed over time from a similar one.
I started buying very old photographs of people and naming them, creating a 19th century branch of my family.
There is no traceable history of the Baldur family from before the 20th century. Rural Lithuania was not not for it's record keeping skills, any that existed would not have survived several wars and a communist takeover.

I found a photograph of 3 woman who were perhaps in there 20s, and probably sisters. The middle one looked a lot like what I imagined my grandmother looked like when she was that age.
Though I lived in the same building with her while growing up I had never seen a photograph of her as a young woman, maybe there were none.
The earliest image I had seen was taken at my parent's wedding, she would have been 62 years old.

4119. 19 Nov 2009 04:28


-not +known

4120. 19 Nov 2009 04:29


Baldur need coffee???