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4081. 18 Nov 2009 04:13


Marius, I too REALLY enjoyed the elephant story and was sad to have missed that PBS special. Maybe it will be on again.

As far as what I find funny, hmmmm. Well, I am one of the funniest people I know, at least in person. LOL And my son got my sense of humor, so our house is full of laughter! As a nurse, I'm not sure everyone would appreciate what I think is funny. Healthcare workers tend to have dark humor. But I am a lover of a good practical joke, and I believe my talent for them has made work more fun for many of my coworkers, especially when the doctors are the targets!

I think Wanda Sykes is pretty funny, too, but her HBO special showed that she uses a lot of foul language. Now, I can have a gutter mouth at times, I admit, but I just don't think the swearing adds to the humor most times. I remember as a fairly young kid seeing Red Skelton and laughing my head off. Not a naughty word to be had, and hilarious anyway. So I wish some of these New Age comedians would clean up their acts and show a little more class. Then my boy could enjoy them, too.

4082. 18 Nov 2009 05:07


Good morning, Robin. Glad you enjoyed the elephant story. I missed about the first half of the show, but gathered the focus was more about Asian Elephants than just the tsunami.

As for Wanda, I've only seen her interviewed on a couple of talk shows. If her stand-up has a lot of profanity then I'm with you, not my thing.

Years ago I met a very refined gentleman from the UK. He said he NEVER uses any profanity because there are so many words that can more accurately convey meaning. In his view, use of profanity shows a "laziness of mind" and a lack of creative thinking. Must say, I could not disagree then and can't now. (However, in a real pinch my lazy mind has said some bad words.) : )

4083. 18 Nov 2009 05:37


Oh ... and I LOVED Red Skelton! You are so right about comedy working just fine without the dirty words!

4084. 18 Nov 2009 06:36


Polenta, I am not a linguist, so cannot confirm that Wanda Sykes speaks with a "dialect." Listened again and I'd say she might have a Southern and African American hint to her speaking. *However,* that is a broad generalization and probably not a politically correct thing to say because not all Southerners or all African Americans speak the same. It's that way with any group, culture or race - there are wide varieties of "accents" everywhere. An example: I heard a man from China speaking with a Minnesota accent. He'd lived there for many years. It was very strange to hear as some Chinese people here have a hint of the Missouri accent.

To my ear, Wanda's speech sounds rather like that of entertainer and comedian, Chris Rock. Below is a website of a LONG television program with Chris Rock, and then others, discussing "black hair." Apparently Chris made a sort of documentary/comedy movie about the industry of African American hair styling. Anyway, you can listen and see if you think Chris sounds similar to Wanda. : ) 0/10/comedian-chris-rock-on-black-hair

4085. 18 Nov 2009 06:43


Will try this one ... first one had a space in the number part. 0/10/comedian-chris-rock-on-black-hair

4086. 18 Nov 2009 06:45


Okay ... see the space in the first "ten" ... "19/2009/1 0/10" ... delete that space between the 1 and the 0 and it should go to the site. Othewise ... tee hee you could try to find Chris Rock on youtube, but a warning: there is a lot of profanity in his routines. : )

4087. 18 Nov 2009 08:58


I too wish I'd seen that segment about the elephants. I saw a show once about rescue dogs. They did a bit about the dogs brought in after 9/11 to look for survivors. Of course there were so few survivors that at the end of the day the dogs (and their handlers) were terribly discouraged and had a hard time coming back the next day. They started staging rescues for the dogs, so one of the rescue workers would hide amid the rubble and allow the dog to 'find' him then everyone would act excited. It really helped the dogs to keep their spirits up.

4088. 18 Nov 2009 09:11


As for comedy, I will say that I did always quite enjoy Seinfeld though I always thought all the other characters were far more funny than Jerry himself was. I can't say there are any comedies on right now that I enjoy, though whenever I catch 'How I Met your Mother' it always gives me a laugh, just not enough to make me rush home to watch it. I love the old brit-com, I think I've almost peed my pants while watching Fawlty Towers. They tried to do an American version of it several years ago but thank god it didn't take off 'cause it was awful. Some things just don't travel that long a distance or that many years.
I do have a certain enjoyment of dark comedy as well but I can't think of anything specific along those lines. I suppose the scene in Monty Python's Holy Grail (possibly the best movie ever made) where the villagers are trying to throw their not quite dead family member on the dead wagon might qualify.
I must agree with Baldur about Adam Sandler. I put him and Will Ferrel in the same category. I've seen them do good acting and be funny so I know they can but most of time I find their brand of comedy stupid. I think I would chew off my own leg to get out of watching Water Boy or Anchorman.

4089. 18 Nov 2009 09:13


Oh, I did find marius' limerick about my shoes very funny and Robin's one certainly got me laughing too. So I guess limericks fall into what I find funny as well (at least the cleverly writen ones do )

4090. 18 Nov 2009 13:52


This was a triplegreat day.

Baldur finished painting the apartment
A big box arrived that contained the rare Spode pieces, and
I made a big pot of lentil soap.

I love lentils, this is the perfect meal for a cold autumn afternoon.

4091. 18 Nov 2009 13:54



4092. 18 Nov 2009 13:56


Why would Baldur enjoy having Hyacinth Bouquet as a neighbor?

She would be so entertaining I couldn't help but like her.
Baldur would have a friend 'accidentally' let the cat out of the bag that I am actually an Earl. Then he would tell her she must never let on that she knows. That Baldur is peculiar that no one treats him special because of the title his family has held since the 12th Century.
That should do it
Baldur would get to drink tea out of the Royal Doulton with the handpainted periwinkles.
There would be all sorts of Candlelight suppers too.

4093. 18 Nov 2009 13:58


Well yes, I've been called woese than stupid, but this is even worse IamMatthew:
Baldur was painting someone else's apartment;.
I have this terrible flaw in that I sislike paying someone to do something I am capable of doing myself. So even if it were my apartment Baldur would still paint it.
I would never be happy withy someone else's work.

4094. 18 Nov 2009 13:59


sislike -s +d =dislike

4095. 18 Nov 2009 13:59


who is the 'ALL' you are referring to?

4096. 18 Nov 2009 15:12


Okay, NOW I get it Baldur. You are funny! If Hyacinth ever moves in next door please let us know, oh funny, funny Earl of .... what did you say you would be Earl of?

Thanks for the good laugh. This will have me giggling the rest of the night!

4097. 18 Nov 2009 15:24


I would be the Earl of Baldwick

4098. 18 Nov 2009 15:39


Haha, Earl of Baldwick! Glad you had a triplegreat day! One here too. Spouse took me to lunch, then to get socks with the $10 discount coupon I got in the mail. Then Robert cooked one of my favorite dinners and now there is a promise of getting a foot rub! No complaints from the middle part of the country.

Dragon, thanks for the story of the 9/11 rescue dogs and how people "faked" being lost so the dogs would have a sense of accomplishment. Great story.

Seems many on Channel Baldur have similar tastes in humor. One brand of humor that absolutely baffles me is shows like Ashton Kucher's "Punked." It's not a kind of humor I understand ... at all! Did I say, don't understand such shows AT ALL!

Changing topics, marius could go back and re-read, but it would be easier if Baldur would tell about the Spode pieces he got in the mail today. I've forgotten what they were, just recall the Earl won the bid. Also want to know when, how, where Baldur decided on Spode china, and the pattern he likes.

4099. 18 Nov 2009 16:00


Baldur eats off of Fiestaware on normal nonfestive occasions
For holidays I use Spode in a pattern called 'Sorrento'
Here is an image though the colors look much more vibrant in person.

4100. 18 Nov 2009 16:03


The scroll designs are a deep sienna brow and there are touches of a bright orangish/rust here and there.

This however was not what was purchased for Chez Baldur this past week.
I collect another pattern by Spode called 'Denmark'. It was discontinued in 1863, making it near impossible to procure.

Here is an image of this pattern: