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4061. 17 Nov 2009 18:32


Robin, how did you know I wore ribbons? When they were out of fashion, I still wore them ... and got compliments too!

4062. 17 Nov 2009 18:59


And how does Robin know of my nefarious past? She's not referring to 36 years ago when, for nine months, the alter-ego had rocks for brains and dated a certain Gonzallo, Cuban connoisseur of, um, er ... Ganja? (Baldur said we're not to mention such things.) Funny, was recently at new doctors and got all the usual questions, one of which was, "What recreational substances has marius enjoyed?" For some reason I burst out laughing. Said to the doc, "Well, if you want to go back 36 years ... it would be quite a list." The doc laughed too and we moved on. Thank goodness for moving on. There are so many ways to legally enjoy oneself that, um, er, think I'll put a ribbon in my hair and go for a swim. : )

4063. 17 Nov 2009 19:05


Mall of America, Baldur never would have guessed that, not ever.

I loved that elephant story, marius.
People generally underestimate what animals are capable of/

4064. 17 Nov 2009 19:09


Glad you liked the elephant story, Baldur.

Have a question for you, for all. Marius wants to know what people consider humorous, or not. And, perhaps, what "dark humors" are enjoyed.

This question came to mind a while back when Baldur mentioned an affection for Hyacinth Bucket of the series, "Keeping up Appearances." Having watched a mere handful of Hyacinth's escapades, the sketchy impression is that Hyacinth's saving grace is a good-heart. That, plus her appreciation for "the finer things in life" seems to fuel the humor. However, itrw, if I had to live with Hyacinth for one minute, I'd start thinking about arsenic. (Sorry Baldur. No doubt my feelings towards Hyacinth are colored by the experience of growing up with a mother who was more concerned with appearances than any other thing.) : )

When I was a kid, my brothers would laugh themselves silly over the three stooges. As the stooges hit each other a great deal, and it hurts to be hit, the humor of the stooges' physical antics were lost on me. (Curiously, I've never met a man who didn't like the Stooges. Are they a "male thing?")

So who, what, and all of that makes people laugh? Spouse recently got me to watch sitcom, Big Bang Theory. Amazingly, I LOVE Sheldon! He absolutely cracks me up!

4065. 17 Nov 2009 19:13


Baldur never had Lego Blocks as a child. My parents always said I would get the little pieces all over the house and flatly refused to let me have any.

Actually throughout my life my parents were quite adept at never getting me anything I really wanted. They were quite generous, don't misunderstand me there. But it got to the point that I felt if I asked for somthing specific, that item would NEVER materialize.
Baldur generally wanted to make things, getting toy cars was such a complete letdown. Pushing them around had no appeal whatsoever.
One year they bought me a scooter. There could not possibly have been a 'dorkier' gift in that era than a scooter.
My father even personalized it with the diminutive of my given name carefully written in big white letters down the front of it.

4066. 17 Nov 2009 19:19


I would adore having a neighbor like Hyacinth, that would be so much fun.

Baldur loves:
the Three Stooges, my favorite being Curly
the Marx Brothers
Red Green
Lucille Ball
Carol Burnett, Harvey Korman, Tim Conway, Vicki Lawrence
madcap comedies from the 1930s
(look for 'Dinner at 8' on DVD'

Baldur does not understand the humor of:
Jerry Seinfeld
Adam Sandler

4067. 17 Nov 2009 19:22


Having never been a parent, I cannot explain odd gifts, but it was the same at my home: if you asked for something specific, you would not get it.

Baldur's story about how unable his parents were to "read" him (ala the gifts they gave) made me think of when I was fourteen. My mother (remember, she was mentally ill although none of us were allowed to know it or admit it) decided I would become a piano tuner. Yep, she hired some geeky man to teach me to tune pianos. At age fourteen! (shivers)

4068. 17 Nov 2009 19:25


Actually there isn't much in current humor that I enjoy.
It's nearly impossible for me to sit through any current comedies on TV.
Kelsey Grammer is impossible to take. I tried Cougartown and was completely horrified.
'Modern Family' has good moments but too much crap in between.

4069. 17 Nov 2009 19:25


somthing +e =something

4070. 17 Nov 2009 19:27


Baldur wrote: "I would adore having a neighbor like Hyacinth, that would be so much fun." Please, please, explain to this dense person in Missouri. WHY would it be fun? Cannot see it, don't get it. Perhaps it can't be explained?

marius agrees with Baldur's humor tastes on these points:Red Green, Carol Burnett, Harvey Korman, Tim Conway, Vicki Lawrence. Not familiar with "dinner at 8" but will check it out. Agree about Jerry Seinfeld, not familiar with Adam Sandler.

What about Wanda Sykes? She makes me laugh myself silly ... but probably a lot of it is her voice. She could just talk and I'd laugh.

4071. 17 Nov 2009 19:39


I just lost another long posting as I tried to put it on this thread, I wonder if it will appear later.

4072. 17 Nov 2009 19:40


I'll reply just to see.

4073. 17 Nov 2009 19:40


I only know of Wanda from a commercial, she is promoting her new show.
It doesn't look promising to me

4074. 17 Nov 2009 19:42


It's not going to show up, this is quite aggravating.
The problem is not this site but rather AOL, in the evenings it does not take much to bump me offline.
Often the computer will automatically sign itself back on, but not before I lose what I was doing.

4075. 17 Nov 2009 19:45


Goodnight, Baldur should have been asleep an hour ago.

'All Baldur, All the Time'

4076. 17 Nov 2009 19:53


Sorry you're having AOL problems. Don't know about Wanda's show. But, below is a youtube of Wanda being interviewed by Leno. I LOVE the part at the very end.

And still hoping Baldur will explain (when AOL permits) wanting Hyacinth for a neighbor. Think the explanation will help me have more, um, appreciation for Ms. Bouquet! : )

Goodnight, Baldur. marius is also hearing the sprites of dreamland calling and must obey. Sweet dreams to all!

4077. 18 Nov 2009 01:59


What dialect does this Wanda speak? It is not very easy. When the man speaks it's much more understandable.

4078. 18 Nov 2009 03:46


Baldur! How can you not think Adam Sandler is funny? I know, we have our opinions, but really? Sorry. I like Family Guy and Adam Sandler. The End

4079. 18 Nov 2009 03:49


I may have heard of Wanda, but I'm not allowed on YouTube.

4080. 18 Nov 2009 04:08


Marius, here is a link to the world record domino chain:

And another one of a different chain, must have been the previous world record: