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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

4041. 16 Nov 2009 16:32


Okay ... "went to your SITE about design."

4042. 16 Nov 2009 20:28


Sheftali also finds Baldur's secrets challenge intriguing and will contemplate that a bit. Marius' response was engaging, as usual. Googled the Spode Sorrento china, and was pleased to see how lovely it is. Baldur has exquisite taste.

4043. 16 Nov 2009 20:29


Oh, and Robin, Sheftali has not divulged Think Draw to hubby or any of her friends, either! There is comfort in anonymity at times!

4044. 17 Nov 2009 03:22



4045. 17 Nov 2009 03:31


Baldur also has a huge (laundry basket size) storage bin full of Lego blocks.

When no one is around I will build with them for hours.
This is not exactly a secret. There have been parties here when I left the bin out in the family room. Before I knew it there were 8 grown men sitting on the rug playing like little boys.

Baldur almost always creates buildings. I went to the Lego website years ago and bought lots of the angled roof tiles. When you buy the assortment kits they include very few.
Luckily at the website you can buy specific tiles in any quantity.

4046. 17 Nov 2009 03:41


If you like Legos, you should go to the MOA. They have checkered legos. They even have giant lego creations. If you go up to the second floor and look down on Lego Land, you can see an alien sitting on a ship or something.

4047. 17 Nov 2009 04:12


I wonder if you accept adevertisements Baldur and how much they cost.

4048. 17 Nov 2009 07:19


A propos of Legos - had you heard that the new ( a year or 2 old) symphony hall in Copenhagen is constructed of giant Legos? Apparently the acoustics are just fine. Would LOVE to attend a concert there.
(However, Legos are not a secret of mine.) Most, if not all, of my peculiarities are well-known to family and friends. Even tried to interest a few in TD.

4049. 17 Nov 2009 10:20


Try as I might I've never been able to interest any of my friends in Think Draw. They all say, 'Oh I'm not very good at drawing' I've always though it was more of a site to have fun and meet nice people (for the most part).

As for secretest secrets, hmm. My love of shoes is not a particular secret but perhaps the fact that I name most of them would fall under this category. I have my Friday Boots, My Kick Ass Shoes, my Slutty Red Heels etc etc... Naming things seems to run in the family, my brother had a pillow named Dave and a truck named Bill. Whenever I see a Bronco the smae year and colour I'll say 'Oh that looks like Bill' and my friends will ask who's Bill and then I have to explain it's not a person at all just my brothers tendency to give everything a name. (I'm glad there were still some names left now that he has kids;) )

4050. 17 Nov 2009 12:55


maddyjean, which Museum of Art are you speaking of?

Polenta, I love maddyjean's channel, I hope she gets a huge following of her own.
Oh it would be wonderful if Baldur got paid for endorsing products, but I would probably have to share the profits with Think/Draw

4051. 17 Nov 2009 13:04


Baldur tends to assign gender to objects.
Most of my pickup trucks have been female.

4052. 17 Nov 2009 13:14


There was a horrific traffic accident in RI yesterday, it will be under investigation for months
A Woonsocket man was driving on the highway in Providence while his wife was seated in the passenger seat
He veered to the side of the road just before an overpass and struck a road sign, and came to a stop.
He got out of the car, and leaving his wife baffled clambered up onto the overpass. Then he jumped down from it onto the highway.
This was during the morning commute there was a lot of traffic moving at 50 mph. As soon as he hit the pavement he sat down in the path of a car, which struck him and flung him into the path of another vehicle. In all he was hit 4 times before the cars stopped
He probably was killed by the first impact.
The drivers of the other cars, and his wife who witnessed everything were so traumatized that they were all hospitalized.

4053. 17 Nov 2009 13:19


There was a horrific traffic accident in RI yesterday, it will be under investigation for months.
A Woonsocket man was driving on the highway in Providence while his wife was seated in the passenger seat
He veered to the side of the road just before an overpass, struck a road sign and rolled to a stop.
He got out of the car, leaving his wife baffled and clambered up onto the overpass
He jumped down from it onto the highway
This was during the morning commute there was a lot of traffic moving at 50 mph
As soon as he hit the pavement he sat down in the path of a car, which struck him and flung him into the path of another vehicle, in all he was hit 4 times before the traffic came to a stop.
He most likely was killed by the first impact.
The drivers of the other cars, and his wife who witnessed everything were so traumatized that they were all hospitalized

4054. 17 Nov 2009 13:21


Hmmmmmm, when I posted the story the first time a glitch occured and I lost my internet connection.
When I signed back on and returned to Think/Draw the story was not there.
So Baldur painstakingly retyped it.
Now you have it twice.

4055. 17 Nov 2009 13:47


OMG! Horrific is putting that mildly!! I can not even imagine witnessing that.

4056. 17 Nov 2009 14:06


I read that on Fox. How tragic.

4057. 17 Nov 2009 14:14


Baldur, your radio show has taken a turn to a news radio show for a moment. What a tragedy.

Also, I think Maddyjean was referring to the Mall of America in Minneapolis, not a Museum of Art. I have been to that mall during a very long layover in the city, and seen the lego land she speaks of. It is fascinating that people spend that much time sculpting out of legos. They must have the vision in their minds, but not sure how they are able to execute it so well.

I just saw a story on AOL news last night about the longest domino chain which took 1.5 hrs to completely fall. It reminds me of the lego thing. Patience and a bit of artistic genious involved with both. I have neither in me, so can only watch, not participate. But I think that domino thing is on youtube. might be worth googling. They just showed clips of it, not the whole hour and a half! LOL

4058. 17 Nov 2009 18:06


Once knew a gal, not a dragon,
Whose shoes were something to brag on.
She had slutty reds,
For someone well-bred,
And her boots were named something like Wagon?

4059. 17 Nov 2009 18:30


There was a young girl named Marius,
Whose exploits were sometimes nefarious.
On the beach she did wear
Only a ribbon in her hair
And the stares she got were hilarious.

4060. 17 Nov 2009 18:30


Sorry, Dragon, could not resist. LOVE your shoe story, and pillow named ... was it Dave?

Baldur, sad news item in Woonsocket. Sending calming thoughts and prayers cause it's all I know to do.

Just watched a PBS special about elephants who helped with clean up and recovery of those who perished in the 2005 tsunami in Thailand. Sounds sad, but oddly, it was uplifting.

When the elephants first arrived to the rescue area, they became despondent and sad, just like the tired human rescue workers. But after a day or two, something about the strength and power of the elephants invigorated the human rescue workers. Both humans and elephants were uplifted and better able to handle the job of finding remains, many of which were tourists.

The elephants copied the dogs who were also assisting, and learned to sniff out remains. They would remove the rubble and then very, very gently lift up the human bodies with their tusks. It was so tender to see, I almost cried watching it.

The man who owns the elephants (a few of which starred in that movie about Alexander the Great) donated the elephant assistance because to him, they are holy animals, part of the Thai culture. He wanted to give back.

After showing the elephants assist with recovery efforts, the documentary changed focus to an annual Thai celebration about water. It was a parade. People in the streets had buckets of water. All the elephants were painted, decked out in bright colors. As elephants and their riders walked down the street, the elephants would get water from the people's buckets and spray all the spectators. Sure looked like a lot of fun. There was music, dancing and everyone was wet!

Robin, tried to find something about the longest domino chain, but no luck. Did you do those when you were a kid? We did. Spent some hours on them. Probably when Baldur was playing with legos. (LOVE the picture in my mind of grown men playing legos! Yippee for that!)