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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

4021. 15 Nov 2009 16:20


anectdote -t =anecdote

4022. 15 Nov 2009 16:23


You shouldn't worry too much about that maddyjean, if people hate you, that is their problem, not yours.
I think that because of your age and interests your channel would have to be quite different from this one.

4023. 15 Nov 2009 16:41



I mailed you my Christmas wish list... Just ignore it & send cash...

( I wanna make it easy on you )...

4024. 15 Nov 2009 16:43


I love a challenge

4025. 15 Nov 2009 16:52


...Buying something for someone who is actually you but lives in a different state would be quite a challenge...

4026. 15 Nov 2009 17:14


A "Thongs 'R' Us" gift certificate is always the correct size

4027. 16 Nov 2009 03:41


Baldur luckily remembered something from last Thanksgiving in time to rectify the problem.
Last year my Spode Sorrento gravy boat exploded.
Perhaps exploded is the wrong term, but it broke apart into a small pile of attractive early 20th century stoneware shards.
While getting the final Thanksgiving dinner preparations ready, Baldur placed his beloved gravyboat on top of the stove to prewarm it. The potatoes were boiling, the gravy bubbling, the brussels sprouts brussling and the creamed pearl onions were gently warming in the bain marie.
When Baldur took the gravy boat by the handle to fill it he suddenly was aware that the darn thing was now 350 degrees, I burnt my hand and jerked it away causing the serving piece to go skittering across the stove, breaking into several pieces.

I quickly fetched another gravy boat (Baldur has 7 or 8) but it was not a happy moment. My Spode pattern is rather 'busy' and nothing else I had came close to coordinating with the table setting.
My black Fiestaware one was used for the occasion, but it was really too heavy looking for the table setting.

Last night I found an antique silverplate gravyboat that solves this problem, it will go well with everything and will work until another Spode Sorrento example can be had.
Hopefully it will arrive on time.

4028. 16 Nov 2009 03:43


Incidentally, I save my broken pottery shards for Matthew of nearby Shrewsbury. He is a sculptor but also enjoys creating mosaics.
It's good to see he can reuse these bits and create something beautiful.

4029. 16 Nov 2009 03:52


You'll have to tell us what the thing looks like once he makes it.

4030. 16 Nov 2009 03:56


Okay I am about to head back out to my painting project in Woonsocket but thought I would start another line of conversation here first.

Let's call this:


What fascinating little tidbits can you tell the Thinkdraw world about yourself that most people in your circle of real-world friends would never guess?
I'm not talking about sensitive matters, or things that shouldn't be divulged.
Continue to keep any illegal substance addictions to yourself.
But what oddities do you indulge in when alone?
What is something you enjoy that no one would guess?

Let me start.

Baldur actually owns and enjoys listening to several hop-hop cds. This is so out of character it would shock my oldest friends.

Baldur also loves socks and outlandish footwear.
Argyle socks
wildly patterned socks
fuzzy socks
sheer socks etc
But also old fashioned looking shoes and boots
gangster shoes (spectators)
cowboy boots

What I've been wearing while painting are Japanese shoes called Jika Tabi.
These look like mittens for feet but have a ribbed rubber sole. The big toe has it's own separate compartment and the body of the shoe is made of black cotton.
These are used by construction
workers in Japan, especially those who work up on steel girders. They provide great traction and a sense of balance.

4031. 16 Nov 2009 05:39


LOVE this idea Baldur! Will need to ponder it.

In the meanwhile ... wanted to add another Thanks to Sheftali for answering many questions. [There are more, but I'll save them and let her have a break ... for now. (tee hee)]

Sheftali wrote: "It doesn't take a lot of money to live a good life, it's the character and 'soul' that make a difference." Must say, hands are clapping to that!

4032. 16 Nov 2009 06:59


Okay, Baldur ... how about our crushed-ice maker? We opted to keep my cheap-o refrigerator when we got married. It has no ice maker. Since I like crushed ice, spouse bought me a hand-crank affair. I never knew such a thing existed, but I sure enjoy that little machine. It's labor intensive, ritualistic and fun. Think I'll miss it if we ever decide to upgrade in the refrigerator department.

Also I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to wash dishes. It would be fine with me if we had no dishwasher. I LOVE washing dishes. Still wash some every day even though they could go in the dishwasher.

One time in a restaurant where I worked, the dishwasher took a week vacation. For that whole week I was IN HEAVEN as I got to be the dishwasher. Loved cleaning out those gigantic pots, and pans, doing the glasses, silverware ... that was the best low-paying job I've ever had!

4033. 16 Nov 2009 11:12


Baldur's secretest secrets

Baldur, this is a difficult challenge. Re-read your directions and you said *fascinating* tidbits. Not sure I have fascinating tidbits (that I want to share), that no one else knows about me. Few know of my bookmark collection. I like it but don't think it's exactly "facsinating."

There is the time I went to the nudist camp in Oregon. Yep, it surprised me that I went. The fellow that took me knew I wanted to see pileated woodpeckers and there were tons of them that lived in the forest there.

He was contracted to repair buildings so he worked and I watched the pileated woodpeckers! There really wasn't anything else to watch because it was autumn and a tad chilly. (tee hee). I was invited to go back in the summer, but for some reason declined.

4034. 16 Nov 2009 11:56


Marius, you leave me wonder whether you visited the nudist camp clothed or unclothed??

Baldur, even before I got to the part about you saving the shards for your friend to use in a mosaic, I was thinking, "I hope Baldur saved those shards for a mosaic!" Somehow, I knew!

Nothing fascinating about my life. The biggest secret I have is Thinkdraw. I have not shared this site with any of my friends. Not sure why, but I feel more free to write and create if I'm only being judged by anonymous strangers!

4035. 16 Nov 2009 12:09


Yeah, if anyone told me my drawings are bad, I can face them. I don't see them or know how big they are. The worst thing they can do is cyber-bully. Doesn't really bother me....

4036. 16 Nov 2009 13:19


Robin ... it was too cold to not be clothed! However, there was a nudist beach along the Sandy River in the mid seventies. marius went there a lot and although there were people in every stage of dress to undress, marius always kept her suit on ... except a few times, when it was late, dark and no one else was around. Skinny dipping is divine. : )

4037. 16 Nov 2009 13:28


Baldur has been to a nudist beach several times, and did undress despite the crowds.
That sort of thing never bothered me.

4038. 16 Nov 2009 13:55


Yes, Baldur, but it's different for you. Because, even when completely nude, you have that swimsuit of bear hair! LOL

4039. 16 Nov 2009 15:15


Ha! So funny

4040. 16 Nov 2009 16:31


Baldur, meant to say, went to your like about design, etc. Some of it was over the head. Not used to thinking about such things, but it was interesting. Love to look at photos of homes, rooms, decor ... but more, love to visit people's homes. It is fun to get folks to talk about where, how, why they got a certain lamp, a painting, a vase, etc. There are so many great stories about how people acquire things.

One of my little kid fantasies came from a twilight zone episode where time was frozen. Still think it would be fun if time froze for an hour or two so I could meander through people's homes, look at their stuff, colors, fabrics, etc. I enjoy the variety.