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Forums - Community - For those who like to know about other cultures

401. 11 Apr 2010 07:15


Vacation time is just around the corner for me here! We have a shut down period that starts around May 28th and last for 2 weeks. I'm so excited this year because we have rented a beach house in Panama City that has its own private swimming pool and is on the beach and suprisingly is alot cheaper than the condos that you can rent!
The last time we went to Panama City we stayed at the Splash Resort that was really great but it was so crowded that you couldnt move. It was always hard to get a spot by the pool or find lounge chairs on the beach. Zoe got knocked down by some rough playing kids and cut her knee. So I cant wait to go this year. The kids can swim all they want and then when we go to the beach we will have our own lounge chairs that belong to the house!

What and where do you all do when you go on vacation?

402. 11 Apr 2010 10:04


Thanks for your answer belladonnis. I live one and a half blocks from the beach and the sea (the River Plate or Rio de la Plata) but.... I never go to the beach. LOL
I'd like Europe to be near here.... but it isn't. One day I would travel to Paris and stay there for 5 or 6 days. Another month I'd go to Londeon and do the same. What we have here are excursions through part of Europe but this takes at least 2 weeks or 3 and they take you through 10 cities in 5 countries!!!!!!! When you come home... YOU ARE EXHAUSTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

403. 2 Oct 2010 09:14


This is a video I was sent and it's kind of good for those who want to know a little more about Uruguay. Maybe it has too much about the countryside and the seaside resorts and too little about the cities but at least it's in English. Hope those who like to know about other cultures can enjoy it.
I encourage people from other countries to do the same.

404. 2 Oct 2010 09:38


Polenta, the video has made me wanting to Uruguay so bad!
Honestly, I never paid attention on your country until I get to know you Polenta.
Thank you for sharing your culture.
And thank you TD for us to meet all those people through arts!

405. 3 Oct 2010 06:14


this is a reply of the very first message of this topic, and the following about MORRIS vans. I found amazing similarity here in Italy.
1. about the shoes in Polenta's pic:
look here: http://www.madonnadellaneve.frosino

2. about MORRIS Van which Login was talking about,
look here:

my grandma's husband himself drove this car in the '50s, He carried me and my cousin to school in it when I was 6 yr old!

406. 3 Oct 2010 07:26


Clorophilla, I couldn't open your link to the ciocie but I found this: .jpg&imgrefurl= bKhf5M=&h=220&w=288&sz=52&hl=es&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=Hxc8crqZPMikNM :&tbnh=141&tbnw=185&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dciocie%26hl%3Des%26sa%3DG%26biw%3D1090%26bih %3D428%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=263&vpy=88&dur=1000& hovh=176&hovw=230&tx=129&ty=150&ei=aqCoTMesFYaBlAfspJm8DA&oei=aqCoTMesFYaBl AfspJm8DA&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0

407. 3 Oct 2010 07:28

maybe this one works

408. 3 Oct 2010 07:37


Yes, they look incredibly similar. The only thing is that the ones I've described don't have any sheep skin and the shoes are not pointed. The straps around the leg work in the same way.
Here you can see some people with these cloth shoes.

As for the van, yes, my father's was almost like this except that the door was not completely made of wood but only the window's frame.
Thanks for reminding me. Good memories....

409. 3 Oct 2010 11:50


there was an exceedent space in the link :-/

I read that those shoes stem directly from the ancient roman "calzari"!

410. 3 Oct 2010 15:28


these shoes are almost the same but these look like leather, doesn't it?
Wasn`t there a film with Sofia Loren called "La Ciociara" for which she won an Oscar award?