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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

401. 19 Mar 2010 21:17


Thanks skynyrd....appreciate your prayers very much!

402. 20 Mar 2010 04:08


Prayers are good and a positive attitude also. Some of you know that
I was diagnosed with cancer last December and I had surgery in February
and now will have some radiotherapy. It's very frightening the whole
process but I truly believe that prayers from family and friends got me
through this...the outlook looks good but there is a small chance of
it coming back. STAY POSITIVE everyone and I PRAY and think of you

403. 20 Mar 2010 12:02


Indigo you are in my prayers and I know how important it is to stay positive.

I've been wanting to ask you if you are taking any supplements to help build your immune system ? My husband and I started taking some last fall and saw such a remarkable change in our overall health that I decided to become a distributor. I mention this to you because my husband has had a spot on his lung as well as smoldering leukemia. Neither have not shown up on tests since we've been using this supplement. This is also the first winter that we haven't had the flu, a cold or even as much as the sniffles.
I can give you more info if you're interested. I'm not a big salesperson, so only recommend to friends and family. It is an excellent product though from the feedback I've gotten from others who have tried it.

404. 20 Mar 2010 16:00


Praying for you all.

Please add my grandma to your prayer lists again. She can't hardly walk without help.

405. 20 Mar 2010 18:51


406. 21 Mar 2010 13:58


God bless you, indigo. Keep up the smiling

Still praying, Nyle, you know that.

My love is free for the taking, I'll keep checking in.

407. 21 Mar 2010 17:35


Sending prayers your way and hope they surround you in comfort!

408. 22 Mar 2010 18:49


I want yall to pray for potatosoftheworld shes going through alot.
Pray for all us young girls.

409. 23 Mar 2010 18:59


I want you all to know that I pray for any of you with probs and I know that God will anser my prares soon !

410. 28 Mar 2010 20:27

it goes well with this thread=)

Hope is powerful with prayer
God bless all of you, just want to let you know im still praying.

411. 30 Mar 2010 08:42


Hey everyone, we're still not sure what's going to happen with the house... we are hoping to sell it before it gets auctioned in June. Also, we are trying to find a Van because ours was totaled in an accident...everyone's ok (Thank God).
Thanks for praying for us, please continue to pray=)

412. 30 Mar 2010 08:46


Praying for you Pollyesther! Sorry about your van, but glad no one was hurt.

413. 30 Mar 2010 10:10


Pollyester my hopes and prayers arw with you...........

414. 30 Mar 2010 11:00


Me too Pollyesther, I pray all turns out well and also very happy
that no one was hurt in the accident.

415. 9 Apr 2010 11:51


Update: Our plan is to move out ASAP, stay with my Mom for a short time, do repairs and get the house ready to sell and at that point we will be heading down to California...Great news, he has a job lined up for when we get there.=)

416. 9 Apr 2010 11:56


Thanks so much for praying! God bless all of you, I'm praying for you too.
Please pray for my brother, he has been going through a lot and has a new son on the way, please pray for the health of the baby and for him to find peace in his life.

417. 9 Apr 2010 16:42


That is great Pollyesther! And I will pray for your brother.

418. 13 Apr 2010 07:36


Please pray for Grandma and the doctors. They are doing tests to find out why she can't feel her hands or feet, but things are moving slowly.
Also pray for Grandpa, he is hopefully getting knee surgery done soon. Which means he won't be able to take care of Grandma for awhile, but it should make him happier in the long run.

419. 13 Apr 2010 21:47


Good news Polly...will pray for your brother and baby.

Also praying for your Grandparents, Jocelyn.

420. 16 Apr 2010 03:21


I would like to thank everyone who said a prayer for my mom.She is better now,the doctors still don't know what went wrong,except that she had alot of stomach acids,and it started eating her stomach lining,but the doctors got that mostly stablelised.Thank you again.
Then to Nylecoj I will say a prayer for your grandparents,and to polly for your brother aswell.