Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Challenge XXXX: Camelot

41. 8 Jun 2010 17:38


Got it Q will make careful note of who created what before I post the winner

42. 8 Jun 2010 20:32


Whew! thanks Qsilv for pointing this out. Although I give Methinks props for getting my pic into the challenge.

43. 9 Jun 2010 02:41


3. Third place for his excellent picture of Merlin the poet goes to bhughes

44. 9 Jun 2010 02:47


2. Second place goes to a very stylish picture depicting a scene, starring Sean Connery as King Arthur - the kneeling figure catches the light beautifully and his grasping of the hilt of his sword is dramatic with reflections cast this is a wonderful picture. Well done Qsilv.

45. 9 Jun 2010 02:48


Second place picture:

46. 9 Jun 2010 02:55


1st (First Place) and my overall WINNER of the Camelot challenge, the person who will receive the position of host of Challenge XLI .....IS Clorophilla with her superb Round Table scene depicting the Knights in all there glory laying down their swords in fealty to King Arthur, little details are abound in this wonderful picture and it's the attention to detail that has won this challenge, so step forward CLOROPHILLA and receive the digital baton amidst the applause of Think Draw patrons everywhere....I give you the winning picture: CONGRATULATIONS - CLOROPHILLA

47. 9 Jun 2010 02:56


48. 9 Jun 2010 09:31


Congrats, Clorophilla! ...looking forward to the next challenge you come up with.

And steve, thanks so much for a theme with great scope.

49. 9 Jun 2010 12:02


Yes, thank you, Steve for a fun challenge! Congratulations, Chlorophilla, on your picture -- I am also looking forward to the next topic to challenge our imaginations.

50. 9 Jun 2010 12:57


Thank you steve, and overall for this beautiful challenge!
I have some idea, let me gate some exemples and I'll let oyu know very soon!

51. 9 Jun 2010 19:16


Congrats Clo!!! Whoo hoo!! as well Congrats Qsilv for the silver!!! Yea!! As for me... Thank you Steve, it was an honor to be nominated and I got third... yahoo!!! I'd like to thank the academy >>> (Just kidding) Twas fun.