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41. 3 Jul 2010 05:31


Wait until you see the goodie that I brought for the adults (you underagers can enjoys this plate of gingerbread hearts(.
Here is a bottle of liqueur that I'd been trying to find being sold locally for 2 years. Domaine De Canton French Ginger Liqueur With VSOP Cognac.
How marvelous this stuff is. It has a very strong ginger bite and a nice sweetness to round out the experience, If Baldur were not dieting he would test his theory that this would be excellent poured on top of French Vanilla Ice Cream.
I had stopped into a store to buy a couple bottles of Yellowtail Shiraz and checked the liqueur aisle, not expecting to be successful.
Surprisingly they had several bottles at an excruciating $35 USD per.
Oh but this is so lovely.
There used to be a 'Canton Fine Ginger Liqueur' made in the People's Republic of China, but it had limited availability here despite gaining quite a cult following. By the 1990s it completely vanished from the marketplace.

42. 3 Jul 2010 05:35


Now Baldur is trying to figure out how he can afford to buy a few bottles to squirrel away in case this too vanishes from the world of spirits.

43. 3 Jul 2010 05:54


Ooh, Sheftali is drooling over all the goodies and Baldur's exotic liqueur. Sheftali brews a pot of tea and joins all the revelers at this marvelous gathering (a virtual garden party--does it get any better?)

44. 3 Jul 2010 06:08


umm.. marg nervously shuffles around the back of the party, trying to catch someone's eye

(only figuratively, of course - not as in ' catcher-of-the-rye')..

45. 3 Jul 2010 06:13


oh no .. so sorry, everyone, I wish I could delete the last comment, but it seemed funny at the time...]

46. 3 Jul 2010 06:28


marg sits down quietly at the gate, having donned the sackcloth shirt (which is extremely itchy) and the penitential hat (which keeps talking to her)

she tries to keep her bare feet out of the puddles surrounding sheftali and puzzler, and waits patiently for polenta to arrive (well done, so far, Uruguay !)

Marg is hoping that her buddy, Login, has remembered to bring a bottle of vodka and some of those interesting herbal cigarettes that they bought on that trip to the Dolomites (or wherever it was when they all got lost), rather than the corgi that she brought last time [ when she claimed 'Liz' asked her to take it for a walk).

47. 3 Jul 2010 06:40


laughing to tears ...and don't want to leave the virtual garden party to go attend a real weird is that?

48. 3 Jul 2010 07:24


marg surreptitiously moves her feet away from mdawrcn, as well.. but hopes that md may return soon with some goodies snaffled from the other 'real' garden party..

49. 3 Jul 2010 08:06


Well, I'm coming , the plane will land in few minutes...typing from my mini computer I always carry with me..I'm getting with me: TIA MARIA-for those who love coffee-Liqueur, Spumante Italiano, Ciro' Rose', Matheus Rose' and Lacrima Christy, Iced Limoncino, ...getting some wonderful Egyptian sweeties, Italian Hot Pizza and Focaccia.. and of course I'm carrying ME..LOL !!!Have you got all the glasses and plates needed??? Be ready, I'm going to "BELLY DANCE " for you all!!!

50. 3 Jul 2010 08:27


Dragon decides this party needs a little traditional Canadian cuisine and pulls out the stash of Back bacon, ketchup chips and Poutine (Dragon will happy snack on the first two but really hopes she does not have to take any poutine home) and a bottle of Canadian Club. (marg and her sackcloth shirt are welcome to join me, sackcloth doesn't itch dragon scales.)

51. 3 Jul 2010 12:15


Steve happily lends Baldur some money to buy his Ginger Liquor, sits back against the Willow tree and listens to some soft music whilst sipping Tia Maria laced coffee. Dragon expertly fires up a charcoal grill and it's not long before the back bacon is sizzling seductively. The glowing coals reflect off the jewelled scales of Dragons crest, and dying embers lift up into the umber sky as the sun slowly dips beneath the horizon. A Taxi pulls up and out pops danila and a large box containing pizza, focaccia and other treats to add to the growing party.

52. 3 Jul 2010 12:42


Midnight decided to gate crash to party, but has somehow gotten lost in a bad part of town. As she tries to decipher the map, she hopes that the tin of homemade peanut brittle she brought doesn't melt in the stifling heat.

53. 3 Jul 2010 12:56


Just follow the smells of bacon and ginger liquour, you can't miss us.

54. 3 Jul 2010 14:09


Anyone for chocolate Eclares? I dont think I spelled that right but i brought plenty of them.

55. 3 Jul 2010 14:21


i think this is a awesome thread! and im so glad tht my 2 friends (real friends, i actually do know them) belle7991 and fan24 got on 1 of the lists! altho i wud like to add ItsMe92 to the list, she did very awesome pic of crocodile. (she is also my real friend)

56. 5 Jul 2010 23:19


We can't have a garden party without seeing the garden ... here's a pretty corner, drawn by Lizzi:

57. 5 Jul 2010 23:28


Oh gocards, walk with me through this lovely arch:

I'm following hjjr into the zen garden:

sheftali is beckoning to us:

I'll just bobonahead to the stream:

Look what lilalee has found:

Oh,oh ... there had to be one exhibitionist. Gocards, you're beautiful but put your clothes on, there's a dear:

There will now be a short intermission.

58. 6 Jul 2010 05:09


how's this, Login ? ..

Gocards obviously had some of Baldur's Ginger Liquor (courtesy of Steve).. and may have been feeling a bit warm, after standing too close to Dragon and the frying bacon..

and apple does go so nicely with bacon (er, doesn't it ?)

59. 6 Jul 2010 06:11


Ah, Marg! I've been looking everywhere for you. How did you achieve that ... did you confiscate Baldur's Ginger liqueur?

60. 6 Jul 2010 06:14


Jeannie5511 ... come down lass ... you'll fall!