Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Challenge XXXI - Cast Shadows

41. 5 Mar 2010 05:56


May I add mine -

42. 5 Mar 2010 15:39


spam -- "May" you?? lol.... yep!

This is providing some remarkably well thought out pieces... I was a mite worried there the first day or two, utterly needlessly as it turns out. You guys have SUCH good spirits and interesting minds.

Ok folks... here comes the weekend... two full days to play with possibilities in these silly things

....AND that new palette with its transparent pieces offers a whole new dimension!

43. 6 Mar 2010 04:25


just a contribution for sharing experimenting

44. 6 Mar 2010 15:35


Here's a bit of a ghostly egg for you!

45. 6 Mar 2010 19:40


niiii-ice, both of those!

ok ok, I neeeed to experiment with that new palette myself... and I've got two drawings in mind, but man oh man that palette's so rich I'm not sure where to start!

46. 7 Mar 2010 12:31


soooooooo... I started by spending an indecent amount of time tinkering with something that definitely fulfills Heidi's Mugdots challenge for a cup or mug or wineglass... some beloved drinking vessel... in my case, teacups... and it just MAY work here too.

Beleek is a particularly fine porcelain, with excellent transparency. So what I've tried to accomplish here is not merely the shadow cast onto the table (admittedly coarse -- I don't have control of that yet in this new palette), but also the shadows between the gently fluted/scalloped sections AND the quality of 'glow' coming through on the left when the light source is largely from the right...

47. 7 Mar 2010 12:35


48. 7 Mar 2010 13:52


49. 7 Mar 2010 15:44

Heidi2323 Feeling silly entry.

50. 7 Mar 2010 15:52


*grinning... feeling silly entries are a huge part of the fun around here.

I'm loving the rich bright colors you guys are entering!

Now I've got several hours of RL work, so the deadline is unofficially extended til I get enough done to rise above my guilt quotient... probably won't choose a winner til at least midnight, maybe even morning.

Have fun! Play nice! ;>

51. 8 Mar 2010 01:31


Well, so... I can add the last minut pic.
It can't miss this kind of shadow for this collection

52. 8 Mar 2010 14:17


53. 8 Mar 2010 18:07


oookay, folks.... here it comes.... with my apologies for being later than I'd predicted. I actually thought I had a pretty clear idea of who it would be, just needed to narrow it down a tiny bit more based on one last look at the pictures themselves in full size...

So I started going through them this morning, jotting notes on all of 'em for the final commentary.... and suddenly realized it was anything BUT a simple choice!

How on earth did such a difficult exercise produce such a harvest??

15 artists (granted, a couple were dragged here not exactly on their own) not including me

38 pieces (plus the two examples I gave and 2 of my own new ones) and all of them gave me such pleasure! THANK you!

Special thanks to Shanley who early on offered a link to a whole article on the intricacies of shadow.

I'll just say flat out that there are a handful I haven't been able to get out of my mind... don't need to look back in here to remember them. Among those are stevedover's moonlight cottage and gebbeth, and Clorophilla's eclipse! But oh those apples... the still lifes... oh just any figure that stood starkly... lol...

Since I can't easily get away with splintering the silly thing 3 ways, much less 5 or 15, I'm hereby exercising my right to be utterly arbitrary, passing the baton to...

marg ! ...for that combination of shadows & reflections-- "casting shadows"

54. 8 Mar 2010 18:37


Good choice. Congrats, Marg.

55. 9 Mar 2010 02:26


waaahh ???

56. 11 Apr 2010 04:57


Although this challeng is well gone, I'd like to add my last pics, because the aim was mainly to achieve a good result on shadows...