Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - New Feature...

41. 4 Feb 2010 07:13


Mixed feelings.

At first, I thought it was great, especially with the recent influx making the gallery change so quickly. Then, I started to add favorites to follow, and I realized the list was starting to get so long that scrolling through my update page (which shows one image at a time rather than rows like the gallery) takes me too long and defeats the purpose of the following feature. There was a tradition in Twitter before it got so popular of following those who follow you -- one of the reasons I have avoided Twitter. I would much prefer to have a place to put quick links to other artist's gallery's rather than get updates as they submit pictures.

I do wish we had the option of keeping our "favorite" artist list private. I think it should be a choice. If someone wants to make it public, he/she should be able to, but the default should be private.

(Oh, just stop competing over your the number of favorites

42. 4 Feb 2010 07:48


I love the updates because i don't want to miss anything..i'm very eagerly anticipating the new theme!!! Thanks for all your work to make this website so much fun!

43. 4 Feb 2010 08:11


after reading previous posts i do agree that the follow lists should be private if possible. i'm still thrilled with the new feature though=)

44. 4 Feb 2010 09:17


It's gone ... The new feature has disappeared.

45. 4 Feb 2010 09:28


I still have the follower feature on the profile page -- the updates link is gone. I'm guessing it might have overloaded and needs tweaking; a little while ago, think draw was down in its entirety for me.

46. 4 Feb 2010 09:35


Oh and i was so hoping that it was down because they were giving us the new theme!

47. 4 Feb 2010 09:38


I tried accessing TD a few minutes ago and it kept taking me to a 'Think Draw will be back soon' page. And yes, the new feature dissappeared. I totally agree on the privacy option (although we kinda' know our 'stalkers ' and we are also known as 'stalkers ', I liked the way Puzzler put this ). At first i didn't follow to many people, because I imagined something like updates coming every minute. I found the feature of browsing through people's we follow galleries very useful (the one we find along with 'My pictures, 'All pictures', 'My favorites''). Actually I think this should do...

48. 4 Feb 2010 09:54


OPS I loved the update function and the new one..But agree on keeping it private!!Should these functions be would be wonderful!!!Love those applications, I thought I could easily find my favorite artists late creations , to follow the 'GROWING" AND "CREATIVITY" in a much easy way!!The list could easily grow much though!!!

49. 4 Feb 2010 10:10


Couldn't post in another thread, testing to see if I can post here...

50. 4 Feb 2010 10:11


oooops indeed.... I'd really like that UPDATES feature back... please??

(sympathies on the recent server crash)

51. 4 Feb 2010 10:13


I love the update feature, I also liked following my favs but I still go through the gallery as I did before to see whats new! The updates list did get a bit long. Thanks for all the hard work you put into this site, its my fav!

52. 4 Feb 2010 10:19


oooh the length of the updates list is not a problem... it's a major part of the gift!
Imagine how many we lose any indication of if we disappear for a day or two and the tiny group of 5 in the comments tab just gets eclipsed time after time!

Rachel et al... I'm sooo sorry if we/I gave you the wrong impression on that!

53. 4 Feb 2010 10:35


Ditto Qsilv- Please may we have the updates page back. Thanks Rachel, you really do spoil us. thanks

54. 4 Feb 2010 12:02



55. 4 Feb 2010 12:43


Think Draw has spoiled me to the point of not being able to function. I logged on just now to see if the site was back to working properly, and I immediately noticed my updates link was missing. For a moment I simply sat here in front of my computer at a complete loss for what to do next and nearly in a panic.

What if someone has left a comment?! What if someone has drawn a new picture?! How ever will I know???!!!

God forbid I peruse the main gallery or actually revisit my pictures and read through my comments like I have been for months now. *sigh*

I promise not to lose touch with the old ways of Think Draw navigation...but still...could I please have my updates back? Pretty please... With sugar on top...

56. 4 Feb 2010 14:16


... or perhaps a sprinkling of chocolate? We promise to be good for at least a day.

57. 4 Feb 2010 14:19


its like someone snatched a cholcolate bar away from me....

58. 4 Feb 2010 17:12


Hee hee... Rachel stole the cookie...

59. 4 Feb 2010 17:27


I am with Inked on this one... I am lost without my updates toy...

60. 4 Feb 2010 19:42


Me too!