Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Censorship Poll

41. 9 Dec 2009 09:33


This appears to be a finished discussion. But my belated 2 cents...
Yes, I am offended and do no wish to look at this pic.
No, it need not be censored, as I am perfectly able not to look, as others are to look. I agree with Coho & Qsilv - this is a part of the culture of many people in our society. I don't need to censor any of them until they try to force their belief systim upon me. They have not done so.

42. 9 Dec 2009 10:05


At this point I'm seeing a dozen people clearly in favor of uncensoring the blasted thing, and a couple who are noncommittal on the censorship per se but simply want the blasted discussion to go away.

hmmm.... so now my own besetting sin is aroused... curiosity. Is there any particular reason not to give as much power to 12+ members of this community who are willing to put their names out here in public as to 3+ who simply click a Report button anonymously?

43. 9 Dec 2009 10:10


No reason whatsoever, Q. Maybe then we can let the issue rest.

44. 9 Dec 2009 13:04


Rest? I don't think I can rest until the picture is uncensored. Is it yet?

45. 9 Dec 2009 13:24


Qsilv, I hope you don't count me in with the 12+, as I really don't care either way. My previous comments were meant to be thought provoking, not to be interpreted as supportive. Rules is rules, as far as I'm concerned.

46. 9 Dec 2009 13:38


That one pic of Matthew's is deliciously gory, it shouldn't be censored.

47. 9 Dec 2009 13:45


And what does your brother 'baddymean08' think?

48. 9 Dec 2009 13:48



49. 9 Dec 2009 14:00


Who knows! But on solange62's picture of Mom and kid 2, addyirene08 wrote in her comment about herself and maddyjean that, ' we share the same brain'. So possibly we are looking at conjoined twins here!!

50. 9 Dec 2009 14:12


OMG! Guess what, there was this one time, that me and my sister Kimberly were at the bus stop and she got stung by a bee in her neck, and then I started feeling pain in my neck, too!! It was so cool!!!!!!

51. 9 Dec 2009 14:47


You're lying, she didn't get stung in the neck. Trust me, bee stings are a serious thing and you don't get the same feeling from another person. Like once, me and Nikita were in her basement and she started feeling a breeze and she's like "try to feel it like I do" and I tried but I couldn't so you're lying. So there!

52. 9 Dec 2009 14:50


A lot of us are feeling a pain in the neck.

53. 9 Dec 2009 14:51


Yeah, but she said hers felt like a beesting. That's ilogical...... So there!

54. 9 Dec 2009 15:14


No, no-o-o, puzzler ... not three of them !?

55. 9 Dec 2009 15:24


Lol Login! Soon there will be so many of them, they will effectively be talking to themselves the whole time!!

56. 9 Dec 2009 15:34


3 what?

57. 10 Dec 2009 02:12


.. is Rachel supposed to wade through all this ? .. can't we, at least, keep this one forum relatively focused ?

58. 10 Dec 2009 03:40


Ok, ok, Marg's right. I second, or whatever, this motion!!! The pic lives on!!!

59. 10 Dec 2009 17:01


That pic shouldn't be deleted!! Or blocked

60. 11 Dec 2009 10:51


Quite right, matthew.