Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Flowers for Matthew's mother (real ones)

41. 11 Aug 2009 15:26


You wouldn't.

42. 11 Aug 2009 15:27


That being said, I will no longer address this issue here.

43. 11 Aug 2009 15:28


Good, show respect.

44. 11 Aug 2009 17:08


It's nice that Baldur and Matthew can still joke. I don't think it's disrespectful.

45. 11 Aug 2009 17:13


ditto Luna, well said.

46. 11 Aug 2009 18:08


Baldur & I have nothing but respect for each other & to have some "unknown" person jump in all pissy like that is a crock of shit... Did your mama not teach you anything ThinkdrawUS??? Why would you come here & stir things up in such a love filled setting???

47. 11 Aug 2009 18:09


You are welcome to say sorry & all will be forgotten...

48. 11 Aug 2009 18:14


That said... now I must get back 2 my hunting...

49. 11 Aug 2009 19:11


I haven’t been drawing lately, but I do keep up with the forums and the gallery daily. And, Matthew, I’ve read a great many of your comments and posts during these last few days. You’ve been nothing but helpful and supportive to us all. From your tips to your kind words to your innocent banter…to be able to offer so much encouragement and optimism during a time of such personal hardship…well…it speaks volumes for your character. And I obviously cannot speak for everyone but I know I can always count on you to make me smile. I just wanted you to know.

50. 11 Aug 2009 20:09


Well said inked_gemini.

51. 12 Aug 2009 08:17


My condolences on your loss, Matthew. Luna and Matthew, I'd like to make a suggestion. Perhaps instead of flowers, we could encourage people to donate to a breast cancer charity in memory of Matthew's mother? It would seem a fitting tribute to her, and just as personal in my opinion.

I also think we should consider that other people have lost loved ones recently, too, and no such gesture was made. Arty lost her beloved husband not too long ago, but no mention of donations for her. That's why I think the suggestion of a charity would be more appropriate. People can choose the charity, or perhaps you could recommend one.

Just a thought.

52. 12 Aug 2009 08:26


I think that donating to a cancer charity is a wonderful idea. Cancer lives, flowers die.

Also, if you do for one person, you should collect for all.

53. 12 Aug 2009 09:03


The flowers chosen are an arrangment of living annuals and perennials that, if Matthew chooses, can be taken home and planted to bloom and reseed for many years. (Baldur can advise him) I prefered for the flowers to live and the cancer to die.
15 people chose to contribute. They were free to donate to charity, or to do nothing. Almost everyone has been loving and supportive.

54. 12 Aug 2009 09:10


What about others? That's not right. I'm sure others feel the same way.

55. 12 Aug 2009 10:14


I believe Luna suggested a flower arrangement for matthew and his family because she has cultivated a friendship with him on this site and saw a way she could help them with some support.
Making donations for cancer research and other charities is a wonderful idea though. It would be a nice thing if we all made a small contribution to a charity and posted about where we donated and why. I'll start, I donated to the Firefighters Burn Unit in Calgary. I did so because my boyfriends uncle was burned terribly in a work accident (he worked for BC Hydro and was electrocuted by a high power line) he was sent to the Burn unit in Calgary and was treated with a great degree of success and is now home and able to cope on his own.

56. 12 Aug 2009 10:34


wow this place is hardcore eh?
reading all this is gonna take some time but already looks better than 'Desparate Housewives'

57. 12 Aug 2009 10:35


If I buy lunch for somebody, am I wrong for not buying lunch for everyone in the restaraunt??? If I fall in love with a woman & make her my wife, am I wrong for not sharing my love with all women? If I comment on a picture I like on Think Draw, am I wrong for not taking the time to comment on every single picture ever draw?

Luna & others did a very loving thing, are they wrong for it?

It amazes me that such a thing would be attcked. Are you also upset that Mother Tereasa did not show love & charity to every living human in need? Really?

58. 12 Aug 2009 13:55


Friendship should never bow to politics.

Luna was kind enough to send me a link to the flowers purchased and they are beautiful and hardy. (I won't post that; matthew won't be able to help himself.)

Anyone who would like to can at anytime donate to a charity of his or her choice or a specific one to honor a friend.

Luna made a very kind offer to all of us here to collect money in a secure way to send flowers. It is a beautiful gesture of friendship on her part and one that is personal.

If you want to send a donation to a charity do so but don't attack or even question the decision to send flowers on this thread IT IS INAPPROPRIATE AND RUDE.

If some one would like to set up a collection to go to charity they may do so.

If some one would like to set up a collection to buy flowers for every person on TD who has or will loose a friend or loved one they may do so.

Leave this beautiful gesture alone; don’t muddy it with your petty comments at this point. It is very small minded of you.

59. 12 Aug 2009 14:51


*** This post has been removed at the request of our users. ***

60. 12 Aug 2009 15:58


Good, I apologize for starting that on that thread, but do not apologize for the content.