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41. 4 Aug 2009 13:24


It's Tuesday folks...

I've got a couple of errands to run. Then I have to watch America's Got Talent and Hell's Kitchen (My guilty tv pleasures are Survivor, American Idol, Hell's Kitchen and America's Got Talent).

Then it's back online to re-read everything.

The torch will get passed sometime this evening. So if you have anything left in the bag you'd better dump it in asap!


42. 4 Aug 2009 13:42


Add "Big Brother" to that whole list and we're talkin'. Thats what DVR's are for. lol.

43. 4 Aug 2009 16:00


we should soooo start a hells kitchen thread!!

44. 4 Aug 2009 16:11


I never got a bag... did you pass those out???

45. 4 Aug 2009 19:35


It's not my bag baby!

46. 4 Aug 2009 19:50


Dang. This one is interesting.

I must admit this off the bat: I wanted to give it to a newbie - to encourage them

But their stuff - while good and even funny - just doesn't hold a candle to two seperate pieces.

So it's a dead heat. A tie.

The winners are: Midnightpoet and Midnightpoet.

Both pieces: "Horror Movie Roads" and "The End" just tickled my fancy.

Congrats Midnight. Please start ThinkWrite XV at your earliest convenience.

47. 4 Aug 2009 20:01


oh, wow.

I am honored, to say the least.

I've been camping this thread all night to see who the new torchbearer was going to be, and hoping they'd get a list up quickly so I could write something. I never, never, never expected it to be me.

Thanks, Ron...I'll get on a new list asap. I'm currently running someone thru a dungeon on WoW, but as soon as I'm done, I'll be back here with a new list.

48. 4 Aug 2009 20:11


As a 'newbie' i'm wondering if I should have indicated in a post script that 7 September 1940 - the title of my entry - was the evening of the London Blitz?? thanks for your comment.

49. 4 Aug 2009 23:03



Your piece was very well done. Concept, plot, use of the list, etc...

And especially writing.

But - this is not a contest for a "winner" per se. We "pass the torch" in lieu of declaring a winner because writing (and writings) are far too subjective.

It's been made fairly clear in previous ThinkWrites that the "best" piece need not necessarily be the "winner". It is entirely, one-hundred percent about what strikes the torch-bearer's fancy.

I personally did not realize the significance of the title of your story. It might have sparked more interest on my part but my personal taste leans so far towards Midnight's pieces that I doubt it would have helped.

I hope this isn't frustrating to you and that you continue contributing.

But this format has kept a lot of the forum-fighting that's been rampant on TD right out this forum.

But please know that I feel your frustration. My own best pieces have been entirely overlooked for torch-passing and some of my off-the-cuff, unedited stuff has garnered me a torch. We're writing to contribute - not to "win".

Also: In the past I have commented on every single piece when I passed the torch. I think I hurt some feelings when I did that. And I realize now that I'm not competent enough to be a critic. So I made the decision to NOT criticize this time even constructively. (Which is odd as I've begged for constructive criticism on my own stuff in the past.)

Thanks for your story and the addendum. It was a pleasure to read and the irony of it is now so much more apparent.


50. 5 Aug 2009 08:29


Thanks for your comments and for taking the time to reply. However, my question was not ‘why didn’t I win?’ It was simply what it was and I think I can glean from your final sentence that the answer to my question is ‘yes’.

I entered the forum because I thought it would be fun, and somewhat encouraging. This line of reasoning was derived from reading the last few threads of Think Write, which also made clear to me that the torch got passed through purely subjective means. (For example, I thought your piece written in the future about Think Write was the most torch-worthy that round.) So it goes.

I will say that for all the hoopla about encouraging new participants and constructive feedback that this particular TW XIV fell short of the objectives it seemed to be concerned with in its previous threads. It would have been helpful to a new contributor if you had stated your change of view at the beginning. Thanks again